In 1877, an American, Thomas Alva Edison, made a recording on a little перевод - In 1877, an American, Thomas Alva Edison, made a recording on a little русский как сказать

In 1877, an American, Thomas Alva E

In 1877, an American, Thomas Alva Edison, made a recording on a
little machine which he had invented, and played it back to himself. Although
he knew that he would hear them, he was astonished just the same when
his own words were spoken back to him. It was a historic moment, so you
may think that he took something very important – a famous passage of
literature, for example, for his first recording. Nothing of the sort; the words
that came back to him were «Mary had a little lamb!»
The date of Edison’s invention was August 12, 1877. But it was not
until November 17 of that year that news of it came to the world in an
article in a magazine called Scientific American. In December, Edison gave
a demonstration of his talking machine in the office of the magazine and
news of it spread very quickly.
Recorded and Played Back
The first phonograph was not at all like a record player of our time. It
not only looked very different, it both recorded and played back, so that in
this sense it could be said to have resembled the present day tape recorder.
As you listen to the records of today, you no longer have to turn a
handle to keep the machine going, but this is just what had to be done with
the Edison machine. It was a tinfoil phonograph, for the recording was
made on tinfoil, which was put around a metal cylinder. By turning a handle,
the cylinder was made to rotate while a needle cut a groove into the
As the cylinder was only nine centimeters long and ten centimeters in
diameter, and as the groove cut by the needle was large and very rough,
you would get only a few seconds of recording and it was very bad. But all
the same it was a great step forward, a step that was to lead to the modern
science of sound-recording.
Edison’s machine was kept in England for many years at the Science
Museum in London, but was later sent back to America in return for a
model which was put in the museum in the same place.
Thomas Alva Edison
The Wizard of Menlo Park
Stevanovich R. I.
Edison’s Electric Lamp
Next Edison became interested in the invention of an electric-light bulb
for lighting streets and buildings by electricity instead of by gas.
First he learned that platinum wire, which would melt in the open air
and give a light of five candle-power, would give a light twenty-five candle￾power and burn a little longer in an all-glass bulb. This vacuum bulb was
Edison’s first real step towards his success.
In trying to find a small carbon conductor which could last for a long
time the inventor had carbonized a lot of various things. One day he saw
some cotton thread. He took it, made a loop out of it and placed it in a
nickel mould, which was then placed in the furnace. He then fitted it into a
pear-shaped glass bulb, pumped out the air, turned on the current, and
watched to see for how long it would burn. It burnt for forty-five hours.
It had taken Edison and his assistants thirteen months to produce the
incandescent lamp, but he already knew, he said, that success awaited it.
«If it will burn forty-five hours, there is no reason why it should not burn
for a hundred hours,» thought Edison excitedly.
The Man behind His Inventions
Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio.
Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are
always asking «Why?» He did not leave it there. If he had an idea he had
to try it.
Once, when he was six, he tried to hatch out some goose eggs by sitting
on the nest. When the father asked him what he was doing, the boy
answered that if the mother goose could hatch eggs, so could he, since he
was much larger. On another occasion, he was nearly drowned when he
dived into the canal and swam under a barge to examine its structure.
At seven Al entered school but left it after three months, because the
teacher thought that he was a dull boy. His mother then became his
teacher. The boy loved books and he had a wonderful memory. Before he
was nine he was collecting things. He kept them all in a special place in the
cellar. His mother gave him a book on science and he began to study it. It
gave him ideas for all kinds of experiments.
One day he learned that balloons could fly because they had gas in
them. So he thought he would fly too. He took a great dose of soda. He was
sure he would fly at once. But the result was that soon he lay on the ground
sick, and it seemed to him the world was going round him.
