MOSCOW, THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIAMoscow is located in the middle of the Ea перевод - MOSCOW, THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIAMoscow is located in the middle of the Ea русский как сказать


Moscow is located in the middle of the East European Plain. It lies at a height of 30—35 meters above the Moskva River and about 150 meters above sea level, Moscow occupies more than 1,000 square kilometers. The boundary of the city is the Moscow Ring Road, which is situated at 15-17 kilometers from the city center. The city extends for 42 kilometers from the North to the South and for 35 kilometers from the East to the West. More than 10 million people are now living in Moscow.
Moscow is a separate subject of the Russian Federation. It is governed by a mayor and by a 35-member Duma (assembly). As the capital of Russia, Moscow is the seat of the national government. The Kremlin palaces house the majority of offices. The prime minister's offices occupy the House of Government of the Russian Federation, usually known as the White House.
The first wooden fortress (The Kremlin) was built by order of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky on a hill near the Moskva and the Neglinnaya rivers. The date of Moscow's founding was April 4, 1147, when Moscow was first mentioned in Russian chronicles. The Kremlin now is Moscow's geographical, historical and political centre.
The official symbol of Moscow is a dark-red shield, where an ancient Old-Russian subject is depicted: St. George fighting down the Serpent.
Moscow carries out trading communications with about 200 countries. More than 2,500 foreign companies are registered and more than 7 thousand enterprises deal with the foreign capital. About 100 international exhibitions and fairs take place in Moscow every year.
The climate in Moscow is temperate continental. It is mainly characterized by hot summers and very cold winters. The amplitude in annual temperature range is 28 С The cold period starts in October and ends in April. Snow falls in November and stays till March. The warm weather comes in June and stays till September.
The Kremlin, the Red Square, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Bolshoi Theater, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Armory, Novodevichy Convent, St. Basil Cathedral, Arbat Street attract numerous tourists.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
МОСКВА, СТОЛИЦА РОССИИМосква находится в центре Восточно-Европейской равнины. Он находится на высоте 30 — 35 метров над Москвой-рекой и около 150 метров над уровнем моря, Москва занимает более 1000 квадратных километров. Граница города является Московской кольцевой дороги, которая находится в 15-17 километрах от центра города. Город простирается на 42 км с севера на Юг и на 35 километров с Востока на запад. Более 10 миллионов человек в настоящее время живут в Москве.Москва является отдельным субъектом Российской Федерации. Оно управляется мэром и 35 членов Думы (сборка). Столица России Москва является местом национального правительства. Дворцы Кремля дом большинство офисов. Премьер-министра офисы занимают дом правительства Российской Федерации, известный как Белый дом.Первая деревянная крепость (Кремль) был построен по приказу князя Юрия Долгорукого на холме, недалеко от реки Неглинной и Moskva. Дата основания Москвы было 4 апреля 1147 году, когда Москва впервые упоминается в русских летописях. Кремль сейчас является географическим, историческим и политическим центром Москвы.Официальный символ Москвы — темно красный щит, где изображены древние Тема древнерусского: Святого Георгия борьба вниз змей.Moscow carries out trading communications with about 200 countries. More than 2,500 foreign companies are registered and more than 7 thousand enterprises deal with the foreign capital. About 100 international exhibitions and fairs take place in Moscow every year.The climate in Moscow is temperate continental. It is mainly characterized by hot summers and very cold winters. The amplitude in annual temperature range is 28 С The cold period starts in October and ends in April. Snow falls in November and stays till March. The warm weather comes in June and stays till September.The Kremlin, the Red Square, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Bolshoi Theater, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Armory, Novodevichy Convent, St. Basil Cathedral, Arbat Street attract numerous tourists.
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