until 1870 and during his life-time, he wrote several books. Out of al перевод - until 1870 and during his life-time, he wrote several books. Out of al русский как сказать

until 1870 and during his life-time

until 1870 and during his life-time, he wrote several books. Out of all his works, my favorites are "Great Expectations" and "A Tale of Two Cities".

Charles Dickens is to Victorian England what Shakespeare is to Renaissance England: he typifies the period his writings disclose and expose. The greatest comic genius of his age,Dickens relentlessly calls for reform at every level, implores us to embrace the disadvantaged for our own good, and offers the values of a loving heart and the image of a warm hearth as the emblem of the solution to the cruel and mindless indifference of a society given over to the pursuit of "money, money, money, and what money can make of life," as Bella Wilfer says in Our Mutual Friend.

Born in Portsmouth, England, on February 7, 1812, the second of John and Elizabeth Dickens's eight children, Charles was raised with the assumption that he would receive an education and, if he worked hard, might some day come to live at Gad's Hill Place, the finest house on the main road between Rochester and Gravesend. But John Dickens, on whom Mr. Micawber is based, moved the family to London in 1823, fell into financial disaster, was arrested for debt and imprisoned in the Marshalsea Debtors' Prison. Charles was forced to go to work at Warren's Blacking Factory at Hungerford Stairs labeling bottles. In his Life of Charles Dickens, John Forster shares the fragment of Dickens's autobiography upon which David Copperfield's Murdstone and Grinby experiences are based:

It is wonderful to me how I could have been so easily cast away at such an age. It is wonderful to me, that, even after my descent into the poor little drudge I had been since we came to London, no one had compassion on me -- a child of singular abilities, quick, eager, delicate, and soon hurt, bodily or mentally -- to suggest that something might have been spared, as certainly it might have been, to place me at any common school. Our friends, I take it, were tired out. No one made any sign. My father and mother were quite satisfied. They could hardly have been more so, if I had been twenty years of age, distinguished at a grammar-school, and going to Cambridge.
Dickens himself did not know how long this ordeal lasted, "whether for a year, or much more, or less"; surely it must have seemed as if it would last forever to this sensitive twelve-year-old boy and it so seared his psyche that Dickens the man never "until I impart it to this paper [a full quarter century later], in any burst of confidence to anyone, my own wife not excepted, raised the curtain I then dropped, thank God."

Dickens was able to continue his education after his father received a legacy from a relative and was released from the Marshalsea. Charles attended Wellington House Academy from 1824 to 1826 before taking work as a clerk in Gray's Inn for two years. In order to qualify himself to become a newspaper parliamentary reporter, Dickens spent eighteen months studying shorthand, a perfect command of which was "equal in difficulty to the mastery of six languages," he was cautioned, and studying in the reading room of the British Museum. He won a reputation for his quickness and accuracy during his two years (1828-1830) as a reporter in the court of Doctors' Commons before reporting for the True Sun and the Mirror Parliament and finally becoming a reporter for the Morning Chronicle in 1834.

Dickens's first published piece appeared in the December, 1833, number of the Monthly Magazine , followed by nine others, the last two appearing over the signature "Boz," a pseudonym Dickens adopted from a pet name for his younger brother. These sketches were collected into two volumes and published on Dickens's twenty-fourth birthday, February 7, 1836, as Sketches by Boz. Illustrative of Everyday Life and Everyday People. Dickens's skills as an observant reporter intimately familiar with middle and lower class London are demonstrated in these descriptive vignettes of everyday life, which also reveal his high humor and his deep concern for social justice, qualities that will dominate his novels.

On April 2, 1836, Dickens married Catherine Hogarth, daughter of George Hogarth, with whom Dickens worked on the Morning Chronicle . Catherine and Charles had ten children before they separated in 1858. Mary Hogarth, Catherine's beautiful younger sister, joined the Dickens household shortly after the honeymoon. Mary's death, at seventeen years of age, in Dickens's arms established in his mind an image of ideal womanhood that never left him. The ring he took from Mary's dead finger remained on his hand until his own death.

