I'm a respectable businessman and all I'd been trying to do was keep m перевод - I'm a respectable businessman and all I'd been trying to do was keep m украинский как сказать

I'm a respectable businessman and a

I'm a respectable businessman and all I'd been trying to do was keep my daughter away from drugs and bad company, and I ended up in a police cell.
I've got two daughters, Helen and Susie. Helen's 17 and Susie's 15. I've had no trouble with Helen, apart from a bit of bulimia. Susie's the problem. She used to be a lovely girl with her dolls and toys, but a few months ago her behaviour started to deteriorate. She started dating people who were much poorer than her and staying out later at night. It was really worrying and annoying. Her American boyfriend was coloured and much older than her, not at all suitable for her.
We had some rows about this, and after one row she stormed out and went missing for a whole weekend. I think she was taking drugs. So then I started physically to stop her going out. But one night she went out when we'd gone to bed, and in the early morning the police brought her home. So I told her, 'You see what happens? I told her she'd only got herself to blame. After that, I hoped she would start listening to me. But she didn't.
Then last week she wanted to go out again. I had had enough. I told her, 'You're going to do as I tell you.' But she shouted she'd do what she liked. I grabbed her by the wrists, but she epulled herself free and ran out of the house. I was sick with worry. And then the police came and arrested me for assault! I was taken to the police station like a common criminal. After a few hours, they released me on bail, and I haven't been charged. But it was really unpleasant. I'm just a normal father trying to save my little girl.
My girls were lovely when they were younger. I drove them to piano lessons and drove them back. My wife always made sure they were dressed really nicely. We gave them everything we could, the sort of things I never had when I was a child. They were my pride and joy.
I don't understand this rebellious stuff. I never spoke back to my parents. I never went out drinking. In those days, if you didn't like something you just put up with it. I was working when I was 16, and I've spent my life building up a business for my family, so they would have a better future. And now this! I feel like my world has fallen apart.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
Я респектабельний бізнесмен все, що я намагався зробити тримати мою дочку від наркотиків і погана компанія, і був я потрапив у клітинці поліції. У мене є дві дочки, Хелен і Сьюзі. Хелен 17 і Сюзі 15. Я вже не було ніяких проблем з Хелен, крім трохи булімії. Сьюзі за проблеми. Вона використовується для бути мила дівчина з її ляльки та іграшки, але кілька місяців тому її поведінку почав руйнуватися. Вона почала знайомства людей, які були набагато бідніші, ніж її і перебування на пізно вночі. Це було дійсно турбує і дратує. Її американський хлопець був кольоровий і набагато старше, ніж її взагалі не підходить для неї. У нас було кілька рядків про це, і після одного рядка вона вибіг і пропали без вісті весь вікенд. Я думаю, що вона приймає наркотики. Так, то я почав фізично зупинити її виходити. Але одного разу вночі вона вийшов коли ми пішли спати, і рано вранці поліція приніс її додому. Тому я сказав їй, "ви бачите, що відбувається? Я сказав їй, що вона була отримали тільки сама винна. Після цього я сподівався, що вона хотіла б почати, не слухає. Але вона цього не робить. Then last week she wanted to go out again. I had had enough. I told her, 'You're going to do as I tell you.' But she shouted she'd do what she liked. I grabbed her by the wrists, but she epulled herself free and ran out of the house. I was sick with worry. And then the police came and arrested me for assault! I was taken to the police station like a common criminal. After a few hours, they released me on bail, and I haven't been charged. But it was really unpleasant. I'm just a normal father trying to save my little girl. My girls were lovely when they were younger. I drove them to piano lessons and drove them back. My wife always made sure they were dressed really nicely. We gave them everything we could, the sort of things I never had when I was a child. They were my pride and joy. I don't understand this rebellious stuff. I never spoke back to my parents. I never went out drinking. In those days, if you didn't like something you just put up with it. I was working when I was 16, and I've spent my life building up a business for my family, so they would have a better future. And now this! I feel like my world has fallen apart.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Я%27м%20а%20респектабельних%20бізнесмен%20а%20всі%20I%27d%20б%20намагаються%20до 20% - 20% було%20тримати%20мій%20дочка%20подалі%20від 20% ліків%20а%20погано%20компанії, 20% і 20% Я%20завершився 20-20% до 20%в, 20а%20міліції%20комірки.%20%5Е%20I%27 ve%20отримали 20% два%20дочок,%20Олена%20а%20Сьюзі.%20Олена%27s%2017%20а%20Сьюзі%27s%2015.%20I%27 ve%20мали%20не%20неприємності%20з%20Олена,%20крім%20від%20а%20-бітний%20з 20% булем.%20Сьюзі%27s%20в%20проблеми.%20вона%20використовується%20до 20% буде%20а%20lovely%20дівчина%20з%20її%20ляльки%20а%20м'які іграшки,%
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