Three years ago, Vanessa Stein 'and her husband Tom took up the fast f перевод - Three years ago, Vanessa Stein 'and her husband Tom took up the fast f русский как сказать

Three years ago, Vanessa Stein 'and

Three years ago, Vanessa Stein
'and her husband Tom took up
the fast food challenge: they
bought the franchise for a McDonald's restaurant near Leeds.
EARLY MORNING is always an effort for
me. The alarm goes off at 6.30 a.m. and
then I have 20 minutes' 'thinking time'
to make some mental lists before I get
io up. I live by lists, actually — it's the best
way to keep things organised.
Recently I've been arriving at our
McDonald's restaurant around 8.30 a.m.
I've mastered the computerised accounts
is now so I'm training one of our floor
managers to help me with the
administration. Eventually this should
give me more time to get involved in
other areas of the business such as
interviewing staff.
Our restaurant is in a retail park
around five miles outside Leeds. Since
we bought the franchise in 1995, we've
already expanded the seating and now
we're looking to expand the restaurant
itself. We have to conform to the
McDonald's standards (quality, service,
cleanliness and value) 0} course, but the
restaurant is actually our own business.
We directly employ some 75 staff, order
and pay for supplies (from 'preferred
suppliers'), take care of any
maintenance or refurbishment, arrange
local marketing, and so on. Around a
quarter of all McDonald's 800 UK
restaurants are franchised.
Buying this franchise was a big move
for us. Tom (my husband) had to do
nine months' training before we could even be considered for a franchise. It
paid off though, and we are delighted
with this place - it boasts* what was the
first Drive-Thru in Yorkshire! - and the
surrounding countryside is truly beautiful.
By 9.30 a.m. I'm ready for a Bacon £
Egg McMuffin and a cup of tea. I'll have
a quick chat with our regular breakfast
customers before opening the post. This brings invoices from suppliers,
marketing and training information
from McDonald's (they run the training
courses but we pay for our staff to
attend), bookings for parties, or perhaps the monthly report from the 'Mystery
Mystery Diners make monthly checks
on every restaurant and Drive-Thru in
the country. All aspects are assessed - food quality and presentation,
atmosphere, quality and speed of
service, restaurant cleanliness and so
on. Staff are often commended by
name, so I pass the news on to them and make sure any problems are tackled.
We're currently eighth in the UK league
which is pretty good.
We have an ongoing dialogue with
McDonald's. A field consultant visits us every two or three weeks, and there are
regular meetings with other franchisees
to share ideas and experience.
Much of my morning is spent
updating computer records. Tax office queries, training records, payroll, etc,
have to be organised. Staff turnover
varies but we can sometimes lose our
casual workers when they go to
university or decide to go travelling.
so There are McDonald's all over the world
now, so their training here really can
open distant doors.
The lunchtime rush* starts around
noon. On the rare occasions that we're
short staffed (e.g. flu season), I'll muck
in and serve customers (memories of my
waitressing days at university!) . I've
even been known to cook fries when
necessary. As with any small business, one has to be flexible but I think it's also
important to focus your energies where
they are most effective. For me, this is
behind the scenes admin work.
My own lunch is a salad or chicken sandwich
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One day in my life (Mc...
By this time, my office looks
like a bomb site* to the untrained eye.
I've usually divided the masses of
paperwork into piles ready to tackle
them in priority order. I have to head off around 3 p.m. to
collect my two sons from school so I
generally end up taking work home. I'll
finish it in the kitchen, listening to Glenn
Miller or the Moody Blues, while also supervising the children's homework,
music practice or whatever.
