RELATIONSHIP WITH PARENTS 1. Do your parents love you? Whether you bel перевод - RELATIONSHIP WITH PARENTS 1. Do your parents love you? Whether you bel украинский как сказать


1. Do your parents love you? Whether you believe they do or no, I have no intention of tying to persuade you one way or the other. Instead, I will tell you just when you find this out for yourselves. Actually not until you become parents yourselves. Then you will know.
2. Mark Twain the great American writer used to say when he was fourteen his father was so ignorant he could hardly stand to have him around But when he was twenty-one he was astonished at how me his father had learned in those seven years.
3. Today your parents may seem to you to be people who keep on saying: "Now when I was young.. "But, believe that is how their parents seemed to be when they were young. Today parents are, in my opinion, more tolerant of the behaviour of their sons and daughters than ever before. I wonder, however, whether you are tolerant.
4. I heard recently of a father who was found sitting on the front steps of his house at three in the morning by a policeman. "What are you doing here?", asked the policeman. "Oh," said the man," I've lost my key sо I'm waiting for my children to come home and let me in. "But few parents stay our "partying" until the early hours of the morning. l wonder how you would feel if your parents started doing this and you had to wait up until they came in? Even if you didn't wait up for them! Would you not be asking such questions as "Where have you been? What have you been doing?" How would you react to their answers? What we all need the young people a those who are older, is tolerance.
5. There are, you all know, black and white keys on a piano. Play them together thoughtlessly, without any rules, and you get discord. But if you understans music and spend some more time practising, you can, with the same black and white keys, produce sweet harmony. Why not try? You start. You'll be surprised at how quickly your people will respond.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
RELATIONSHIP WITH PARENTS 1. Do your parents love you? Whether you believe they do or no, I have no intention of tying to persuade you one way or the other. Instead, I will tell you just when you find this out for yourselves. Actually not until you become parents yourselves. Then you will know. 2. Mark Twain the great American writer used to say when he was fourteen his father was so ignorant he could hardly stand to have him around But when he was twenty-one he was astonished at how me his father had learned in those seven years.3. Today your parents may seem to you to be people who keep on saying: "Now when I was young.. "But, believe that is how their parents seemed to be when they were young. Today parents are, in my opinion, more tolerant of the behaviour of their sons and daughters than ever before. I wonder, however, whether you are tolerant. 4. I heard recently of a father who was found sitting on the front steps of his house at three in the morning by a policeman. "What are you doing here?", asked the policeman. "Oh," said the man," I've lost my key sо I'm waiting for my children to come home and let me in. "But few parents stay our "partying" until the early hours of the morning. l wonder how you would feel if your parents started doing this and you had to wait up until they came in? Even if you didn't wait up for them! Would you not be asking such questions as "Where have you been? What have you been doing?" How would you react to their answers? What we all need the young people a those who are older, is tolerance. 5. There are, you all know, black and white keys on a piano. Play them together thoughtlessly, without any rules, and you get discord. But if you understans music and spend some more time practising, you can, with the same black and white keys, produce sweet harmony. Why not try? You start. You'll be surprised at how quickly your people will respond.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
1. Твої батьки люблять тебе? Чи вірите ви чи ні, я не маю жодного наміру пов'язувати , щоб переконати вас в одну сторону або іншу. Замість цього я розповім вам , коли ви просто з'ясувати це для себе. На насправді не до тих пір стали батьки самі. Тоді ви будете знати.
2. Марк Твен великий американський письменник говорив , коли йому було чотирнадцять років його батько був настільки неосвічені , що ледве міг стояти , щоб мати його навколо , але коли він був двадцять один рік він був вражений тим , як я його батько дізнався за ці сім років.
3. Сьогодні ваші батьки можуть здатися вам бути люди , які тримають на кажуть: "Тепер , коли я був молодий .." Але, вважаю , що це , як їхні батьки , здавалося, коли вони були молоді. Сьогодні батьки, на мій погляд, більш терпимі до поведінки своїх синів і дочок , ніж коли - небудь раніше. Цікаво, однак, є чи ви терпимі.
4. Нещодавно я чув від батька , який був знайдений , сидячи на ганку свого будинку о третій годині ночі міліціонер. "Що ти тут робиш?", Запитав поліцейський. "О," сказав чоловік, "Я втратив свій ключ SО Я чекаю моїх дітей , щоб прийти додому , і нехай мене" . Але мало хто з батьків залишаються наші "вечірки" до ранніх годин ранку. л Цікаво , як би ви себе почували , якщо ваші батьки почали робити це , і ви повинні були чекати, поки вони не прийшли в? Навіть якщо ви не чекати для них! Ви б не задавати такі питання , як : «Де ти був? Що ти робиш?" Як би ви відреагували на їхні відповіді? Те , що ми все потрібні молодим людям ті , хто постарше, толерантність.
5. Є, все ви знаєте, чорні і білі клавіші на фортепіано. Грати їх разом необдумано, без яких - або правил, і ви отримаєте дисонанс. Але якщо ви understans музику і провести ще деякий час практики, ви можете, з тими ж самими чорними і білими клавішами, виробляють солодку гармонію. Чому б не спробувати? Ти починаєш. Ви будете здивовані тим , як швидко ваші люди будуть реагувати.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Відносини%20З%20батьки%20%5Е1.%20робити%20вашого%20батьки%20любов%20ти?%20чи%20ти%20вважають%20вони%20робити%20або%20ні, 20% Я%20мають%20не%20намір%20з 20% зав'язування%20до 20% переконати%20ти%20один%20спосіб%20або%20в%20інших.%20Натомість%20I%20буде%20розповісти%20ти%20просто%20, коли%20ти%20знайти%20цього%20з 20%для%20самі.%20фактично%20не%20до 20% ви%20стати%20батьки%20самі.%20Потім%20ти%20буде%20знаю.%20%5E2.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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