The 1950sRock and roll began in the 1950s in America. Some of its firs перевод - The 1950sRock and roll began in the 1950s in America. Some of its firs русский как сказать

The 1950sRock and roll began in the

The 1950s
Rock and roll began in the 1950s in America. Some of its first starts were black. They brought traditional rhythm and blues to people. Then white singers appeared and the most popular of them was Elvis Presley.
The 1960s
After Elvis, hundreds of groups and singers came and disappeared, But The Rolling Stones and The Beatles were the most popular. The Rolling Stones offered aggressive rock. The Beatles or the Fab Four (fab is from fabulous) made a breakthrough in pop and rock because they took all that was good about early rock, and changed it into something original and even more exiting. The Beatles entered the world charts in 1962. Their music was everywhere and the group toured the world with great success. They recorded and released 12 albums are still worth listening to, Their young fans know the lyrics and the tunes of their songs.
The 1970s - The 1980s
The history of pop and rock continued. In the 70s there came Elton John, David Bowie, Rod Stewart and Queen. The most important event of the 80s was "Live Aid". It was a huge rock concert with many of the world’s stars and it was organised to raise money for African children. In the 80s musical technology changed. Some bands began to use electronic instruments called synthesizers.
The 1990s
Techno music and all kinds of dance music were very popular. Boy bands and girl bands like The Backstreet Boys and The Spice Girls made their way to the stage.
The 2000s
Boy bands continued into the 21st century. Singers like Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez became popular. Today new idols have appeared many young people follow them.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The 1950sRock and roll began in the 1950s in America. Some of its first starts were black. They brought traditional rhythm and blues to people. Then white singers appeared and the most popular of them was Elvis Presley.The 1960sAfter Elvis, hundreds of groups and singers came and disappeared, But The Rolling Stones and The Beatles were the most popular. The Rolling Stones offered aggressive rock. The Beatles or the Fab Four (fab is from fabulous) made a breakthrough in pop and rock because they took all that was good about early rock, and changed it into something original and even more exiting. The Beatles entered the world charts in 1962. Their music was everywhere and the group toured the world with great success. They recorded and released 12 albums are still worth listening to, Their young fans know the lyrics and the tunes of their songs.The 1970s - The 1980sThe history of pop and rock continued. In the 70s there came Elton John, David Bowie, Rod Stewart and Queen. The most important event of the 80s was "Live Aid". It was a huge rock concert with many of the world’s stars and it was organised to raise money for African children. In the 80s musical technology changed. Some bands began to use electronic instruments called synthesizers.The 1990sTechno music and all kinds of dance music were very popular. Boy bands and girl bands like The Backstreet Boys and The Spice Girls made their way to the stage.The 2000sBoy bands continued into the 21st century. Singers like Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez became popular. Today new idols have appeared many young people follow them.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
1950 - х годов
рок-н - ролла началось в 1950 - х годах в Америке. Некоторые из его первых стартов были черными. Они принесли традиционный ритм-энд - блюз людям. Тогда белые певцы появились и самым популярным из них был Элвис Пресли.
1960 - е годы
После того, как Элвис, сотни групп и певцов приходили и исчезали, но The Rolling Stones и The Beatles были самыми популярными. The Rolling Stones предложили агрессивный рок. The Beatles или Fab Four (FAB от сказочной) сделал прорыв в поп и рок , потому что они взяли все , что было хорошо о начале рок, и изменил его в чем - то оригинальным и еще более выходящем. The Beatles вошли в мировые чарты в 1962 году их музыка была повсюду и группа гастролировала по всему миру с большим успехом. Они записали и выпустили 12 альбомов все еще стоит слушать, их молодые поклонники знают тексты и мелодии своих песен.
1970 - е - 1980 - е годы
История поп и рок продолжается. В 70 - е годы пришел Элтон Джон, Дэвид Боуи, Род Стюарт и королева. Самым важным событием 80 - х годов был "Live Aid". Это был огромный рок - концерт со многими звездами в мире, и это было организовано , чтобы собрать деньги для африканских детей. В 80 - е годы музыкальная технология изменилась. Некоторые группы начали использовать электронные инструменты , называемые синтезаторы.
1990 - е годы
техномузыка и все виды танцевальной музыки были очень популярны. Мальчик полосы и девочки такие группы , как The Backstreet Boys и The Spice Girls сделали свой путь на сцену.
2000 - е годы
Boy группы продолжались и в 21 - м веке. Певцов , как Бритни Спирс и Дженнифер Лопес стала популярной. Сегодня новые идолы появились многие молодые люди следуют за ними.
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