Every school holiday we worked on the farms. Often it was pea picking  перевод - Every school holiday we worked on the farms. Often it was pea picking  русский как сказать

Every school holiday we worked on t

Every school holiday we worked on the farms. Often it was pea picking but we also harvested runner beans, potatoes, black currents and strawberries – each in their season. Sometimes we travelled quite a distance to work. The incredible thing, looking back on it, was that our parents never seemed to worry about us. Sure enough there were occasional tales of terrible accidents or of children being attacked or kidnapped – but no one thought about such things then.
We would disappear early, on our bikes, and not return until dark. Just the thought of letting my own kids do the same today gives me kittens. But back then, that’s how it was. All the harvesting was paid for by the bag or the box. The faster you worked, the more you earned. In one 5 week season I earned about £400. That was seriously good money in the 1970s – probably the same as my Dad earned. And we knew how to spend. We were always treating ourselves to something. But usually the aim was to pay for a holiday before school started again. Of course we often had family holidays when we were younger. But we kids also took our own holidays. Usually it was camping but my focus was beach holidays. Wales was one of my favourite locations. Again I still can’t imagine how our parents were brave enough to let us go. I can only assume they were not worried: That and the fact that as children they had their own adventures. Both my parents were small children during the war and were evacuated from London to be safe from Hitler’s bombs. They went in the clothes they were wearing plus a small suitcase – sent to unknown (in advance) villages and to the care of strangers. My teenage beach safety for granted.
Nowadays there seems to be a climate of fear around my generation, concerning the safety of our children. Has the world really changed so much? May be it’s just that the media makes us think more about the horrible things that do happen?
Mind you – there was one close shave when I was a kid. It was on one of our Welsh camping holidays. We would have been 15 at the time. I fell asleep on a floating lilo and got swept out to sea. I was only asleep for a second and at first was not worried. I began to swim steadily pushing the lilo back to the beach – but after 10 minutes, to my horror, I was no closer to shore. In a panic I jettisoned the lilo so I could swim properly and then swam with all my strength. After another 10 minutes still I made no progress. Then completely irrationally I started worrying about sharks. I knew that there are no dangerous sharks there but just the thought paralyzed me. I told myself not to panic. The sea was really calm and I knew that the tide had to change at some point. I also knew my friends on the beach would call the coastguard. The shore seemed miles away, exhaustion was kicking in and I realized also that I was cold. Shark fins began to circle in my imagination. I was n despair. You hear about accidents and drowning at sea but never imagine that it’s going to be you.
My rescue was sharp and sudden. Hands on my wrists and ankles and I was swung into the boat. I was absolutely fine when I got back to shore. I am ashamed to say I lied about my age to prevent my parents finding out about it all.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Every school holiday we worked on the farms. Often it was pea picking but we also harvested runner beans, potatoes, black currents and strawberries – each in their season. Sometimes we travelled quite a distance to work. The incredible thing, looking back on it, was that our parents never seemed to worry about us. Sure enough there were occasional tales of terrible accidents or of children being attacked or kidnapped – but no one thought about such things then. We would disappear early, on our bikes, and not return until dark. Just the thought of letting my own kids do the same today gives me kittens. But back then, that’s how it was. All the harvesting was paid for by the bag or the box. The faster you worked, the more you earned. In one 5 week season I earned about £400. That was seriously good money in the 1970s – probably the same as my Dad earned. And we knew how to spend. We were always treating ourselves to something. But usually the aim was to pay for a holiday before school started again. Of course we often had family holidays when we were younger. But we kids also took our own holidays. Usually it was camping but my focus was beach holidays. Wales was one of my favourite locations. Again I still can’t imagine how our parents were brave enough to let us go. I can only assume they were not worried: That and the fact that as children they had their own adventures. Both my parents were small children during the war and were evacuated from London to be safe from Hitler’s bombs. They went in the clothes they were wearing plus