The introduction of Sam Weller into the fourth number of Pickwick Papers (1836-37) launched the most popular literary career in the history of the language. Pickwick Papers became a publishing phenomenon, selling forty thousand copies of every issue. Published in twenty monthly installments, Pickwick took England by storm: Judges read it on the bench, doctors
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until 1870 and during his life-time, he wrote several books. Out of all his works, my favorites are "Great Expectations" and "A Tale of Two Cities".Charles Dickens is to Victorian England what Shakespeare is to Renaissance England: he typifies the period his writings disclose and expose. The greatest comic genius of his age,Dickens relentlessly calls for reform at every level, implores us to embrace the disadvantaged for our own good, and offers the values of a loving heart and the image of a warm hearth as the emblem of the solution to the cruel and mindless indifference of a society given over to the pursuit of "money, money, money, and what money can make of life," as Bella Wilfer says in Our Mutual Friend. Born in Portsmouth, England, on February 7, 1812, the second of John and Elizabeth Dickens's eight children, Charles was raised with the assumption that he would receive an education and, if he worked hard, might some day come to live at Gad's Hill Place, the finest house on the main road between Rochester and Gravesend. But John Dickens, on whom Mr. Micawber is based, moved the family to London in 1823, fell into financial disaster, was arrested for debt and imprisoned in the Marshalsea Debtors' Prison. Charles was forced to go to work at Warren's Blacking Factory at Hungerford Stairs labeling bottles. In his Life of Charles Dickens, John Forster shares the fragment of Dickens's autobiography upon which David Copperfield's Murdstone and Grinby experiences are based: It is wonderful to me how I could have been so easily cast away at such an age. It is wonderful to me, that, even after my descent into the poor little drudge I had been since we came to London, no one had compassion on me -- a child of singular abilities, quick, eager, delicate, and soon hurt, bodily or mentally -- to suggest that something might have been spared, as certainly it might have been, to place me at any common school. Our friends, I take it, were tired out. No one made any sign. My father and mother were quite satisfied. They could hardly have been more so, if I had been twenty years of age, distinguished at a grammar-school, and going to Cambridge. Dickens himself did not know how long this ordeal lasted, "whether for a year, or much more, or less"; surely it must have seemed as if it would last forever to this sensitive twelve-year-old boy and it so seared his psyche that Dickens the man never "until I impart it to this paper [a full quarter century later], in any burst of confidence to anyone, my own wife not excepted, raised the curtain I then dropped, thank God." Dickens was able to continue his education after his father received a legacy from a relative and was released from the Marshalsea. Charles attended Wellington House Academy from 1824 to 1826 before taking work as a clerk in Gray's Inn for two years. In order to qualify himself to become a newspaper parliamentary reporter, Dickens spent eighteen months studying shorthand, a perfect command of which was "equal in difficulty to the mastery of six languages," he was cautioned, and studying in the reading room of the British Museum. He won a reputation for his quickness and accuracy during his two years (1828-1830) as a reporter in the court of Doctors' Commons before reporting for the True Sun and the Mirror Parliament and finally becoming a reporter for the Morning Chronicle in 1834. Dickens's first published piece appeared in the December, 1833, number of the Monthly Magazine , followed by nine others, the last two appearing over the signature "Boz," a pseudonym Dickens adopted from a pet name for his younger brother. These sketches were collected into two volumes and published on Dickens's twenty-fourth birthday, February 7, 1836, as Sketches by Boz. Illustrative of Everyday Life and Everyday People. Dickens's skills as an observant reporter intimately familiar with middle and lower class London are demonstrated in these descriptive vignettes of everyday life, which also reveal his high humor and his deep concern for social justice, qualities that will dominate his novels. On April 2, 1836, Dickens married Catherine Hogarth, daughter of George Hogarth, with whom Dickens worked on the Morning Chronicle . Catherine and Charles had ten children before they separated in 1858. Mary Hogarth, Catherine's beautiful younger sister, joined the Dickens household shortly after the honeymoon. Mary's death, at seventeen years of age, in Dickens's arms established in his mind an image of ideal womanhood that never left him. The ring he took from Mary's dead finger remained on his hand until his own death. The introduction of Sam Weller into the fourth number of Pickwick Papers (1836-37) launched the most popular literary career in the history of the language. Pickwick Papers became a publishing phenomenon, selling forty thousand copies of every issue. Published in twenty monthly installments, Pickwick took England by storm: Judges read it on the bench, doctors
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до 1870 года и в течение его времени жизни, он написал несколько книг. Из всех его работ, мои любимые "Большие надежды" и "Повесть о двух городах".

Чарльз Диккенс в викторианской Англии , что Шекспир Ренессанс Англии: он символизирует период его труды и раскрывала разоблачить. Самый большой комический гений своего возраста, Диккенс неустанно призывает к реформе на всех уровнях, умоляет нас , чтобы охватить обездоленных для нашего же блага, и предлагает ценности любящего сердца и образ теплого очага в качестве эмблемы решения жестокое и бессмысленное равнодушие общества к данной погоне за "деньги, деньги, деньги, и какие деньги можно сделать из жизни" , как говорит Белла Wilfer в наших общих друзей.

