Basil Hallward was a successful artist. One day, his friend Lord Henry перевод - Basil Hallward was a successful artist. One day, his friend Lord Henry русский как сказать

Basil Hallward was a successful art

Basil Hallward was a successful artist. One day, his friend Lord Henry Wotton saw one of his paintings. It was of a very handsome young man called Dorian Gray and when Lord Henry saw it, he wanted to meet this young man. A few days later, Lord Henry and Dorian Gray met at Basils house and went for a walk in the garden.
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Ah, how lucky you are to be so young. There is nothing in the world as important as youth! said Lord Henry to Dorian. But time is your enemy. They went inside to see the portrait and Dorian looked at his own picture intensely. I would love to stay young forever and for the picture to grow old instead. Oh, why did you paint this picture, Basil? Why should it stay young while I grow old? I want the picture to change. And I want to stay as I am. Dorian was falling in love with his own picture.
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A few days later, Dorian met an actress called Sybil Vane. She was 17 and very beautiful. Dorian didnt tell Sybil his name and she called him Prince Charming. He said, Im in love with you, Sybil, and Im going to marry you. Sybils brother was worried about this mysterious young man and his relationship with Sybil. If that man harms my sister, Ill kill him, he said to his friend. But Sybils brother was a sailor and had to go off to Australia. One night, Dorian took his friends to see Sybil acting as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.
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She acted terribly and after the performance, Dorian spoke to Sybil. He was very angry with her. But how can I pretend to be Juliet now that I know what real love is? she said to him. Dorian replied, I loved you because you were a good actress. Now I dont love you any more. Then he left Sybil.
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When he got back home, Dorian looked at his portrait again. Somehow it was different. The face in the picture now had a cruel smile. Then Dorian remembered his wish. He thought about his cruelty to Sybil. Tomorrow, he would see her and be good to her and make up for what he had done. But the next day, Lord Henry brought Dorian some terrible news. Sybil had killed herself! Lord Henry told him not to worry and that their marriage was impossible anyway – she was just an actress.
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When Lord Henry left, Dorian looked at his picture again. He realised that he would stay young and handsome forever and that the face in the picture would become ugly, old and cruel. The years went by, but Dorian Gray stayed young and handsome. He enjoyed all the pleasures there were in life. However, his portrait changed and showed all the terrible secrets of his life. Dorian became more and more obsessed with the picture as the face in it became old and ugly. On Dorians 38 th birthday, Basil Hallward, the painter, came to see Dorian.
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Im going to Paris for some time. But I want to warn you that people are saying terrible things about you and your life, he said. Dorian decided to show Basil the portrait and to tell him his secret. Basil was horrified when he saw the face and told Dorian to change his life. Suddenly, Dorian became very angry with Basil. He took a knife and stabbed Basil several times. The next day, Dorian got rid of the body. Nobody would ever miss Basil Hallward. They would think that he was still in France.
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Later that night, Dorian was in a bar talking to two women. One of two women said to him, Ah, I remember you. Youre Prince Charming, arent you? A sailor in the bar heard this. It was Sybils brother and he realised that the man was his sister Sybils fiancé from eighteen years ago and he wanted to kill him.
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But when he saw Dorians face clearly and it looked like the face of a young man of twenty, he let him go. I nearly killed that boy, said the sailor. Boy? said the woman. I first met him eighteen years ago but his face hasnt changed in all that time. A week later, Dorian was in the country staying with some friends, when he realised that the sailor was following him. He became very afraid.
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The next day, he went out walking with some of his friends who were shooting. His friend shot at an animal and there was the cry of a man. He had killed the sailor who had been following Dorian. Dorian decided to change his life. Maybe if I have a better life, the face in the picture will not be so ugly and horrible.
