The results of recent studies of gender differences in education are l перевод - The results of recent studies of gender differences in education are l украинский как сказать

The results of recent studies of ge

The results of recent studies of gender differences in education are largely in favour of single-sex schools as opposed to coeducational schools.
Most studies worldwide show that girls at single-sex schools attain the highest achievements; boys at single-sex schools are next; boys at coed schools are next; and girls at coed schools do worst of all.
The results in Britain from 800 public schools, single-sex and coeducational, show that the superior performance of students in single-sex schools is not due to socioeconomic factors but appears instead to be due to single-sex education.
In Mill Hill, the country high school was divided up into a girls' wing and a boys' wing in 1994. Since that time, the number of pupils scoring high in GCSE exams has risen from 40 percent of 79 percent. Dr Alan Davison, the principal, comments that “Men and women's brains are different. So, we need to adapt our teaching to this. It is crucial that we in education recognise that.”
But a single-sex education not only tends to better academic achievement; it has also been shown to broaden students' horizons. A British study into the attitudes of 13 and 14 year-old
pupils toward different subjects concluded that students at coed schools tended to have gender-typical subject preferences. However, boys at single-sex schools were more interested in drama, biology and languages than at coed schools, while girls at girls-only schools were more interested in Maths and Science. As a consequence the students v were not constrained2 by gender stereotypes, they were freer to explore their own strengths and interests. Single-sex schools break down gender stereotypes. Coed schools reinforce gender stereotypes.
(4) Moreover, at many coed schools, academic performance suffers as the feeling among students that it's not “cool” to be excited about school. The game of who likes who, who's going out with who, who's cool and who's not, is what's really important at most coed schools. Studies in the United States have shown that students in the single-sex schools have a far more positive attitude toward studying than students in coed schools do. This finding was held for both boys and girls.

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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
The results of recent studies of gender differences in education are largely in favour of single-sex schools as opposed to coeducational schools.Most studies worldwide show that girls at single-sex schools attain the highest achievements; boys at single-sex schools are next; boys at coed schools are next; and girls at coed schools do worst of all.The results in Britain from 800 public schools, single-sex and coeducational, show that the superior performance of students in single-sex schools is not due to socioeconomic factors but appears instead to be due to single-sex education.In Mill Hill, the country high school was divided up into a girls' wing and a boys' wing in 1994. Since that time, the number of pupils scoring high in GCSE exams has risen from 40 percent of 79 percent. Dr Alan Davison, the principal, comments that “Men and women's brains are different. So, we need to adapt our teaching to this. It is crucial that we in education recognise that.”But a single-sex education not only tends to better academic achievement; it has also been shown to broaden students' horizons. A British study into the attitudes of 13 and 14 year-oldpupils toward different subjects concluded that students at coed schools tended to have gender-typical subject preferences. However, boys at single-sex schools were more interested in drama, biology and languages than at coed schools, while girls at girls-only schools were more interested in Maths and Science. As a consequence the students v were not constrained2 by gender stereotypes, they were freer to explore their own strengths and interests. Single-sex schools break down gender stereotypes. Coed schools reinforce gender stereotypes.(4) Moreover, at many coed schools, academic performance suffers as the feeling among students that it's not “cool” to be excited about school. The game of who likes who, who's going out with who, who's cool and who's not, is what's really important at most coed schools. Studies in the United States have shown that students in the single-sex schools have a far more positive attitude toward studying than students in coed schools do. This finding was held for both boys and girls.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Результати останніх досліджень з гендерні відмінності в освіті, в основному на користь одностатева шкіл на відміну від coeducational шкіл.
більшість досліджень показують, що дівчата на світі одностатева шкіл досягти найвищих досягнень; хлопчиків у одностатева шкіл є наступний; хлопчиків у coed шкіл є наступний; та дівчат на coed шкіл не найгірше.
результати у Великобританії з 800 загальноосвітніх шкіл,Одностатева і coeducational, свідчать про те, що на найвищий рівень продуктивності студентів в одностатева шкіл не є завдяки соціально-економічних чинників, але з'являється замість того, щоб бути пов'язано з жодного-секс освіта.
у млинку Хілл, країни середньої школи був розділений на фланзі дівчаток і хлопчиків крило в 1994 році. З того часу, кількість учнів забив у GCSE іспити зросла з 40% до 79 %.Д-р Алан Davison, головного, коментарі з приводу того, що "люди і жіночі мізки є різними. Отже, нам потрібно адаптувати нашу навчання. Дуже важливо, що ми в освіті визнати, що",
Але одного-єдиного секс освіта не тільки прагне до кращого академічні досягнення; було показано розширити горизонти студентів. Британський дослідження ставлення 13 і 14 річний
Учнів до різних суб'єктів дійшли висновку, що студенти coed школи, як правило мають ґендерно-типові параметри теми. Втім, хлопчиків у одностатева школи були все більше цікавить драма, біології та мови, ніж на coed школи, тоді як дівчата на дівчат-тільки школи були більш цікаві з математикою та науки. Як наслідок студентів v2 не були обмежені в ґендерних стереотипах,Вони були вільнішими вивчити свої власні переваги та інтереси. Одностатева школі розподілились ґендерні стереотипи. Coed шкіл посилити ґендерні стереотипи.
(4) Крім того, у багатьох coed шкіл, успішності страждає відчуття серед студентів, що це не 'холодні' буде хвилюватися про школу. Гра про те, хто любить, хто це буде, з яким, хто йому охолонути, який не,Це те, що дуже важливо в більшості coed шкіл. Навчання в США довели, що студентів у одностатева школи мають набагато більше позитивного ставлення до навчання не студенти в coed шкіл. Цей висновок було проведено обидва юнаки та дівчата.

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