a small suitcase – sent to unknown (in advance) villages and to the care of strangers. My teenage beach safety for granted. Nowadays there seems to be a climate of fear around my generation, concerning the safety of our children. Has the world really changed so much? May be it’s just that the media makes us think more about the horrible things that do happen? Mind you – there was one close shave when I was a kid. It was on one of our Welsh camping holidays. We would have been 15 at the time. I fell asleep on a floating lilo and got swept out to sea. I was only asleep for a second and at first was not worried. I began to swim steadily pushing the lilo back to the beach – but after 10 minutes, to my horror, I was no closer to shore. In a panic I jettisoned the lilo so I could swim properly and then swam with all my strength. After another 10 minutes still I made no progress. Then completely irrationally I started worrying about sharks. I knew that there are no dangerous sharks there but just the thought paralyzed me. I told myself not to panic. The sea was really calm and I knew that the tide had to change at some point. I also knew my friends on the beach would call the coastguard. The shore seemed miles away, exhaustion was kicking in and I realized also that I was cold. Shark fins began to circle in my imagination. I was n despair. You hear about accidents and drowning at sea but never imagine that it’s going to be you. My rescue was sharp and sudden. Hands on my wrists and ankles and I was swung into the boat. I was absolutely fine when I got back to shore. I am ashamed to say I lied about my age to prevent my parents finding out about it all.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
каждые каникулы мы работали на фермах.часто это делать выбор, но мы также заготавливаемые бегун бобовые, картофель, черной смородины и клубникой - каждый в свое время.иногда мы отправились далеко на работу.невероятная вещь, оглядываясь назад, заключается в том, что наши родители никогда не было беспокоиться о нас.конечно, существуют отдельные рассказы о страшной аварии или детей, которых избили и похитили, но никто не думал о таких вещах.
мы исчезнет раньше, на велосипедах, и не вернется до темноты.просто подумал, что мои дети так же сегодня дает мне котенка.но тогда, как это было.все заготовки оплачиваются пакет или коробка.чем быстрее ты работал, тем больше ты заработал.в одном из 5 недели сезона, я заработал около 400 фунтов.это было серьезно хорошие деньги, в 70 - е – то же самое, как мой папа заслужил.и мы знали, как тратить.мы всегда были к себе что - нибудь.но, как правило, цель состоит в том, чтобы платить за отдых перед школой начали снова.конечно, мы часто семейных праздников, когда мы были моложе.но мы, дети, также приняла свои праздники.как правило, это было в поход, но мое внимание было сосредоточено на пляже в праздничные дни.в уэльсе была одной из моих любимых местах.я все еще не могу себе представить, как наши родители были достаточно храбр, чтобы дать нам уйти.могу только предположить, что они не беспокоились: это и тот факт, что, как дети, они имеют свои собственные приключения.мои родители были маленькими детьми во время войны и были эвакуированы из лондона, чтобы обезопасить себя от гитлера бомбы.они отправились в одежде, они были одеты в плюс небольшой чемодан – направлять неизвестных (авансом) деревень и уходу за незнакомцев.моя подростковая пляж безопасности должное.
в настоящее время, как представляется, атмосфера страха, вокруг моего поколения, о безопасности наших детей.пока мир действительно изменился?может быть, это просто, что средства массовой информации заставляет думать больше о ужасные вещи, которые случаются?
? – один из близких побриться, когда я был ребенком.он был одним из наших валлийский кемпинг праздники.мы были бы на время.я уснула на плавучих лило и есть смела в море.я только уснул на секунду и сначала не волновался.я начал плавать стабильно толкать лило обратно на берег, но спустя 10 минут, к своему ужасу, я не был ближе к берегу.в панике я аннулируют lilo, чтобы я мог плавать должным образом, а затем плыл изо всех сил.после того, как еще 10 минут до сих пор я не добились прогресса.тогда совершенно иррационально, я начала волноваться о акул.я знал, что не существует никаких опасных акул, но только думал, что парализует меня.я сказал себе, что не паниковать.море было очень спокойным, и я знал, что прилив пришлось изменить в какой - то момент.я также знал, что мои друзья на пляже, назвали бы береговой охраны.берег, казалось, миль, исчерпание надрал в, и я понял также, что мне было холодно.акульих плавников стали круг, в моем воображении.я был N отчаяния.ты слышал о происшествиях и тонут в море, но никогда не представить, что это будешь ты.
моего спасения был резким и неожиданным.руки на мои запястья и лодыжки, и я был качнулся в лодку.я абсолютно нормально, когда я вернулась на берег.мне стыдно говорить, я соврала о своем возрасте, чтобы мои родители узнали про все это.
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