Friendship means very much in your life. You realize it fully when you перевод - Friendship means very much in your life. You realize it fully when you русский как сказать

Friendship means very much in your

Friendship means very much in your life. You realize it fully when you think how you can live without your friends. In many cases it's unimaginable. That's why the Englishmen say, "A friend in need is friend indeed". The borderline between friends and acquaintances is different in Russian and English culture: Russians often say that close friends are not numerous. You have only from one to three true friends whom you can confide in and share all your troubles. All the others are just those with whom you can spend free time or discuss recent news and popular films. Whereas Englishmen think that anyone with whom you are on good terms is you friend. American view on friendship is even more exaggerated. But, as you know, "So many countries, so many customs". Even friendship is different in different countries ...
As for me, all my friends and acquaintances can be subdivided into three different groups. Firstly, there are those whom I know for а very long time, sometimes even before school. Those friends are not many, but my best friend among them. Secondly, there are my school friends. We were together for so many years that we have very much in common. This fact unites us. And lastly, there are my college friends. We know each other for a short time, but still we are friends, because our interests are similar.
For each person the classification may be different. As my father served in the army, he had many friends there. They are from all parts of our country! It is friendship that makes us stronger! I would like to speak about my closest friend. His name is Sergey. We know each other since early childhood. When we were boys, we went to the country together, played tennis, swam in the river and had fun. We studied in the same school and often helped each other in our homework. When I was а teenager, I had mаnу problems and questions without answers, and I always turned to Sergey for help. I also supported him when he needed it. Now we see each other not so often, because we don't study together.
But we are still very good friends, that will never betray each other.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Friendship means very much in your life. You realize it fully when you think how you can live without your friends. In many cases it's unimaginable. That's why the Englishmen say, "A friend in need is friend indeed". The borderline between friends and acquaintances is different in Russian and English culture: Russians often say that close friends are not numerous. You have only from one to three true friends whom you can confide in and share all your troubles. All the others are just those with whom you can spend free time or discuss recent news and popular films. Whereas Englishmen think that anyone with whom you are on good terms is you friend. American view on friendship is even more exaggerated. But, as you know, "So many countries, so many customs". Even friendship is different in different countries ... As for me, all my friends and acquaintances can be subdivided into three different groups. Firstly, there are those whom I know for а very long time, sometimes even before school. Those friends are not many, but my best friend among them. Secondly, there are my school friends. We were together for so many years that we have very much in common. This fact unites us. And lastly, there are my college friends. We know each other for a short time, but still we are friends, because our interests are similar. For each person the classification may be different. As my father served in the army, he had many friends there. They are from all parts of our country! It is friendship that makes us stronger! I would like to speak about my closest friend. His name is Sergey. We know each other since early childhood. When we were boys, we went to the country together, played tennis, swam in the river and had fun. We studied in the same school and often helped each other in our homework. When I was а teenager, I had mаnу problems and questions without answers, and I always turned to Sergey for help. I also supported him when he needed it. Now we see each other not so often, because we don't study together. But we are still very good friends, that will never betray each other.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
дружба значит очень многое в вашей жизни.ты понимаешь, что она полностью, когда ты думаешь о том, как вы можете жить без своих друзей.во многих случаях это невообразимо.вот почему англичане говорят: "друг в беде - друг действительно".граница между друзьями и знакомыми отличается на русском и английском языках культуры: россияне часто говорят, что близкие друзья, не так много.у вас есть только от одного до трех настоящих друзей, которых вы можете довериться и разделить все твои проблемы.все остальные только тех, с кем вы можете провести свободное время или обсудить последние новости и популярных фильмов.в то время как англичан, думаю, что кто - то, с кем ты в хороших отношениях, это ты - друг.американская точка зрения о дружбе, еще более преувеличены.но, как вы знаете, "очень много стран, многие обычаи".даже дружба отличается в разных странах.как по мне, все мои друзья и знакомые можно разделить на три разных групп.во - первых, есть те, кого я знаю, за одну очень долго, иногда даже до школы.эти друзья не много, но мой лучший друг - среди них.во - вторых, там мои школьные друзья.мы были вместе так много лет, что у нас очень много общего.это объединяет нас.и, наконец, есть моими друзьями из колледжа.мы знаем друг друга за короткое время, но все мы - друзья, потому что наши интересы совпадают.для каждого человека, классификация может быть разным.мой отец служил в армии, у него было много друзей.они со всех уголков нашей страны!это дружба, что делает нас сильнее!я бы хотел поговорить о моих близких друзей.его зовут сергей.мы знаем друг друга с раннего детства.когда мы были мальчиками, мы отправились в эту страну вместе играли в теннис, купались в реке, и было весело.мы учились в одной школе, и часто помогали друг другу в свою домашнюю работу.когда я был подростком, а я м а н в проблемы и вопросы без ответов, и я всегда стал сергей за помощью.я также поддержали его, когда он в ней нуждается.теперь мы видимся не так часто, потому что мы не учатся вместе.но мы все еще очень хорошие друзья, которые никогда не предают друг друга.
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