In the year 55 BC the great Roman general Julius Caesar sailed to Brit перевод - In the year 55 BC the great Roman general Julius Caesar sailed to Brit русский как сказать

In the year 55 BC the great Roman g

In the year 55 BC the great Roman general Julius Caesar sailed to
Britain with about 12,000 soldiers in eighty ships. When they were
near the coast, they saw the Britons armed with spears and swords,
ready to fight them. Still the Roman sol¬diers landed and fought with
the Britons. They won the battle, but did not stay long and soon
depart¬ed. In the following year Julius Caesar came to Britain again.
This time, after fighting the Brit¬ons on the shore, the Romans marched
north-west where London stands today. The British attacked them in
chariots and on foot, but the Romans had better arms and armour, and
were much better trained. The Britons could not stop them. Having stayed
in Britain some time, the Romans left again and did not appear on the
British shores for about a hundred years. Then, in the year 43 AD, the
Roman Emperor Claudius1 sent a general with 40,000 men to conquer
Britain all over again. The British fought bravely, but could not hold back
the trained Roman ar¬my. Soon the whole of the south of Britain was
The Romans were very practical people, and the first thing they
did in Britain was to make and forti¬fy the ports where they landed their
soldiers and sup¬plies. The Roman ports were very well built, with stone
quays and warehouses. There were big cranes, which lifted the cargo from
the ships' holds, and many carts transported goods along the great Roman
roads which ran in long straight lines to different parts of the country.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
In the year 55 BC the great Roman general Julius Caesar sailed to Britain with about 12,000 soldiers in eighty ships. When they were near the coast, they saw the Britons armed with spears and swords, ready to fight them. Still the Roman sol¬diers landed and fought with the Britons. They won the battle, but did not stay long and soon depart¬ed. In the following year Julius Caesar came to Britain again. This time, after fighting the Brit¬ons on the shore, the Romans marched north-west where London stands today. The British attacked them in chariots and on foot, but the Romans had better arms and armour, and were much better trained. The Britons could not stop them. Having stayed in Britain some time, the Romans left again and did not appear on the British shores for about a hundred years. Then, in the year 43 AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius1 sent a general with 40,000 men to conquer Britain all over again. The British fought bravely, but could not hold back the trained Roman ar¬my. Soon the whole of the south of Britain was conquered. The Romans were very practical people, and the first thing they did in Britain was to make and forti¬fy the ports where they landed their soldiers and sup¬plies. The Roman ports were very well built, with stone quays and warehouses. There were big cranes, which lifted the cargo from the ships' holds, and many carts transported goods along the great Roman roads which ran in long straight lines to different parts of the country.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
В год 55 г. до н.э. великий римский полководец Юлий Цезарь отплыл в
Британию около 12000 солдат восемьдесят кораблей. Когда они были
недалеко от берега, они увидели бриттов , вооруженных копьями и мечами,
готовые бороться с ними. Еще римские sol¬diers приземлился и боролись с
британцами. Они выиграли битву, но не задержался и вскоре
depart¬ed. В следующем году Юлий Цезарь снова приехал в Великобританию. На
этот раз, после того, как борьба с Brit¬ons на берегу, римляне двинулись на
северо-запад , где Лондон стоит сегодня. Англичане атаковали их в
колесницах и пешком, но римляне имели лучшие оружие и броню, и
были гораздо лучше подготовлены. Англичане не могли остановить их. Пробыв
в Англии некоторое время, римляне снова налево и не появлялся на
британских берегах уже около ста лет. Тогда, в 43 году нашей эры,
римский император Claudius1 послал генерала с 40000 человек , чтобы покорить
Англию снова. Англичане сражались мужественно, но не смог сдержать
обученную римскую ar¬my. Вскоре вся юга Британии была
Римляне были очень практичные люди, и первое , что они
сделали в Британии было сделать и forti¬fy порты , где они высадили
солдат и sup¬plies. Римские порты были очень хорошо построены, с каменными
набережными и складских помещений. Были большие краны, которые поднимали груз из
кораблей "держит, и многие тележки перевозятся товары вдоль больших римских
дорог , которые шли в длинных прямых в разных частях страны.
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