IMPORTANT MATERIALS IN YOUR FOODFoods contain different materials that перевод - IMPORTANT MATERIALS IN YOUR FOODFoods contain different materials that африкаанс как сказать



Foods contain different materials that help your body to stay strong and healthy. The most important of these are known to be proteins. They are absolutely necessary for building and repairing our bodies. Proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other
elements, such as phosphorus and sulphur. Proteins are built up of smaller units, the amino-acids. The richest sources of proteins are such animal foods as meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, and such vegetable foods as soya beans, bread, peas.
Sugars and starches, known as carbohydrates, are digested rather quickly and supply energy for the body. They are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Foods rich in carbohydrates are fruit, honey, bread, cakes, potatoes, rice and macaroni.

Fats are also made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fatty foods are considered to be good sources of energy,* but people who eat too much of them become overweight. Fats are found in butter, cream, milk, oily fish, meat, olive oil, sunflower seed oil.

Your body also needs other materials called vitamins and minerals. They are present in small amounts but we know them to be extremely important for the proper functioning and
growth of the body.
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Результаты (африкаанс) 1: [копия]
BELANGRIKE materiaal in u VOEDSEL Foods bevat verskillende materiale wat help om jou liggaam sterk en gesond te bly. Die belangrikste hiervan is bekend dat proteïene wees. Hulle is absoluut noodsaaklik vir die bou en herstel van ons liggame. Proteïene bestaan ​​uit koolstof, waterstof, suurstof, stikstof en ander elemente, soos fosfor en swael. Proteïene opgebou uit kleiner eenhede, die aminosure. Die rykste bronne van proteïene is so 'n dier kos as vleis, vis, kaas, eiers, melk, en so groente kos as sojabone, brood, ertjies. Suikers en stysels, bekend as koolhidrate, is redelik vinnig verteer en energievoorsiening vir die liggaam . Hulle bestaan ​​uit koolstof, waterstof en suurstof. Voedsel wat ryk aan koolhidrate is vrugte, heuning, brood, koek, aartappels, rys en macaroni. Vette word ook saamgestel uit koolstof, waterstof en suurstof. Vetterige kos is beskou as 'n goeie bron van energie, * maar mense wat te veel van hulle eet word oorgewig. Vette word aangetref in botter, room, melk, olierige vis, vleis, olyfolie, sonneblom saad olie. Jou liggaam het ook ander materiaal genoem vitamiene en minerale. Hulle is tans in klein hoeveelhede, maar ons weet dat hulle uiters belangrik vir die behoorlike funksionering en groei van die liggaam.

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