Результаты (
узбекский) 1:
My friend’s family.<br>My friend's name is Lavrov. He lives in Moscow. His family is not very large. He has got a wife and two children. His wife's name is Mary and his children's name are Ann and Nick. <br>Lavrov's wife is a young woman. She is twenty nine years old. She's a lecturer. She teaches English at the University of Foreign Languages. She has got very many students. She has not got bad students. Her students do well as a rule. My friend's daughter is a girl of ten. She goes to school. She has got a lot of subjects at school. She also learns English. She works hard and knows language well. She doesn't make many mistakes in English. She likes reading. She also helps her mother at home. <br>Lavrov o'g'li bir oz bola hisoblanadi. Men u besh yoki olti yil oldin tug'ilgan, deb o'ylayman. Uning otasi har kuni ertalab bir yasli maktabga uni oladi. <br>Do'stim bir singlisi bor. U shifokor bo'ladi. Oilali. Eri ham shifokor bo'ladi. <br>Do'stim hech qanday aka-uka bor yo'q. <br>Mening Do'stim xotini, odatda, ularning bobosi va buvisi bilan qolish yozda mamlakatda bolalarni oladi. Ular juda ko'p, ularning nabiralari ko'raman. U, bu yoz yana mamlakatga ularni olib ketadi.
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