TextFIRST AID STATIONThe other day two medical students had a very int перевод - TextFIRST AID STATIONThe other day two medical students had a very int русский как сказать

TextFIRST AID STATIONThe other day

The other day two medical students had a very interesting talk with Victor. Victor had graduated from the University two years before. He had been working as an ambulance doctor at the First Aid Station for two years. The two friends were greatly interested in the work of the First Aid Station. Victor was glad to answer their questions. Victor said that in case of an accident or a sudden severe illness calls were made to the First Aid Station which was on duty all day round.
The First Aid Station has many ambulances which are equipped with everything necessary for giving first aid and making a diagnosis. The ambulances carry artificial respiration apparatuses, different medicines, such as painkillers, tonics and sedatives; dressings, first aid instruments, such as pincers, scalpels, syringes and others; sets of splints and stretchers. There are special ambulances equipped with everything necessary for reanimation of the organism. All ambulances are radio equipped. This is a very important thing for the ambulance doctor, because it enables him to send the necessary information to the hospital, so that the hospital can prepare beforehand all the necessary instruments for an urgent operation, a blood transfusion or anything else.
The main thing in the work of the ambulance doctor is to make a correct diagnosis quickly. The ambulance doctor must have a deep knowledge of emergency surgery, toxicology, emergency therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, because he must always do his best to give the patient a proper aid on the spot.
While working as an ambulance doctor Victor had had some interesting cases. Last June, for example, a call was made to the First Aid Station. It turned out that a man had been run over by a car. When Victor reached the place of the accident he examined the victim. The man was badly injured, he had an open bleeding wound in his leg, his arm was fractured, there were many injuries, abrasions and bruises on his face and forehead. The man lost his consciousness and was moaning all the time.
First Victor tried to arrest profuse arterial bleeding; he elevated the injured extremity carefully and applied a tourniquet to it. Next he applied a sterile gauze dressing on the man's face and forehead to prevent contamination. Then Victor examined the arm and applied a splint to it. The injection of morphine and camphor having been given, the man recovered his consciousness, but he complained of nausea. It was necessary to transport the patient to the nearest hospital without delay, because the patient was in a very poor state, in which shock might develop as well. The stretcher-bearers laid the patient down on the stretcher carefully and in 15 minutes the patient was brought to the hospital. If the ambulance doctor hadn't given the patient emergency help, the patient would have died.
Once Victor had to give first aid to a boy who was badly burned. He removed only that clothing which was absolutely necessary. The remaining pieces of the clothing were removed from the burned surface with pincers. Victor didn't carry out any other measures to treat the burn, as excessive handling of the burned part could increase pain and cause shock. If Victor had done so, shock would have developed. The burn was covered with a sterile, dry dressing. Doing this Victor tried to handle the burned part as little as possible. As it was a severe burn involving the whole leg and the knee-joint, a splint was applied over the dressing for the immobilization of the injured extremity.
Just the other day Victor was called to a patient with myocardial infarction. Being questioned the patient said he had been suffering from a severe, squeezing pain in the substernal area for two hours. The patient had had such a pain before, but it had been relieved by nitroglycerin. This time the pain was much more severe and it didn't subside after nitroglycerin. Besides the pain radiated to the left shoulder and arm. The examination suggested myocardial infarction.
Victor came up to the ambulance and called up a thromboembolic team. Before the arrival of the thromboembolic team Victor gave the patient an injection of 1 % promidole and 0,1 % atropine, after which the pain considerably subsided. If Victor had not given the patient these injections, the pain would have been too severe. The thromboembolic team having arrived, the electrocardiogram was taken, the blood analysis was made, the prothrombin time was determined. The electrocardiogram and the blood analyses confirmed the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. The patient was transported to the hospital without delay.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
TextFIRST AID STATIONThe other day two medical students had a very interesting talk with Victor. Victor had graduated from the University two years before. He had been working as an ambulance doctor at the First Aid Station for two years. The two friends were greatly interested in the work of the First Aid Station. Victor was glad to answer their questions. Victor said that in case of an accident or a sudden severe illness calls were made to the First Aid Station which was on duty all day round.The First Aid Station has many ambulances which are equipped with everything necessary for giving first aid and making a diagnosis. The ambulances carry artificial respiration apparatuses, different medicines, such as painkillers, tonics and sedatives; dressings, first aid instruments, such as pincers, scalpels, syringes and others; sets of splints and stretchers. There are special ambulances equipped with everything necessary for reanimation of the organism. All ambulances are radio equipped. This is a very important thing for the ambulance doctor, because it enables him to send the necessary information to the hospital, so that the hospital can prepare beforehand all the necessary instruments for an urgent operation, a blood transfusion or anything else.The main thing in the work of the ambulance doctor is to make a correct diagnosis quickly. The ambulance doctor must have a deep knowledge of emergency surgery, toxicology, emergency therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, because he must always do his best to give the patient a proper aid on the spot.While working as an ambulance doctor Victor had had some interesting cases. Last June, for example, a call was made to the First Aid Station. It turned out that a man had been run over by a car. When Victor reached the place of the accident he examined the victim. The man was badly injured, he had an open bleeding wound in his leg, his arm was fractured, there were many injuries, abrasions and bruises on his face and forehead. The man lost his consciousness and was moaning all the time.First Victor tried to arrest profuse