To the west of the continent of Europe lie two large islands. The larg перевод - To the west of the continent of Europe lie two large islands. The larg русский как сказать

To the west of the continent of Eur

To the west of the continent of Europe lie two large islands. The larger of them is called Great Britain, and the smaller, Ireland. These two and 5,500 smaller islands form the British Isles.

The island of Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The isle of Ireland is divided into Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is the official name of the country, occasionally referred to as Great Britain, which is, strictly speaking, only a geographic name.

Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea from the west, by the North Sea from the north and west. It is separated from the European continent by the English Channel. The narrowest part of English Channel is called the Strait of Dover. The UK is not a very large country. Its territory is about 244,000 square kilometers, and no point of the country is more than 120 kilometers away from the sea.

At the same time, the population of the UK is a third largest in Europe, comprising about 60 million people. It is incorrect to call everybody who lives in the United Kingdom “English”, as this is the name only for those who live in England. The residents of Wales are named Welsh, while the people of Scotland are called Scottish. The correct common name for English, Scottish and Welsh is British. Those who live in Northern Ireland are called Irish.

The climate of the British Isles is generally mild; it is seldom cold in winter and never too hot in summer. This is due to the warm current of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Stream. Britain was always known as a country of fogs, but now it is not quite so because of the climatic changes: there is maybe less fog than in any other European country.

There are no high mountains and long rivers in the UK. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in the Highlands in Scotland, and the longest rivers are the Severn and the Thames.

Geographically, the UK has a very convenient position, being located on the crossroads from Europe to America. This is one of the reasons why Britain was (and is up to the present time) one of the leading world powers. The capital of the country is London. It is situated on the river Thames.

Britain has an ancient and glorious history. It used to be the great empire “where the sun never sets”. It gave the world many famous scientists, writers, political leaders and explorers, such as Newton, Darwin, Drake, Shakespeare, Churchill and others.

For centuries monarchs ruled Britain. The constitutional monarchy is still preserved in the country, though it is practically no more than a tradition and a tribute to the past. Queen Elisabeth II is the Head of State. Her power is limited by the parliament, which is elected every four yeas. The leader of the party that won the majority during the elections becomes the Prime Minister. In fact, he becomes the head of state and forms the Cabinet. The second largest party forms the official Opposition.

Russia is rich in natural resources, including vast areas of fertile lands and forests, deep lakes and wide rivers. It is rich in mineral deposits, such as coal, oil, iron ore, gas, copper, lead, gold and others.

Russia has a developed industry. It has made a great progress in science and engineering.

The population of Russia is about 150 million people. It is a multinational country.

The highest legislative body of the Russian Federation is the Russian Parliament (Duma). The executive power is held by the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. The President is Head of State.

The Russian Federation is a free union of a number of regions, territories and autonomous republic, for example, Karelia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mordovia and others.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
To the west of the continent of Europe lie two large islands. The larger of them is called Great Britain, and the smaller, Ireland. These two and 5,500 smaller islands form the British Isles.The island of Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The isle of Ireland is divided into Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is the official name of the country, occasionally referred to as Great Britain, which is, strictly speaking, only a geographic name.Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea from the west, by the North Sea from the north and west. It is separated from the European continent by the English Channel. The narrowest part of English Channel is called the Strait of Dover. The UK is not a very large country. Its territory is about 244,000 square kilometers, and no point of the country is more than 120 kilometers away from the sea.At the same time, the population of the UK is a third largest in Europe, comprising about 60 million people. It is incorrect to call everybody who lives in the United Kingdom “English”, as this is the name only for those who live in England. The residents of Wales are named Welsh, while the people of Scotland are called Scottish. The correct common name for English, Scottish and Welsh is British. Those who live in Northern Ireland are called Irish.The climate of the British Isles is generally mild; it is seldom cold in winter and never too hot in summer. This is due to the warm current of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Stream. Britain was always known as a country of fogs, but now it is not quite so because of the climatic changes: there is maybe less fog than in any other European country.There are no high mountains and long rivers in the UK. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in the Highlands in Scotland, and the longest rivers are the Severn and the Thames.Geographically, the UK has a very convenient position, being located on the crossroads from Europe to America. This is one of the reasons why Britain was (and is up to the present time) one of the leading world powers. The capital of the country is London. It is situated on the river Thames.Britain has an ancient and glorious history. It used to be the great empire “where the sun never sets”. It gave the world many famous scientists, writers, political leaders and explorers, such as Newton, Darwin, Drake, Shakespeare, Churchill and others.For centuries monarchs ruled Britain. The constitutional monarchy is still preserved in the country, though it is practically no more than a tradition and a tribute to the past. Queen Elisabeth II is the Head of State. Her power is limited by the parliament, which is elected every four yeas. The leader of the party that won the majority during the elections becomes the Prime Minister. In fact, he becomes the head of state and forms the Cabinet. The second largest party forms the official Opposition.Россия богата природными ресурсами, включая обширные участки плодородных земель и лесов, глубоко озёр и широкие реки. Это богатые месторождения полезных ископаемых, таких как уголь, нефть, железная руда, газ, медь, свинец, золото и другие.Россия обладает развитой промышленностью. Он сделал большой прогресс в области науки и техники.Население России составляет около 150 миллионов человек. Это многонациональная страна.Высший законодательный орган Российской Федерации является российский парламент (Дума). Исполнительная власть принадлежит президент и кабинет министров. Президент является главой государства.Российская Федерация является свободный союз целого ряда регионов, территорий и Автономной Республики, например, Карелия, Татарстана, Башкортостана, Мордовия и другие.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
В западной части континента Европы находятся два больших острова. Больший из них называется Великобритании, и чем меньше, Ирландии. Этих двух и более 5 500 острова Британские острова.ветровому острова Великобритании состоит из Англии, Шотландии и Уэльса. Остров Мэн Ирландии делится на Северной Ирландии и Ирландской Республикой. Англии, Шотландии,Уэльса и Северной Ирландии форме Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Великобритания официальное название страны, иногда упоминается как Великобритании, которая является, строго говоря, лишь географическое название.ветровому Великобритании - Атлантического океана и Ирландское море от западного, Северного моря с севера и запада.Он отделяется от европейского континента, на английский канал. В самой узкой части Английский Канал называется Дуврский пролив. Великобритания не очень большая страна. Его территории составляет около 244 000 квадратных километров, и нет никакого смысла в стране более чем в 120 км от моря.ветровому в то же время, а численность населения в Великобритании является третьей по величине в Европе,
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