Though most of the British national newspaper offices have moved to Wa перевод - Though most of the British national newspaper offices have moved to Wa русский как сказать

Though most of the British national

Though most of the British national newspaper offices have moved to Wapping, an area in East London, the name of Fleet Street is still used to describe the newspaper industry.
In South Kensington there are several large museums. The Victoria and Albert Museum with a magnificent collection of fine and applied arts also includes a wide-ranging display of ceramics, metalwork and a selection of Constable's[6] masterpieces which are well worth seeing. The Natural History Museum contains plants, animals and minerals. The Hall of Human Biology enables visitors to learn about their bodies and the way they work. Exhibits in the Science Museum display the discovery and development of such inventions as the steam engine, photography, glass-making, printing and atomic physics. There is a gallery where children can experiment with working models. The Museum of London in the City presents the biography of London, from the founding of London by Romans to the Greater London of today. Within a sguare kilometre or so in London's theatre-land are over thirty theatres, showing a large range of old and modem plays. Smaller "fringe" theatres[7] perform in clubs, pubs and at lunch time.
London is full of parks and green spaces. Hyde Park, originally a royal hunting forest, is the largest park in London. In summer the Serpentine canal which flows through the park is always full of swimmers, rowers and sunbathers. Just south of the Serpentine is. Rotten Row, a fashionable spot for horse-riding, and in one corner, near Marble Arch is Speakers' Comer; where everyone can go and air their views to anyone who will listen. Beyond Hyde Park lies another royal park, Kensington Gardens. Children gather by the statue of Peter Pan, James Barrie's[8] well-known storybook character, or sail their model boats on the Round Pond. In the north of London is Regent's Park with a zoo and an open-air theatre. A trip along Regent's Canal in a riverboat gives a chance to see London Little Venice, a quiet countryside area for rich people only as the land here is very expensive.
Like many capital cities, London grew up along a major river. The Thames divides London sharply in two. Most of central London is on the north bank of the river. The Thames at London is tidal and there have been several serious floods. The risk of this is increasing as southern England is sinking in relation to sea level. Threat of disaster, however, has been lessened by the construction of a flood barrier.
It is always interesting for tourists to take a trip along the Thames in a boat as it gives a striking panorama of London. The best way to see the city quickly is from the top of London red double-decker buses. Special tourist buses go on two-hour circular tours. The other quick and easy way of getting around London is by "tube" — the Underground railway. During the "rash hours", when office workers hurry to and from work, the tube train doors can hardly close behind the crushed crowds.
London is an ancient city. But it is also a living city and like all living cities it is constantly developing.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Though most of the British national newspaper offices have moved to Wapping, an area in East London, the name of Fleet Street is still used to describe the newspaper industry.In South Kensington there are several large museums. The Victoria and Albert Museum with a magnificent collection of fine and applied arts also includes a wide-ranging display of ceramics, metalwork and a selection of Constable's[6] masterpieces which are well worth seeing. The Natural History Museum contains plants, animals and minerals. The Hall of Human Biology enables visitors to learn about their bodies and the way they work. Exhibits in the Science Museum display the discovery and development of such inventions as the steam engine, photography, glass-making, printing and atomic physics. There is a gallery where children can experiment with working models. The Museum of London in the City presents the biography of London, from the founding of London by Romans to the Greater London of today. Within a sguare kilometre or so in London's theatre-land are over thirty theatres, showing a large range of old and modem plays. Smaller "fringe" theatres[7] perform in clubs, pubs and at lunch time.London is full of parks and green spaces. Hyde Park, originally a royal hunting forest, is the largest park in London. In summer the Serpentine canal which flows through the park is always full of swimmers, rowers and sunbathers. Just south of the Serpentine is. Rotten Row, a fashionable spot for horse-riding, and in one corner, near Marble Arch is Speakers' Comer; where everyone can go and air their views to anyone who will listen. Beyond Hyde Park lies another royal park, Kensington Gardens. Children gather by the statue of Peter Pan, James Barrie's[8] well-known storybook character, or sail their model boats on the Round Pond. In the north of London is Regent's Park with a zoo and an open-air theatre. A trip along Regent's Canal in a riverboat gives a chance to see London Little Venice, a quiet countryside area for rich people only as the land here is very expensive.Like many capital cities, London grew up along a major river. The Thames divides London sharply in two. Most of central London is on the north bank of the river. The Thames at London is tidal and there have been several serious floods. The risk of this is increasing as southern England is sinking in relation to sea level. Threat of disaster, however, has been lessened by the construction of a flood barrier.It is always interesting for tourists to take a trip along the Thames in a boat as it gives a striking panorama of London. The best way to see the city quickly is from the top of London red double-decker buses. Special tourist buses go on two-hour circular tours. The other quick and easy way of getting around London is by "tube" — the Underground railway. During the "rash hours", when office workers hurry to and from work, the tube train doors can hardly close behind the crushed crowds.London is an ancient city. But it is also a living city and like all living cities it is constantly developing.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