Edison began to work when he was twelve years old. His first job was a
newspaper boy on a train. World Famous Scientists
On his first coming to Detroit in 1859, he visited the library in that
town and was strongly impressed by the rows and rows of books. He decided
that he would read all the books and then he would know everything in the
world. Measuring off the shelf he decided to read a foot of bo
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
In 1877, an American, Thomas Alva Edison, made a recording on a little machine which he had invented, and played it back to himself. Although he knew that he would hear them, he was astonished just the same when his own words were spoken back to him. It was a historic moment, so you may think that he took something very important – a famous passage of literature, for example, for his first recording. Nothing of the sort; the words that came back to him were «Mary had a little lamb!» The date of Edison’s invention was August 12, 1877. But it was not until November 17 of that year that news of it came to the world in an article in a magazine called Scientific American. In December, Edison gave a demonstration of his talking machine in the office of the magazine and news of it spread very quickly. Recorded and Played Back The first phonograph was not at all like a record player of our time. It not only looked very different, it both recorded and played back, so that in this sense it could be said to have resembled the present day tape recorder. As you listen to the records of today, you no longer have to turn a handle to keep the machine going, but this is just what had to be done with the Edison machine. It was a tinfoil phonograph, for the recording was made on tinfoil, which was put around a metal cylinder. By turning a handle, the cylinder was made to rotate while a needle cut a groove into the tinfoil. As the cylinder was only nine centimeters long and ten centimeters in diameter, and as the groove cut by the needle was large and very rough, you would get only a few seconds of recording and it was very bad. But all the same it was a great step forward, a step that was to lead to the modern science of sound-recording. Edison’s machine was kept in England for many years at the Science Museum in London, but was later sent back to America in return for a model which was put in the museum in the same place. Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1928) The Wizard of Menlo Park Stevanovich R. I. 36 Edison’s Electric Lamp Next Edison became interested in the invention of an electric-light bulb for lighting streets and buildings by electricity instead of by gas. First he learned that platinum wire, which would melt in the open air and give a light of five candle-power, would give a light twenty-five candle￾power and burn a little longer in an all-glass bulb. This vacuum bulb was Edison’s first real step towards his success. In trying to find a small carbon conductor which could last for a long time the inventor had carbonized a lot of various things. One day he saw some cotton thread. He took it, made a loop out of it and placed it in a nickel mould, which was then placed in the furnace. He then fitted it into a pear-shaped glass bulb, pumped out the air, turned on the current, and watched to see for how long it would burn. It burnt for forty-five hours. It had taken Edison and his assistants thirteen months to produce the incandescent lamp, but he already knew, he said, that success awaited it. «If it will burn forty-five hours, there is no reason why it should not burn for a hundred hours,» thought Edison excitedly. The Man behind His Inventions Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking «Why?» He did not leave it there. If he had an idea he had to try it. Once, when he was six, he tried to hatch out some goose eggs by sitting on the nest. When the father asked him what he was doing, the boy answered that if the mother goose could hatch eggs, so could he, since he was much larger. On another occasion, he was nearly drowned when he dived into the canal and swam under a barge to examine its structure. At seven Al entered school but left it after three months, because the teacher thought that he was a dull boy. His mother then became his teacher. The boy loved books and he had a wonderful memory. Before he was nine he was collecting things. He kept them all in a special place in the cellar. His mother gave him a book on science and he began to study it. It gave him ideas for all kinds of experiments. One day he learned that balloons could fly because they had gas in them. So he thought he would fly too. He took a great dose of soda. He was sure he would fly at once. But the result was that soon he lay on the ground sick, and it seemed to him the world was going round him. Edison began to work when he was twelve years old. His first job was a newspaper boy on a train. World Famous Scientists 37 On his first coming to Detroit in 1859, he visited the library in that town and was strongly impressed by the rows and rows of books. He decided that he would read all the books and then he would know everything in the world. Measuring off the shelf he decided to read a foot of bo