If I'm doing the end-of-month
figures, I generally have to work into the
early hours. Otherwise I'm in bed any
no time after 10 p.m. I always have three or
four books on the go, Walter Scott or
Jane Austen for example, and usually
one non-fiction — maybe an
autobiography or a political work. I'm glad to say Tom's snoring* was
lasered away last summer, so now I can
look forward to some undisturbed sleep
before another busy day at the
restaurant. Now I think of it, I used to have cravings for McDonald's when I
was pregnant. It must have been a
Источник: английский
Цель: русский
Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Three years ago, Vanessa Stein 'and her husband Tom took up the fast food challenge: they bought the franchise for a McDonald's restaurant near Leeds. EARLY MORNING is always an effort for me. The alarm goes off at 6.30 a.m. and then I have 20 minutes' 'thinking time' to make some mental lists before I get io up. I live by lists, actually — it's the best way to keep things organised. Recently I've been arriving at our McDonald's restaurant around 8.30 a.m. I've mastered the computerised accounts is now so I'm training one of our floor managers to help me with the administration. Eventually this should give me more time to get involved in other areas of the business such as interviewing staff. Our restaurant is in a retail park around five miles outside Leeds. Since we bought the franchise in 1995, we've already expanded the seating and now we're looking to expand the restaurant itself. We have to conform to the McDonald's standards (quality, service, cleanliness and value) 0} course, but the restaurant is actually our own business. We directly employ some 75 staff, order and pay for supplies (from 'preferred suppliers'), take care of any maintenance or refurbishment, arrange local marketing, and so on. Around a quarter of all McDonald's 800 UK restaurants are franchised. Buying this franchise was a big move for us. Tom (my husband) had to do nine months' training before we could even be considered for a franchise. It paid off though, and we are delighted with this place - it boasts* what was the first Drive-Thru in Yorkshire! - and the surrounding countryside is truly beautiful. By 9.30 a.m. I'm ready for a Bacon £ Egg McMuffin and a cup of tea. I'll have a quick chat with our regular breakfast customers before opening the post. This brings invoices from suppliers, marketing and training information from McDonald's (they run the training courses but we pay for our staff to attend), bookings for parties, or perhaps the monthly report from the 'Mystery Diner'. Mystery Diners make monthly checks on every restaurant and Drive-Thru in the country. All aspects are assessed - food quality and presentation, atmosphere, quality and speed of service, restaurant cleanliness and so on. Staff are often commended by name, so I pass the news on to them and make sure any problems are tackled. We're currently eighth in the UK league which is pretty good. We have an ongoing dialogue with McDonald's. A field consultant visits us every two or three weeks, and there are regular meetings with other franchisees to share ideas and experience. Much of my morning is spent updating computer records. Tax office queries, training records, payroll, etc, have to be organised. Staff turnover varies but we can sometimes lose our casual workers when they go to university or decide to go travelling. so There are McDonald's all over the world now, so their training here really can open distant doors. The lunchtime rush* starts around noon. On the rare occasions that we're short staffed (e.g. flu season), I'll muck in and serve customers (memories of my waitressing days at university!) . I've even been known to cook fries when necessary. As with any small business, one has to be flexible but I think it's also important to focus your energies where they are most effective. For me, this is behind the scenes admin work. My own lunch is a salad or chicken sandwichАнглийский с ЛеоLinguaLeo Inc(2 912)FREE - On Google PlayУСТАНОВИТЬВходБыстрая регистрацияДжунглиКурсыПокори языкРусскийКликайте по словам и переводитеOne day in my life (Mc... By this time, my office looks like a bomb site* to the untrained eye. I've usually divided the masses of paperwork into piles ready to tackle them in priority order. I have to head off around 3 p.m. to collect my two sons from school so I generally end up taking work home. I'll finish it in the kitchen, listening to Glenn Miller or the Moody Blues, while also supervising the children's homework, music practice or whatever. If I'm doing the end-of-month figures, I generally have to work into the early hours. Otherwise I'm in bed any no time after 10 p.m. I always have three or four books on the go, Walter Scott or Jane Austen for example, and usually one non-fiction — maybe an autobiography or a political work. I'm glad to say Tom's snoring* was lasered away last summer, so now I can look forward to some undisturbed sleep before another busy day at the restaurant. Now I think of it, I used to have cravings for McDonald's when I was pregnant. It must have been a premonition!