Хотя большинство британских бюро национальной газеты переехали в Уэппинге, область в восточной части Лондона, название Флит - стрит до сих пор используется для описания газетной отрасли.
В Южном Кенсингтоне есть несколько крупных музеев. Музей Виктории и Альберта с великолепной коллекцией изобразительного и прикладного искусства также включает в себя широкомасштабный показ керамики, металлических конструкций и выбор [6] шедевров Констебля , которые стоит посмотреть. Музей естественной истории содержит растения, животные и минералы. Зал биологии человека позволяет посетителям узнать о своем теле и как они работают. Экспонаты в музее науки отобразить открытие и разработку таких изобретений , как паровой двигатель, фотографии, стекольной, полиграфической и атомной физики. Существует галерея , где дети могут экспериментировать с рабочими моделями. Музей Лондона в городе представляет биографию Лондона, от основания Лондона римлянами в Большом Лондоне сегодня. В пределах sguare километр или около того в лондонском театре-земле более тридцати театров, показывая большой выбор старых и модема игр. Меньшие "Грань" театры [7] выступать в клубах, барах и во время обеда.
Лондон полон парков и зеленых зон. Гайд - парк, первоначально королевский охотничий лес, самый большой парк в Лондоне. Летом Серпантин канал , который течет через парк всегда полон пловцов, гребцов и загорающих. Только к югу от Серпентайну есть. Rotten Row, модное место для верховой езды, а в одном углу, рядом с Marble Arch является Comer Speakers '; где каждый может пойти и свои мнения всем , кто будет слушать. За Гайд - парк находится еще один королевский парк, Кенсингтонского сада. Дети собираются у статуи Питера Пэна, [8] хорошо известного сборника рассказов характер Джеймса Барри, или проплывая свои модели лодки на круглом пруду. На севере Лондона Риджентс-парк с зоопарком и театр под открытым небом с. Поездка вдоль Канала регента в речном дает возможность увидеть Лондон Маленькая Венеция, в тихой сельской местности для богатых людей только как земля здесь стоит очень дорого.
Как и во многих столичных городах, Лондон вырос вдоль большой реки. Темза делит Лондон резко на две части . Большая часть центральной части Лондона находится на северном берегу реки. Темза в Лондоне приливные и там было несколько серьезных наводнений. Риск этого возрастает , так как южная Англия тонет по отношению к уровню моря. Угроза катастрофы, однако, была уменьшена за счет строительства наводнениям барьера.
Всегда интересно для туристов , чтобы совершить поездку вдоль Темзы в лодке , поскольку это дает поразительную панораму Лондона. Лучший способ увидеть город быстро от вершины лондонских автобусов красных двухэтажных. Специальные туристические автобусы идут на два часа круговых туров. Другой быстрый и простой способ получения вокруг Лондона от "трубы" - железной дороги метро. Во время «необдуманных часов», когда служащие торопятся на работу и обратно , трубка двери поезда может чуть близко позади измельченных толпы.
Лондон является древний город. Но это также и живой город , и как и все живые города он постоянно развивается.
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