1Male: Let's plant a tree in the back garden. It will be great for wil перевод - 1Male: Let's plant a tree in the back garden. It will be great for wil русский как сказать

1Male: Let's plant a tree in the ba

Male: Let's plant a tree in the back garden. It will be great for wildlife and it will give us some shade in the summer.
Female: Oh, I don't know. Won't it be expensive, and a lot of hard work?
Male: Not really. I'll do all the digging. It'll look great when it's done trust me. You're always talking about ways to help the environment well, this is a really good way to start.
Female: Oh, OK, then. What kind of tree shall we get?

Male: What are you going to do about your car? It broke down again yesterday, didn't it?
Female: Yes. I'm not sure what to do. I could sell it and buy a bike. Or I could try and fix it one more time.
Male: You know it will only break down again. It always does!
Female: You're right. I'll sell it. That way I'll get fit and help the environment at the same time!

Male: I went to he bottle bank today, and guess what? It was completely full!
Female: Oh thats a shame. Did you have o bring all the glass home again?
Male: Yes. There was a sign saying not o leave anything on the ground. I really don't understand - why they can't empty it more often. What's the point of hawing a bottle bank if you can't put any bottles into it?
Female: You're right. Maybe you should write a letter.

Female: I think nuclear power stations are the best way to make energy because they don't make any pollution.
Male: That's not true. Just think about the waste they produce. Some of it is dangerous for thousands of years.
Female: There are safe ways to store it now - they can buy it deep under the ground.
Male: Well, I don't think that's safe - I would like to see more electricity being made from wind and the sun.

Male: Did you get that book about the environment I asked you to buy for me?
Female: oh, sorry. I completely forgot. What's it called?
Male: How to Save the Planet. It costs E8.99 and you can get it from Wetherby's bookshop.
Female: OK. I'll get it for you tomorrow when I go to town.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
1Male: Let's plant a tree in the back garden. It will be great for wildlife and it will give us some shade in the summer. Female: Oh, I don't know. Won't it be expensive, and a lot of hard work? Male: Not really. I'll do all the digging. It'll look great when it's done trust me. You're always talking about ways to help the environment well, this is a really good way to start. Female: Oh, OK, then. What kind of tree shall we get?2Male: What are you going to do about your car? It broke down again yesterday, didn't it? Female: Yes. I'm not sure what to do. I could sell it and buy a bike. Or I could try and fix it one more time. Male: You know it will only break down again. It always does! Female: You're right. I'll sell it. That way I'll get fit and help the environment at the same time!3Male: I went to he bottle bank today, and guess what? It was completely full! Female: Oh thats a shame. Did you have o bring all the glass home again? Male: Yes. There was a sign saying not o leave anything on the ground. I really don't understand - why they can't empty it more often. What's the point of hawing a bottle bank if you can't put any bottles into it?Female: You're right. Maybe you should write a letter.4Female: I think nuclear power stations are the best way to make energy because they don't make any pollution. Male: That's not true. Just think about the waste they produce. Some of it is dangerous for thousands of years. Female: There are safe ways to store it now - they can buy it deep under the ground. Male: Well, I don't think that's safe - I would like to see more electricity being made from wind and the sun. 5Male: Did you get that book about the environment I asked you to buy for me?Female: oh, sorry. I completely forgot. What's it called? Male: How to Save the Planet. It costs E8.99 and you can get it from Wetherby's bookshop. Female: OK. I'll get it for you tomorrow when I go to town.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
1мужчина: давайте посадить дерево в саду.это будет здорово, для дикой природы, и это даст нам тень летом.женщина: ну, я не знаю.она не очень дорого, и очень много работы?мужчина: не совсем.я сделаю все копать.это будет здорово, когда это сделать, поверь мне.ты всегда говоришь способы, чтобы помочь окружающей среде это действительно хороший способ начать.женщина: ну, хорошо, тогда.какое дерево мы можем?2мужчина: и что вы собираетесь делать?он снова сломался вчера, не так ли?женщина: да.я не знаю, что делать.я мог бы продать и купить мотоцикл.или я мог бы попытаться исправить это еще раз.мужчина: вы знаете, это будет только снова сломалась.она всегда так делает!женщина: вы правы.я буду продавать.таким образом, я принесу форму и помочь окружающей среде в то же время!3мужчина: я пошла в банк сегодня он бутылку, и угадай, что?он был полностью!женщина: о, это досадно.ты - привести все стекла домой?мужчина: да.знак был говорить не о оставить что - нибудь на местах.я не понимаю, почему они не могут освободить это чаще.какой смысл возле бутылку банк, если вы не можете поместить что - то бутылки в это?женщина: вы правы.может, тебе следует написать письмо.4женщина: я думаю, что аэс - это лучший способ сделать энергию, потому что они не имеют никакого загрязнения.мужчина: это не так.просто подумай об отходах производства.немного опасно для тысяч лет.женщина: безопасные способы хранить это сейчас - они могут купить его глубоко под землей.мужчина: ну, я не думаю, что это безопасно, - я хотел бы видеть больше электроэнергии, предпринимаемые от ветра и солнца.5мужчина: вы получили эту книгу о среде, я просил тебя купить мне?женщина: ой, прости.я совершенно забыла.как это называется?мужчина: как спасти планету.стоит e8.99, и вы можете получить это от уэзерби - книжный магазин.женщина: хорошо.я принесу завтра, когда я пойду в город.
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