Text ВHypophysis (the Pituitary) We know the hypophysis to be a small  перевод - Text ВHypophysis (the Pituitary) We know the hypophysis to be a small  русский как сказать

Text ВHypophysis (the Pituitary) We

Text ВHypophysis (the Pituitary)
We know the hypophysis to be a small oval body weighing about 0,5 g; it
is located in the cranial cavity and is connected with the hypothalamus. The
gland consists of an anterior lobe, an intermediate part and a posterior lobe;
the borders between them can be seen only under the microscope.
Experimental and clinical observations strongly suggest anterior lobe to be
necessary for proper growth to adult stature, for normal development and
function of the reproductive system and for control the activities of other
endocrine glands. The posterior lobe remains connected to the brain by
means of the pituitary stalk, through which nerve impulses travel from the
hypothalamus. The anterior lobe, so far as is known, receives no nerve
fibres of any kind, and its control must then depend on the presence of
substances in the blood. In spite of all this, there appears to be a way
whereby the brain can exercise a fairly direct control over the anterior lobe.
The blood vessels leading to the hypothalamus break up into capillaries;
having passed through these capillaries, the blood is gathered into small
veins; these veins pass downward so that they open into another set of
capillaries in the anterior lobe. This is called the hypothalamic-hypophyseal
portal system. Excision of the anterior hypophysis neither alters the lipid
content of the liver nor inhibits the accumulation of large amounts of lipids in
the liver.
The hypothalamus has been found to secrete special substances which
regulate the secretion of the hypophyseal hormones. The activities of the
other endocrine glands are thus subject to neurohumoral regulation through
the hypophysis.
Disfunction of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis is accompanied by
changes throughout the organism. For example, excessive secretion of the
growth hormone in childhood results in gigantism. Such people may grow to
a height of 2,5-2,6 m. Excessive secretion of this hormone in adults results
not only in excessive growth of the bones of the face, fingers and toes, but
in enlarged nose, tongue and certain other organs. This disease is called
acromegaly. Insufficient secretion of the growth hormone in childhood is
accompanied by retarded growth (dwarfism). It is a relatively rare condition
is sociated with either early atrophy or absence of the anterior lobe.
The posterior lobe of the hypophysis secretes oxytocin and vasopressin.
Physiologists consider oxytocin to intensify the contractions of the uterine
muscles and it is therefore used to boost weak labour. We know
vasopressin to cause constriction of the blood vessels, especially those of
the uterus.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Text ВHypophysis (the Pituitary) We know the hypophysis to be a small oval body weighing about 0,5 g; it is located in the cranial cavity and is connected with the hypothalamus. The gland consists of an anterior lobe, an intermediate part and a posterior lobe; the borders between them can be seen only under the microscope. Experimental and clinical observations strongly suggest anterior lobe to be necessary for proper growth to adult stature, for normal development and function of the reproductive system and for control the activities of other endocrine glands. The posterior lobe remains connected to the brain by means of the pituitary stalk, through which nerve impulses travel from the hypothalamus. The anterior lobe, so far as is known, receives no nerve fibres of any kind, and its control must then depend on the presence of substances in the blood. In spite of all this, there appears to be a way whereby the brain can exercise a fairly direct control over the anterior lobe. The blood vessels leading to the hypothalamus break up into capillaries; having passed through these capillaries, the blood is gathered into small veins; these veins pass downward so that they open into another set of capillaries in the anterior lobe. This is called the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system. Excision of the anterior hypophysis neither alters the lipid content of the liver nor inhibits the accumulation of large amounts of lipids in the liver. The hypothalamus has been found to secrete special substances which regulate the secretion of the hypophyseal hormones. The activities of the other endocrine glands are thus subject to neurohumoral regulation through the hypophysis. Disfunction of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis is accompanied by changes throughout the organism. For example, excessive secretion of the growth hormone in childhood results in gigantism. Such people may grow to a height of 2,5-2,6 m. Excessive secretion of this hormone in adults results not only in excessive growth of the bones of the face, fingers and toes, but in enlarged nose, tongue and certain other organs. This disease is called acromegaly. Insufficient secretion of the growth hormone in childhood is accompanied by retarded growth (dwarfism). It is a relatively rare condition is sociated with either early atrophy or absence of the anterior lobe. The posterior lobe of the hypophysis secretes oxytocin and vasopressin. Physiologists consider oxytocin to intensify the contractions of the uterine muscles and it is therefore used to boost weak labour. We know vasopressin to cause constriction of the blood vessels, especially those of the uterus.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
текст в гипофиз (гипофиза)мы знаем, что гипофиз в небольшой овал тело весом около 0,5 г;расположен в полость черепа и связана с гипоталамусом.советжелеза состоит из передней лобной части и задняя, промежуточного мозга;границы между ними можно увидеть лишь под микроскопом.экспериментальной и клинической замечаниях настоятельно советую передней доле бытьнеобходимо для правильного роста для взрослых репутацию, для нормального развития ифункция репродуктивной системы и контроля за деятельностью другихжелез внутренней секреции.задней доли по - прежнему подключен к мозгсредства гипофиз стебель, через который нервные импульсы поездок изгипоталамус.передней доле, насколько известно, не получает нервволокна любого рода, и его контроля должно зависеть от присутствиявеществ в крови.несмотря на все это, по - видимому, путькогда мозг могут проявлять довольно прямой контроль над передней доле.кровеносные сосуды, ведущие в гипоталамусе расстаться в капилляры;пройдя через эти капилляры, кровь собирается в небольшиевены; эти вены пройти вниз, так что они открыты в другой наборкапилляры в передней доле.это называется вызвана гипоталамусом hypophysealпортал системы.удаления передней гипофиз не меняет липидовсодержание печени и препятствует накоплению большое количество жиров впечень.гипоталамус был найден выделяют специальные вещества, которыерегулирующие секрецию из hypophyseal гормонов.деятельность в рамкахтаким образом, с учетом других эндокринных желез neurohumoral правила посредствомв гипофиз.disfunction из передней доле от гипофиз сопровождаетсяизменения в организме.например, чрезмерное выделение изгормон роста в детстве приводит к гигантизм.такие люди могут растивысота 2,5-2,6 M. чрезмерное выделение этого гормона во взрослых результатыне только в чрезмерный рост костей лица, пальцы рук и ног, нов большой нос, язык и некоторых других органов.эта болезнь называетсяакромегалия.недостаточная секреция этого гормона роста в детствев сопровождении замедление роста (тела).это относительно редкое состояние.- sociated либо с начала атрофироваться или отсутствие переднего мозга.задней доли в гипофиз выделяется и антидиуретический гормон окситоцин.физиологи считают окситоцин активизировать схватки из маткимышцы, и поэтому к расширению слабые труда.мы знаемантидиуретический гормон вызывает сужение кровеносных сосудов, особенноматку.
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