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But when he looked at the portrait, it was even more terrible than before. He decided to destroy the picture. He picked up a knife and stabbed the painting. There was a loud cry and crash. The servants were very afraid. They went into the room. On the wall they saw the portrait of Dorian Gray as a young, handsome man. On the floor was a dead man, with a knife in his heart. It was the other Dorian Gray, his face old, ugly and horrible.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Basil Hallward was a successful artist. One day, his friend Lord Henry Wotton saw one of his paintings. It was of a very handsome young man called Dorian Gray and when Lord Henry saw it, he wanted to meet this young man. A few days later, Lord Henry and Dorian Gray met at Basils house and went for a walk in the garden.Слайд 3Ah, how lucky you are to be so young. There is nothing in the world as important as youth! said Lord Henry to Dorian. But time is your enemy. They went inside to see the portrait and Dorian looked at his own picture intensely. I would love to stay young forever and for the picture to grow old instead. Oh, why did you paint this picture, Basil? Why should it stay young while I grow old? I want the picture to change. And I want to stay as I am. Dorian was falling in love with his own picture.Слайд 4A few days later, Dorian met an actress called Sybil Vane. She was 17 and very beautiful. Dorian didnt tell Sybil his name and she called him Prince Charming. He said, Im in love with you, Sybil, and Im going to marry you. Sybils brother was worried about this mysterious young man and his relationship with Sybil. If that man harms my sister, Ill kill him, he said to his friend. But Sybils brother was a sailor and had to go off to Australia. One night, Dorian took his friends to see Sybil acting as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.Слайд 5She acted terribly and after the performance, Dorian spoke to Sybil. He was very angry with her. But how can I pretend to be Juliet now that I know what real love is? she said to him. Dorian replied, I loved you because you were a good actress. Now I dont love you any more. Then he left Sybil.Слайд 6When he got back home, Dorian looked at his portrait again. Somehow it was different. The face in the picture now had a cruel smile. Then Dorian remembered his wish. He thought about his cruelty to Sybil. Tomorrow, he would see her and be good to her and make up for what he had done. But the next day, Lord Henry brought Dorian some terrible news. Sybil had killed herself! Lord Henry told him not to worry and that their marriage was impossible anyway – she was just an actress.Слайд 7When Lord Henry left, Dorian looked at his picture again. He realised that he would stay young and handsome forever and that the face in the picture would become ugly, old and cruel. The years went by, but Dorian Gray stayed young and handsome. He enjoyed all the pleasures there were in life. However, his portrait changed and showed all the terrible secrets of his life. Dorian became more and more obsessed with the picture as the face in it became old and ugly. On Dorians 38 th birthday, Basil Hallward, the painter, came to see Dorian.Слайд 8Im going to Paris for some time. But I want to warn you that people are saying terrible things about you and your life, he said. Dorian decided to show Basil the portrait and to tell him his secret. Basil was horrified when he saw the face and told Dorian to change his life. Suddenly, Dorian became very angry with Basil. He took a knife and stabbed Basil several times. The next day, Dorian got rid of the body. Nobody would ever miss Basil Hallward. They would think that he was still in France.Слайд 9Later that night, Dorian was in a bar talking to two women. One of two women said to him, Ah, I remember you. Youre Prince Charming, arent you? A sailor in the bar heard this. It was Sybils brother and he realised that the man was his sister Sybils fiancé from eighteen years ago and he wanted to kill him.Слайд 10But when he saw Dorians face clearly and it looked like the face of a young man of twenty, he let him go. I nearly killed that boy, said the sailor. Boy? said the woman. I first met him eighteen years ago but his face hasnt changed in all that time. A week later, Dorian was in the country staying with some friends, when he realised that the sailor was following him. He became very afraid.Слайд 11The next day, he went out walking with some of his friends who were shooting. His friend shot at an animal and there was the cry of a man. He had killed the sailor who had been following Dorian. Dorian decided to change his life. Maybe if I have a better life, the face in the picture will not be so ugly and horrible.СЛАЙД 12Но когда он смотрел на портрет, еще более ужасна, чем раньше. Он решил разрушить картину. Он взял нож и зарезал живописи. Был громкий крик и аварии. Слуги были очень боятся. Они пошли в комнату. На стене они увидели Портрет Дориана Грея молодой, красивый человек. На полу был мертвый человек с ножом в сердце. Это был другой Дориан Грей, его лицо старые, уродливые и ужасно.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Василий Холлуорд был успешным художником. Однажды его друг лорд Генри Уоттон увидел одну из его картин. Это был очень красивый молодой человек по имени Дориан Грей и когда лорд Генри увидел, что он хотел встретиться с этим молодым человеком. Несколько дней спустя, Лорд Генри и Дориан Грей встретились в доме и Василия пошли гулять в саду.
Ах, как тебе повезло быть такой молодой. Там нет ничего в мире , так же важно , как молодежь! сказал лорд Генри Дориан. Но время ваш враг. Они вошли внутрь , чтобы увидеть портрет и Дориан посмотрел на свою картину интенсивно. Я хотел бы остаться вечно молодым и картина стареть вместо этого. Ах, зачем вы рисуете эту картину, Василий? Почему он должен оставаться молодым в то время как я старею? Я хочу , чтобы картина изменится. И я хочу остаться , как я. Дориан влюбился в его собственной картине.