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
в 1877 году американец томас альва эдисон сделал запись намаленькая машина, которую он изобрел, и играет его обратно к себе.хотяон знал, что он хотел бы услышать их, он был поражен, точно так же, когдаего собственные слова говорили ему обратно.это был исторический момент, так чтокажется, что он взял кое - что очень важно - знаменитый пролетлитературу, например, свою первую запись.ничего подобного, словачто, вернулся к нему были « мэри была овечка!"дата изобретения эдисона было 12 августа 1877 года.но он не былдо 17 ноября этого года, что новости он пришел в мир вв статье в журнале "Scientific American.в декабре, эдисон далдемонстрация его говорящей машиной в офисе журнала иновости о ней распространиться очень быстро.заносимое в отчет о заседании и отплатитьв первой записи не был похож на проигрыватель нашего времени.этоне только очень разные, это как заносимое в отчет о заседании и играет назад, так что вв этом смысле, можно сказать, на сегодняшний день магнитофон.как вы слушаете записи сегодня, вам больше не придется закрытьручки, чтобы машина едет, но это как раз то, что должно быть сделано сEdison машины.это было фольги фонограф, запись былана фольгу, которая была введена в металлический цилиндр.вращая ручку,цилиндр был повернуть время иглу вырезать колею вна фольгу.как баллон был только девять сантиметров длиной и 10 сантиметров вдиаметр, и как Groove разрезала иглой был большой и очень грубо,вы получите только несколько секунд записи, и это было очень плохо.но всетак же, это был большой шаг вперед, шаг, который должен был привести к современнымнауки звукозаписи.эдисон машина была сохранена в англии в течение многих лет в наукемузей в лондоне, но позже был отправлен обратно в америку, в обмен намодель, которая была введена в музей в одном и том же месте.томас алва эдисон(1847-1928)волшебник из менло - паркstevanovich R.36электрических лампочек эдисонаследующий эдисона заинтересовался изобретения электрическая лампочкадля освещения улиц и зданий электричеством вместо газа.сначала он узнал, что платина провод, который будет плавиться на открытом воздухеи дайте свет пять свечей власть, дадут свет 25 свечей ￾ власть и сжечь немного в стеклянные колбы.этот вакуум колба былаэдисон первым реальным шагом на пути к его успеху.в попытке найти небольшой углерода, который может продлиться долго.время изобретателя была carbonized много различных вещей.однажды он увиделнекоторые нити хлопка.он взял его, сделал петлю из его и поместили его вникель плесени, которая была затем помещают в печь.он установлен вгрушевидную стеклянная колба, откачивали из воздуха, отвернулся от нынешнего,смотрел, как увидеть, как долго он будет гореть.он сгорел за пять часов.он принял Edison и его помощники тринадцать месяцев подготовитьлампы накаливания, но он уже знал, он сказал, что успех ждал его.« если он будет гореть пять часов, нет никаких причин, почему это не должно горетьсто часов ", думал, что эдисон взволнованно.человек за свои изобретениятомас альва эдисон родился 11 февраля 1847, в милане, штат огайо.том, или аль - как его семья позвонила ему, был одним из тех детей, которые являютсявсегда спрашивать "почему?"он не оставил его там.если бы он знал, он былпопробовать.однажды, когда ему было шесть, он пытался люк некоторые гусь яйца, сидяв гнездо.когда отец спросил его, что он делает, мальчикответил, что если мать гус может люк яйца, так что он мог, поскольку онбыло гораздо больше.в другой раз, он чуть не утонул, когда оннырнул в канал и плавал под баржу, изучить его структуры.на семи аль - вошел в школу, но оставил после трех месяцев, посколькуучитель, думала, что он был скучным мальчиком.его мать, затем стал егоучитель.мальчик любил книги, и у него замечательная память.прежде, чем онбыло девять, он собирал вещи.он держал их в специальном месте вподвал.его мама подарила ему книгу о науке, и он начал изучать его.этодал ему идеи для всевозможных экспериментов.однажды он узнал, что шары могут летать, потому что они были.их.он думал, что он будет летать.он принял большую дозу содовой.он былуверен, что он будет летать на один раз.но оказалось, что вскоре он лежал на земле,болен, и ему казалось, мир собирается вокруг него.эдисон начал работать, когда ему было 12 лет.его первая работа -"мальчик на поезде.всемирно известные ученые37его впервые приедут в детройте в 1859 году, посетил библиотеку в этомгород и сильно впечатлен ряды и ряды книги.он решилон читал все книги, и тогда он будет знать всё вв мире.измерения с полки, он решил прочитать ногу бо
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