HOUSEHOLDING CHORES Every child knows he or she has to help his/her fa перевод - HOUSEHOLDING CHORES Every child knows he or she has to help his/her fa украинский как сказать


Every child knows he or she has to help his/her family about the house.
Doing a work about the house is often called 'doing chores'. Doing chores helps a family to 'hold their house' or in other words 'to household'. Usually a member of a family has a householding duty. It means he or she has a part of chores to do. There are the things like feeding a pet, cleaning the carpets or doing shopping...
On weekends my friend's family members are seldom all at home at the same time, so they write notes to each other. They help them to remember things to do.
My mother is the busiest person in the householding chores. And I must admit1 my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her.
Every morning mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in the frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot. When the eggs are ready, mum serves them to us with nicely-decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out the tea-pot, cups and plates.
When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some of the boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.
Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream. After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his office. My sister washes up the dishes and dries them with the dishwasher machine. My mum cleans the table and takes off the clothes.
My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her job.
And what about mum? She stays at home and does lots of things about the house. There is always something to do, a woman's work is never done...
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
HOUSEHOLDING КЛОПОТИ Кожна дитина знає, що він або вона має допомогти його / її сім'ї в будинку. Робити роботу про будинок називається ' робити справи ". Робити справи допомагає сім'ї провести "їх будинок" або, іншими словами ' до побутової ". Зазвичай є членом сім'ї має householding боргу . Це означає, що він або вона є частиною справами робити . Є речі, як домашня тварина годування, очищення килимах або робити покупки...У вихідні дні мого друга членів сім'ї є дуже рідко всі вдома в той же час , так що вони писати нотатки до одної. Вони допомагають їм пам'ятати, щоб робити речіМоя мати є найбільш жвавих осіб в householding справами . І я повинен admit1 Моя старша сестра є найбільшим простягнути руку для неї. Кожен ранок матері кухарі сніданок. Вона фрі деякі яйця в смаження до персональної мережі. Моя сестра іноді кипить ковбаси в невеликий горщик . Коли яйця будуть готові, мама обслуговує їх до нас з красиво оформлені салат і варені. Хоча Моя мама робить це, моя сестра різання деякі хліб і вивіз чай -горщик, склянки, тарілки.Коли вода в чайник кипить, моя сестра ставить деякі чай в склянці води ллється, що в киплячу воду в каструлі і чай готовий. Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream . After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his office . My sister washes up the dishes and dries them with the dishwasher machine . My mum cleans the table and takes off the clothes . My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her job . And what about mum? She stays at home and does lots of things about the house . There is always something to do, a woman's work is never done ...
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
Every child knows he or she has to help his / her family about the house.
Doing a work about the house is often called 'doing chores ". Doing chores helps a family to 'hold their house' or in other words 'to household ". Usually a member of a family has a householding duty . It means he or she has a part of chores to do . There are the things like feeding a pet, cleaning the carpets or doing shopping ...
On weekends my friend's family members are seldom all at home at the same time , so they write notes to each other. They help them to remember things to do.
My mother is the busiest person in the householding chores . And I must admit1 my elder sister is the greatest helping hand for her .
Every morning mother cooks breakfast. She fries some eggs in the frying pan. My sister sometimes boils sausages in a small pot . When the eggs are ready, mum serves them to us with nicely-decorated salad and boiled sausages. While my mother is doing that, my sister is cutting some bread and taking out the tea -pot, cups and plates.
When the water in the kettle boils, my sister puts some tea into the teapot, pours some of the boiling water into the pot and the tea is ready.
Sometimes my mum prefers coffee to tea. Then my father prepares it. He is good at making coffee. I never drink coffee. I prefer tea. My sister sometimes drinks coffee with milk or cream . After breakfast I go to my school and my father goes to his office . My sister washes up the dishes and dries them with the dishwasher machine . My mum cleans the table and takes off the clothes .
My sister puts clean cups and dishes onto the cupboard and goes to her job .
And what about mum? She stays at home and does lots of things about the house . There is always something to do, a woman's work is never done ...
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
H%20чищення%20в%20килими%20або%20ведення%20магазини...%20%5%EOn (розширена інформація з інших радіомереж) 20 уїк-ендів%20мій%20друг%27s%20родини%20 членів%20є%20рідко%20всі%20о 20%головна%20о 20%в%20ж%20час%20так%20вони%20писати%20ноти%20до 20% кожного%20інших.%20вони%20допомогти%20їх%20до 20% згадати%20речі%20до 20%.%20%5 EMy%20матері%20є%20в%20найжвавіший%20людина%20в 20-20-20, 20 householding%20клопоти.%20а%20I%20повинні%20визнати1%20мій%20старшого%20сестра%20є%20в%20найбільших%20допомагає%20руку%20для%20її.%20%5 EEvery%20вранці%20матері%20кухарів%20сніданок.
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