Несколько дней спустя, Дориан встретил актрису под названием Сибилла Вейн. Она была 17 и очень красиво. Дориан не сказали Сибил его имя , и она его называла принца. Он сказал, Im в любви с вами, Сибилла, и я собираюсь выйти за тебя замуж. Сивиллы брат был обеспокоен этой таинственной молодой человек и его отношения с Сибил. Если этот человек наносит вред моей сестре, больной убить его, он сказал своему другу. Но Сивиллы брат был моряком и был вынужден уйти в Австралию. Однажды ночью, Дориан взял своих друзей , чтобы увидеть Сибил выступая в роли Джульетты в Ромео и Джульетта.
Она вела себя ужасно , и после спектакля, Дориан говорил с Сибил. Он был очень зол на нее. Но как я могу притвориться Джульетта теперь, когда я знаю , что такое настоящая любовь? она сказала ему. Дориан ответил, что люблю тебя , потому что ты была хорошей актрисой. Теперь я не люблю тебя больше. Затем он оставил Сибил.
Когда он вернулся домой, Дориан снова посмотрел на портрет. Как - то было по- другому. Лицо на картине теперь было жестокой улыбкой. Тогда Дориан вспомнил свое желание. Он думал о своей жестокости по отношению к Сибил. Завтра он увидит ее и хорошо к ней и наверстать то , что он сделал. Но на следующий день, лорд Генри принес Дориана некоторые ужасные новости. Сибилла покончила с собой! Лорд Генри сказал ему , чтобы не волноваться , и что их брак нельзя было все равно - она была просто актрисой.
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Когда лорд Генри ушел, Дориан снова посмотрел на его фотографию. Он понял , что он останется молодым и красивым навсегда , и что лицо в картине станет уродливым, старым и жестоким. Шли годы, но Дориан Грей оставался молодым и красивым. Он наслаждался всеми прелестями были в жизни. Тем не менее, его портрет изменился и показал все страшные тайны своей жизни. Дориан становился все более и более одержимы с изображением , как лицо в нем стала старой и уродливой. На Дорийцы 38 - й день рождения, Василий Холлуорд, художник, пришел к Dorian.
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Im собирается в Париж на некоторое время. Но я хочу предупредить вас , что люди говорят ужасные вещи о вас и вашей жизни, сказал он. Дориан решил показать Василий портрет и сказать ему свою тайну. Василий был в ужасе , когда он увидел лицо и сказал Дориан , чтобы изменить свою жизнь. Внезапно Дориан стал очень сердит с Василием. Он взял нож и зарезал базилик несколько раз. На следующий день Дориан избавились от тела. Никто никогда не пропустите Василия Hallward. Они будут думать , что он все еще был во Франции.
Позже той ночью, Дориан был в баре , разговаривая с двумя женщинами. Одна из двух женщин , сказал ему: Ах, я тебя помню. Youre Prince Charming, Арент вас? Моряк в баре услышал это. Это был Сивиллы брат , и он понял , что человек его сестра Сивиллы женихом из восемнадцать лет назад , и он хотел убить его.
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Но когда он увидел Дорийцы лицу ясно , и это выглядело как лицо молодого человека двадцати лет, он позволил ему идти. Я чуть не убил этого мальчика, сказал моряк. Мальчик? сказала женщина. Впервые я встретил его восемнадцать лет назад , но его лицо hasnt изменилось за все это время. Через неделю, Дориан был в стране пребывания с некоторыми друзьями, когда он понял , что моряк следовал за ним. Он стал очень боялся.
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На следующий день, он вышел гулять с некоторыми из его друзей , которые стреляли. Его друг выстрелил в животное , и там был крик человека. Он убил моряка , который следовал Дориана. Дориан решил изменить свою жизнь. Может быть , если у меня есть лучшая жизнь, лицо в картине не будет столь некрасиво и ужасно.
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Но когда он смотрел на портрет, это было еще страшнее , чем раньше. Он решил уничтожить картину. Он взял нож и ударил картину. Был громкий крик и треск. Слуги очень боялись. Они вошли в комнату. На стене они увидели портрет Дориана Грея , как молодой, красивый мужчина. На полу был покойник, с ножом в сердце своем. Это был другой Дориан Грей, лицо его старый, некрасивый и ужасно.
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