16Unit 12) a) Betty usually travels by train. b) Betty usually travell перевод - 16Unit 12) a) Betty usually travels by train. b) Betty usually travell русский как сказать

16Unit 12) a) Betty usually travels

2) a) Betty usually travels by train.
b) Betty usually travelled by train.
3) a) Jessie meets her friends at the weekend.
b) Jessie met her friends at the weekend.
4) a) Stuart and Jack run in the park together.
b) Stuart and Jack ran in the park together.
5) a) My cousin plays basketball very well.
b) My cousin played basketball very well.
6) a) My father sometimes takes me to his office.
b) My father sometimes took me to his office.
7) a) They wash their cars in the garage.
b) They washed their cars in the garage.
Listen to the text,
(6). Was the Barkers’ weekend interesting? Give the
text a name.
Last summer the Barkers decided to visit William and Beatrice
Barker and their children — Ann, Mary, Jim and Charley. On
Friday John, Sally and their parents took the four o’clock train
from London and travelled to Glasgow. William met them and
helped with their bags. They all took a bus to the Barkers’
house near Glasgow. Beatrice cooked a lot of nice things and
they had a wonderful supper. John and Sally were
tired and went to bed early.
On Saturday morning the weather was warm and
sunny, and they decided to visit Glasgow. Wil-
liam took them to Glasgow in his car and showed
a lot of interesting places. John and Sally loved
Glasgow. In the afternoon they all went to a
café and then watched television and played
On Sunday Margaret, Richard and their children
visited Glasgow Park and walked there. Late in
the afternoon they thanked William and Beatrice
and went home by train. The Barkers had a won-
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
16Unit 12) a) Betty usually travels by train. b) Betty usually travelled by train.3) a) Jessie meets her friends at the weekend. b) Jessie met her friends at the weekend.4) a) Stuart and Jack run in the park together. b) Stuart and Jack ran in the park together.5) a) My cousin plays basketball very well. b) My cousin played basketball very well.6) a) My father sometimes takes me to his office. b) My father sometimes took me to his office.7) a) They wash their cars in the garage. b) They washed their cars in the garage.2 Listen to the text, (6). Was the Barkers’ weekend interesting? Give the text a name.Last summer the Barkers decided to visit William and Beatrice Barker and their children — Ann, Mary, Jim and Charley. On Friday John, Sally and their parents took the four o’clock train from London and travelled to Glasgow. William met them and helped with their bags. They all took a bus to the Barkers’ house near Glasgow. Beatrice cooked a lot of nice things and they had a wonderful supper. John and Sally were tired and went to bed early.On Saturday morning the weather was warm and sunny, and they decided to visit Glasgow. Wil-liam took them to Glasgow in his car and showed a lot of interesting places. John and Sally loved Glasgow. In the afternoon they all went to a café and then watched television and played chess.On Sunday Margaret, Richard and their children visited Glasgow Park and walked there. Late in во второй половине дня они поблагодарили Уильяма и Беатрис и пошел домой на поезде. Зазывалы был вон-
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

2) а) Бетти обычно путешествует на поезде.
Б) Бетти обычно путешествовал на поезде.
3) а) Jessie встречает своих друзей в выходные дни.
Б) Jessie встретил своих друзей в выходные дни.
4) а) Стюарт и Джек работать в парке вместе.
б) Стюарт и Джек побежал в парке вместе.
5) а) Мой двоюродный брат играет в баскетбол очень хорошо.
б) Мой двоюродный брат играл в баскетбол очень хорошо.
6) а) Мой отец иногда берет меня в свой ​​кабинет.
б) Мой отец иногда брал меня в свой ​​кабинет.
7) а) Они моют свои автомобили в гараже.
б) Они омыли свои автомобили в гараже.
Слушайте текст,
(6). Был выходные зазывалы "интересно? Дайте
тексту имя.
Летом прошлого года Barkers решил посетить Уильяма и Беатрис
Баркер и их детей - Энн, Мэри, Джим и Чарли. В
пятницу Джон, Салли и их родители взяли четыре часа поезд
из Лондона и отправился в Глазго. Уильям встретил их и
помогли с сумками. Все они взяли автобус к зазывалы "
дом недалеко от Глазго. Беатрис приготовила много приятных вещей , и у
них был замечательный ужин. Джон и Салли были
усталыми и рано лег спать.
В субботу утром погода была теплая и
​​солнечная, и они решили посетить Глазго. Виль-
Лиам взял их в Глазго в своей машине и показал
много интересных мест. Джон и Салли любила
Глазго. Во второй половине дня все они пошли в
кафе , а затем смотрели телевизор и играли в
В воскресенье Маргарет, Ричард и их дети
посетили Глазго парк и пошел туда. В конце
второй половине дня они поблагодарили Уильяма и Беатриче
и пошел домой на поезде. Barkers был won-
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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