arterial bleeding; he elevated the injured extremity carefully and applied a tourniquet to it. Next he applied a sterile gauze dressing on the man's face and forehead to prevent contamination. Then Victor examined the arm and applied a splint to it. The injection of morphine and camphor having been given, the man recovered his consciousness, but he complained of nausea. It was necessary to transport the patient to the nearest hospital without delay, because the patient was in a very poor state, in which shock might develop as well. The stretcher-bearers laid the patient down on the stretcher carefully and in 15 minutes the patient was brought to the hospital. If the ambulance doctor hadn't given the patient emergency help, the patient would have died.Once Victor had to give first aid to a boy who was badly burned. He removed only that clothing which was absolutely necessary. The remaining pieces of the clothing were removed from the burned surface with pincers. Victor didn't carry out any other measures to treat the burn, as excessive handling of the burned part could increase pain and cause shock. If Victor had done so, shock would have developed. The burn was covered with a sterile, dry dressing. Doing this Victor tried to handle the burned part as little as possible. As it was a severe burn involving the whole leg and the knee-joint, a splint was applied over the dressing for the immobilization of the injured extremity.Just the other day Victor was called to a patient with myocardial infarction. Being questioned the patient said he had been suffering from a severe, squeezing pain in the substernal area for two hours. The patient had had such a pain before, but it had been relieved by nitroglycerin. This time the pain was much more severe and it didn't subside after nitroglycerin. Besides the pain radiated to the left shoulder and arm. The examination suggested myocardial infarction.Victor came up to the ambulance and called up a thromboembolic team. Before the arrival of the thromboembolic team Victor gave the patient an injection of 1 % promidole and 0,1 % atropine, after which the pain considerably subsided. If Victor had not given the patient these injections, the pain would have been too severe. The thromboembolic team having arrived, the electrocardiogram was taken, the blood analysis was made, the prothrombin time was determined. The electrocardiogram and the blood analyses confirmed the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. The patient was transported to the hospital without delay.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
текстпункт первой помощина днях двое студентов - медиков было очень интересно поговорить с виктором.виктор окончил университет, два года назад.он работал как врач скорой помощи в пунктах оказания первой медицинской помощи в течение двух лет.двое друзей были заинтересованы в работе станции первой медицинской помощи.виктор был рад ответить на их вопросы.виктор говорит, что в случае аварии или внезапной тяжелой болезни звонки были сделаны в пункт первой помощи, который был на дежурстве весь день ".первую помощь, станция имеет много машин скорой помощи, которые оборудованы всем необходимым для предоставления первой медицинской помощи и постановке диагноза.машины скорой помощи, имеют искусственное дыхание аппаратов различных препаратов, таких как обезболивающее, тоников и успокоительных; перевязки, оказание первой помощи инструментов, таких, как клещи, скальпели, шприцев и других; наборы шины и носилки.существуют специальные машины скорой помощи оснащены всем необходимым для реанимации из организма.все кареты скорой помощи являются радиоаппаратурой.это очень важная вещь для врач скорой помощи, потому что это позволяет ему направить необходимую информацию в больницу, так что больница может подготовить заранее все необходимые инструменты для срочной операции, переливание крови или еще что - нибудь.главное в работе врач скорой помощи заключается в том, чтобы сделать правильный диагноз, быстро.врач скорой помощи должны иметь глубокие знания срочная операция, токсикологии, экстренной терапии, акушерства и гинекологии, потому что он всегда должны делать все возможное, чтобы дать пациентке надлежащую помощь на месте.являясь врач скорой помощи виктор было несколько интересных дел.в июне прошлого года, например, прозвучал призыв к оказанию первой помощи станции.оказалось, что мужчина был сбила машина.когда виктор до места аварии он осмотрел жертву.мужчина был тяжело ранен, он был открытой кровоточащей раной на ноге, его рука была сломана, было много травм, ссадины и синяки на лице и в лоб.мужчина потерял сознание и был стонать все время.сначала виктор пытался арестовать обильной артериальное кровотечение; он повышен пострадавшей конечности тщательно и применяться турникет на него.следующей он применил стерильную марлю одеваться на лице человека и на лбу, чтобы предотвратить заражение.тогда виктор изучила руку и применяться шину на его.инъекция морфина и камфора получили, мужчина нашел его в сознание, но он жаловались на тошноту.необходимо доставить больного в ближайшую больницу без задержки, поскольку пациент был в очень плохом состоянии, в котором шок может разработать, а также.на врача заложили пациента лечь на носилки, тщательно и через 15 минут пациент был доставлен в больницу.если врач скорой помощи не дали пациенту помочь, пациент умер бы.после того, как виктор был оказать первую помощь мальчику, который сильно обгорел.он удалил лишь, что одежда, которая является абсолютно необходимым.оставшиеся куски одежды были исключены из сожгли поверхности с клещами.виктор не осуществлять какие - либо другие меры для лечения горят, как чрезмерное обработки сожженные части может увеличить боль и вызывают шок.если виктор сделал это, шок, будут разработаны.запись была покрыта стерильной, сухой одежды.это виктор пытался справиться с сожгли часть как можно меньше.как это серьезное сжечь с цельной ноги и коленного сустава, шину применялась на протяжении одеваться для иммобилизации пострадавшей конечности.на днях виктор открывается пациента инфаркта миокарда.допрашивают пациент говорит, что он страдает от острой боли, то в substernal районе за два часа.у пациента была такая боль и раньше, но это были заменены нитроглицерин.на этот раз боль была гораздо более серьезным, и она не исчезнет после нитроглицерин.кроме того, боль распространялась на левое плечо и руку.изучение предложил инфаркт миокарда.виктор подошел к машине скорой помощи и позвонил в thromboembolic команды.до появления thromboembolic команды виктор дал пациенту инъекцию 1% и 0,1% promidole атропин, после чего боли значительно снизилась.если виктор не дал пациент эти инъекции, боль была слишком сильной.в thromboembolic команды, которые прибыли, электрокардиограмму был взят анализ крови, было, протромбиновое время было установлено.The электрокардиограмму и анализов крови подтвердили диагноз инфаркта миокарда.пациент был доставлен в больницу без промедления.
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