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
три года назад, ванесса стайн"и ее муж Tom взялбыстрого питания, задача: оникупил франшизу в "макдональдс" вблизи лидс.рано утром всегда попыткаменя.сигнализация включится в 6.30.тогда я 20 минут "думать времени"для того, чтобы некоторые психические списки, пока я неио.я живу в списки, на самом деле - это лучшийтак, чтобы все организовать.недавно я был, прибывающих на нашем"макдональдс", около 8.30 утрая справился с компьютеризированными счетовсейчас я тренируюсь один наш этажруководители, чтобы помочь мне садминистрация.в итоге это должнодай мне время, чтобы участвовать вдругие направления бизнеса, такие каксобеседования с сотрудниками.отель в ритейл - паркпримерно в пяти милях лидс.посколькумы купили франшизу в 1995 году, мыуже расширил сидения и сейчасмы пытаемся расширить ресторансам по себе.мы должны соответствоватьMcDonald 's стандарты качества, сервиса,чистота и стоимости) 0}, конечно, норесторан на самом деле наш собственный бизнес.мы напрямую работают около 75 сотрудников, чтобыи платить за поставки (от выбранногопоставщиков), заботятся о любыхподдержание и модернизацию, организоватьместные маркетинга, и так далее.вокругчетверть всех McDonald 's 800 UKрестораны франчайзинг.покупка франшизы был большой шагдля нас.том (мой муж) должен был сделатьдевять месяцев подготовки, прежде чем мы даже можно считать за франшизу.эторассчитались, хотя, и мы радыс этого места - он гордится, что является *впервые проехали в йоркшире!- иблизлежащие деревни действительно красиво.в 9.30 утра, я готова к бекон фунтов стерлингов.яйцо mcmuffin и чашку чая.я будупару слов с наш обычный завтракклиентов до открытия поста.это подводит счета - фактуры от поставщиков,маркетинг и подготовки информацииот McDonald 's (они проходят обучениекурсы, но мы платим за наших сотрудниковучастие), бронирование для сторон, или, возможно, ежемесячный доклад от "тайнакафе ".тайна посетителей ежемесячно производить проверкукаждый ресторан и проехали вв стране.все аспекты оцениваются - качества продовольствия и представления,атмосфера, качества и скоростислужбы, ресторан чистоты и тако.сотрудники зачастую высокоимя, чтобы я прошла новость о их и убедиться, что никаких проблем не решить.мы в настоящее время восьмой в великобритании по футболучто очень хорошо.у нас есть постоянный диалог смакдоналдс. поле консультант посещает нас каждые две - три недели, и естьрегулярные совещания с другими агентамидля обмена идеями и опытом.много моих утром уходитобновление компьютерных записей.налоговое управление запросы, профессиональной подготовки, платежных ведомостей, и т.д.должны быть организованы.текучесть кадровварьируется, но мы иногда может потерятьвременных работников, когда они идут науниверситет или решите пойти путешествовать.так что есть McDonald 's по всему мирутеперь, чтобы их обучение здесь действительно можетоткрыть дальних дверей.во время обеда раш * начинается околов полдень.в редких случаях, когда мыхватает персонала (например, сезон гриппа), я буду грязьи клиентов (воспоминанияофицианткой дней в университете!). ядаже известно, готовить картошку, когданеобходимо.как и с любым малый бизнес, нужно быть гибким, но я думаю, что это такжеважно сосредоточить свою энергию, когдаони являются наиболее эффективными.для меня этоза кулисами - администратора.мой обед - салат или бутерброд с курицейрусский с Леоlingualeo Inc2 912)бесплатно - в Google игратьУСТАНОВИТЬВходБыстрая какого - либоДжунглипластиковыеПокори язык7Кликайте по 17 мая и переводитеодин день в моей жизни (MC.в это время, мой офис выглядиткак бомба сайт *, на взгляд дилетанта.я, как правило, из массыдокументы в кучи готовы взятьсяих в порядке очередности.я голову около 3.собирать мои два сына из школы и якак правило, в итоге с работы домой.я будузакончить его на кухне, слушая гленнмиллер или Moody Blues, а также контроль за детским домашнее задание,музыка практики, или что - то еще.если я делаю в конце месяцацифры, я, как правило, на работу врано утром.иначе я в постели какиенет времени после 10 часов вечера, я всегда есть три иличетыре книги, на ходу, вальтер скотт илиджейн остин, например, и, как правило,один non - fiction - может,автобиография или политической деятельности.я рад отметить, что том храпит, *lasered подальше прошлым летом, так что теперь я могунадеемся на некоторые спокойно спатьдо того, как еще один напряженный день вресторан.теперь я думаю об этом, я привыкла к McDonald 's, когда ябыла беременна.это было,предчувствие!
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