When we become doctors, we should always remember the following things перевод - When we become doctors, we should always remember the following things узбекский как сказать

When we become doctors, we should a

When we become doctors, we should always remember the following things.

As soon as the patient enters the consulting, or when we enter his room, observation should begin immediatly. We look for external signs and symptoms as long as the professional visit lasts.

How do you begin the consultation with the patient? A first requirement is to develope a feeling of sympathy with the patient by your questions, your actions, your interest in him and his troubles. Select and choose your questions well to be adequate for the situation.

Now when the patient begins to tell you his complaints, his sings and symptoms, and various diagnostic terms that have been given to his disease, you should carefully note what he is telling you.

When the patient has finished his description, it is for you to make clear some points he did not give in detaile. Your questions must be understood by the patient well to get a meaningful answer.

When questioning the patient your aim should be to make the patient feel free, so that he tells you everything. The patient must feel at his ease. Never hurry him, that is the worst thing you can do. When you record his symptoms, be sure to have the exact expressions used.

Always ascertain the exact tegion in which the patient feels this or that. When the patient has finished his story, and you have ascertained some points, then is the time to make your physical examination. There again be very observant and note all the visible signs or symptoms in all the regions of the body.

A good physical examination is important. First because only by knowing his physical impairments his past diseases, can you differentiate between Strang, rare and particular symptoms, and symptoms logically depending upon these results i. e. common symptoms.

Secondly, a physical examinations is important to establish the prognosis of the case: sometimes without a physical examination you cannot say if something is malignant or benign. The prognosis may be very different. If there is a malignancy you need more time for the cure than with a benign case if cure is possible.

Thirdly, a physical examinathion is important to establish an exact diagnosis. You might ask why is an exact diagnosis important? It is needes for the administration of a proper treatment.

So you see now how to take the case: first let the patient tell you his symptoms. Secondly try to clear up indis — tinct things precisely by careful questioning. Thirdly make your physical examination.
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Biz vrach, biz har doim. Quyidagi narsalarni yodda tutishimiz kerak kasal maslahat kirib bilanoq, yoki biz uning xona kirib, kuzatish immediatly boshlash kerak. Biz uzoq professional tashrif davom etadi, deb tashqi belgilari va belgilari izlab. Qanday bemor bilan maslahat boshlash kerak? A birinchi talabi savollaringiz, siz harakatlari, unga qiziqish va uning qiyinchiliklar bilan bemor bilan hamdardlik hissi rivojlantirilib hisoblanadi. Tanlang va vaziyat uchun etarli bo'lishi yaxshi savol-ni tanlang. bemor sizga o'z shikoyat aytib boshlaydi Endi qachon, uning kuylaydi va uning kasalligi uchun berilgan alomatlar va turli diagnostika shartlari, siz diqqat bilan u sizni aytaman nima ta'kidlash lozim . bemor uning tavsifi yakunladi qachon u detaile bermasa ochiq ba'zi nuqtalarini qilish uchun, u emas. Sizning savollar mazmunli javob olish uchun yaxshi bemor tomonidan anglab bo'lishi kerak. bemorni so'roq paytida siz maqsad u sizga har bir narsani aytadi, shunda sabr, bepul his qilish uchun bo'lishi kerak. kasal, uning qulay his qilishi kerak. Hech qachon uni tezroq, deb siz, albatta, mumkin bo'lgan eng yomon narsa. Agar uning belgilari saqlanganda, ishlatiladigan aniq ifodalar bor ishonch hosil qiling. Har doim kasal yoki bu his bo'lgan aniq tegion aniqlash. Kasal, uning hikoyasini yakunladi, va ba'zi bir ochko bilib bo'lsangiz, u holda siz jismoniy ko'rikdan qilish vaqti keldi. U erda yana bir juda ziyrak bo'lishi va tananing barcha hududlarida barcha aniq belgilari yoki alomatlar unutmang. A yaxshi jismoniy qidiruv muhim ahamiyatga ega. Birinchi faqat uning jismoniy, nogiron, uning o'tgan kasalliklari bilish bilan, siz Strang, nodir va alohida belgilari orasidagi farqlash, va mantiqiy bu natijalar qarab belgilari umumiy belgilari, ya'ni mumkin, chunki. Ikkinchidan, jismoniy sinovlar ishi prognoz tashkil etish muhim ahamiyatga ega: ba'zan bir narsa yomon xulqli yoki yaxshi bo'lsa, jismoniy ko'rikdan holda siz, ahir. prognoz juda turli xil bo'lishi mumkin. A zararlilik mavjud bo'lsa siz davolash mumkin bo'lsa, yaxshi holatda bilan ko'ra davolash uchun ko'proq vaqt kerak. Uchinchidan, jismoniy examinathion aniq tashxis tashkil etish muhim ahamiyatga ega. Siz nima uchun aniq tashxis muhim hisoblanadi so'rashingiz mumkin? Bu to'g'ri davolash ma'muriyati uchun needes hisoblanadi. Agar ishni qabul qilish qanday endi qarang Shuning uchun: birinchi bemor sizga uning alomatlarini aytib beraman. Aniq ehtiyot so'roq tomonidan tinct narsani - Ikkinchidan indis up tozalash uchun harakat qilib ko'ring. Uchinchidan jismoniy ko'rikdan qiling.

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