Родился в Портсмут, Англия, 7 февраля 1812 года, второй из восьми детей Джона и Элизабет Диккенс, Чарльз был поднят с предположением , что он получит образование и, если бы он работал, возможно , когда- нибудь оживет в Хилл Гада Место, лучшие дом на главной дороге между Rochester и Грейвсенде. Но Джон Диккенс, на которых базируется мистер Микобер, перевез семью в Лондон в 1823 году, попал в финансовую катастрофу, был арестован за долги и заключен в тюрьму Маршалси должников. Чарльз был вынужден пойти работать на фабрике ваксы Уоррена в Хангерфорд Лестницы маркировки бутылок. В своей жизни Чарльз Диккенс, Джон Форстер разделяет фрагмент автобиографии Диккенса , на которых основаны опыт Мэрдстона и Grinby Дэвида Копперфилда:

Это замечательно для меня , как я мог бы так легко откинуть в таком возрасте. Это замечательно для меня, что, даже после моего спуска в бедной маленькой Drudge я был , так как мы приехали в Лондон, никто не сжалился на меня - дитя особых способностей, быстро, нетерпеливых, нежными, и вскоре боль, физическое или умственно - предположить , что что - то могло бы избежать, поскольку , конечно , это могло бы быть, чтобы поместить меня в любой общей школе. Наши друзья, я беру это, были загнали. Никто не сделал каких - либо признаков. Мой отец и мать были вполне удовлетворены. Они вряд ли могло быть более того, если бы я был двадцать лет, отличился в гимназии, и собирается в Кембридж.
Диккенс сам не знал , как долго это испытание длилось, "ли в течение года или более, или менее"; Конечно , это должно быть , казалось , как будто это будет длиться вечно к этому деликатному двенадцать-летнего мальчика и его так обожгло его психику , что Диккенс человека никогда " , пока я не передавать его в этой статье [полный четверть века спустя], в любом порыве доверия к кому - либо, моя собственная жена , не освобожденный, поднял занавес тогда я упал, слава Богу ".

Диккенс смог продолжить свое образование после того, как его отец получил в наследство от родственника и был освобожден от Маршалси. Чарльз посетил Wellington House академии с 1824 по 1826 год, прежде чем принимать работу в качестве клерка в Серости в течение двух лет. Для того , чтобы квалифицировать себя , чтобы стать газета парламентский репортер, Диккенс провел восемнадцать месяцев изучения стенографии, совершенная команда , которая была "равной трудности в освоении шести языков» , он предостерег, и изучения в читальном зале Британского Музей. Он выиграл репутацию своей быстроте и точности в течение двух лет его (1828-1830) в качестве репортера в суде общин Докторс перед тем как сообщать для истинного Солнца и парламента зеркало и , наконец , стать репортером Morning Chronicle в 1834 году.

впервые опубликованная часть Диккенса появилась в декабре 1833 года , номер ежемесячного журнала, а затем девять других, последние два появляются за подписью "Боз" псевдоним Диккенс принят с ласкательное имя для своего младшего брата. Эти эскизы были собраны в двух томах и опубликованы на двадцать четвертый день рождения Диккенса, 7 февраля 1836 года, как Очерков Боза. Иллюстрацией повседневной жизни и каждый день люди. Навыки Диккенса как наблюдательным репортер хорошо знакомы с среднего и нижнего класса Лондона демонстрируются в этих описательных виньетками повседневной жизни, которые также свидетельствуют о его высокой юмор и глубокую заботу о социальной справедливости, качеств , которые будут доминировать над его романы.

2 -го апреля 1836 года, Диккенс женился на Кэтрин Хогарт, дочери Джорджа Хогарта, с которым Диккенс работал над Morning Chronicle. Кэтрин и Чарльза было десять детей , прежде чем они расстались в 1858 году Мэри Хогарт, красивая младшая сестра Екатерины, вступил в семью Dickens вскоре после медового месяца. Смерть Марии, в семнадцать лет, в руках Диккенса установил в своем сознании образ идеального женственности , который никогда не покидал его. Кольцо , которое он взял от мертвого пальца Мэри осталась на его руке , пока его собственной смерти.

Введение Сэм Уэллер в четвертом ряду Пиквикского клуба (1836-37) запустила самую популярную литературную карьеру в истории языка. Пиквикского клуба стал публицистом явлением, продав сорок тысяч экземпляров каждого номера. Опубликовано в двадцать ежемесячных платежей, Пиквик взял штурмом Англию: Судьи прочитать его на скамейке, врачи
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