His dad worked hard to find them work and he even got a gig at a pub I перевод - His dad worked hard to find them work and he even got a gig at a pub I русский как сказать

His dad worked hard to find them wo

His dad worked hard to find them work and he even got a gig at a pub In a nearby town for a Teddy Boys reunion evening.
•They're all mad music fans," ho told Buddy, "so they'll love you. There's a couple of other groups but you lot are top of the bill. It'll be great."
It should have been great, but it was a disaster.
By the time they arrived, the pub was packed with Teddy Boys ail dressed up for an evening out. The second group was just coming to the end of their performance and the noise in the pub was incredi¬ble. Nobody seemed to be listening to the muse; instead, there was a lot of pushing and shouting, and a feeling of violence in the air. Most of the Teddy Boys were old and fat and looked terrible with their big stomachs under their jackets. Buddy was surprised, though, to sec quite a number of young people about his age They seemed to bo the ones who were causing most of the trouble, shoving each other around and looking as if all they v/anted to do was fight
When the second group finished, they quickly set up their equip¬ment on the tiny stage in the corner. The pub was obviously a regu¬lar place where Teds met because the juke-box was filled with old rock’n’roll records, and while they were getting ready Buddy was hor¬rified to hear two of the songs he and the group were going to play.
‘We can't sing thoso,’ he said to Paul, as they started to tune up. v/e'll sound awful after the record ’
‘Nah. it'll be all right," Paul said. "OK. boys, ready?"
Paul waited for the song to stop on the juke-box then he steppGd forward to the mike
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
His dad worked hard to find them work and he even got a gig at a pub In a nearby town for a Teddy Boys reunion evening.•They're all mad music fans," ho told Buddy, "so they'll love you. There's a couple of other groups but you lot are top of the bill. It'll be great."It should have been great, but it was a disaster.By the time they arrived, the pub was packed with Teddy Boys ail dressed up for an evening out. The second group was just coming to the end of their performance and the noise in the pub was incredi¬ble. Nobody seemed to be listening to the muse; instead, there was a lot of pushing and shouting, and a feeling of violence in the air. Most of the Teddy Boys were old and fat and looked terrible with their big stomachs under their jackets. Buddy was surprised, though, to sec quite a number of young people about his age They seemed to bo the ones who were causing most of the trouble, shoving each other around and looking as if all they v/anted to do was fightWhen the second group finished, they quickly set up their equip¬ment on the tiny stage in the corner. The pub was obviously a regu¬lar place where Teds met because the juke-box was filled with old rock’n’roll records, and while they were getting ready Buddy was hor¬rified to hear two of the songs he and the group were going to play.‘We can't sing thoso,’ he said to Paul, as they started to tune up. v/e'll sound awful after the record ’‘Nah. it'll be all right," Paul said. "OK. boys, ready?"Paul waited for the song to stop on the juke-box then he steppGd forward to the mike
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Его отец большую работу для того, чтобы найти их работы и он даже есть Gig в паб в близлежащем городе несносным мальчиков Реюньон вечер.
•они все mad музыкальных фанатов," хо сказал знакомый, "с тем чтобы они понравятся вам. Существует несколько других групп, но вы очень много в верхней части законопроекта. Это большое. "
она должна была бы быть большим, но опасности стихийных бедствий.
к тому времени, когда они прибыли,Паб был упакован с Тедди мальчиков на рассылку на вечер. Вторая группа должна была только до конца их производительности и уровня шума в паб был incredi¬редактируемым. Никто не представляется прослушивания Muse; вместо этого, существует много при нажатии и кричать, и ощущение насилия в воздух.Большинство Тедди мальчиков были старые и жира и с интересом ожидает ужасная с их большой кабинет министров под их куртки. Buddy была удивлена, хотя, с довольно большое число молодых людей его возраста они, как представляется, бо, вызывая большинство кодов неисправностей, толкотни друг с другом и, если все они v/выразила мнение нужно было бороться с
когда второй группы по окончании,Они быстро настроить их оснащения¬заявлением о крошечных этап в углу. В пабе было совершенно очевидно, что это прини¬lar место, где типа ворошит культуру достигнута, поскольку juke-box был заполнен старый рок-н-ролл отчеты, и, хотя они были друг был hor¬rified услышать две песни он и группы были играть.
'мы не умею петь thoso,- сказал он на пол, как они начали Tune up.V/e получите звук ужасной после записи '
'папахен. это все права," Павел. "OK. мальчиков, готов? "
пол ждали песни для остановки на juke-box затем он steppGd вперед к Майк
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