A path to salvation through innovationKazuo Kashio has led Casio, theJ перевод - A path to salvation through innovationKazuo Kashio has led Casio, theJ русский как сказать

A path to salvation through innovat

A path to salvation through innovation

Kazuo Kashio has led Casio, the
Japanese c o n s umer-electronics
company that he founded with his
three brothers, for 20 years.
Whatever problem is put to him,
whether it is the yen's strength, the
economy's weakness or the collapse
in Japanese mobile-phone sales, the
energetic executive has a single
10 answer: launch new products.
"For us as a manufacturer, whether
conditions are good or bad is all
decided by our products, and our
strategy is to make sure as many of
15 them as possible are new," he says.
30 that his long years of sel ling make
him a keen judge of whether a new
product will succeed. He perks up
considerably when given the chance
to praise h i s gadgets, such as
35 radio-controlled watches that pick up
a broadcast signal to set the time, and
the toughened G-Shock brand, which
redeined watch design.
A source of pride at the moment is
40 Casio's family of high-speed "burst"
digital cameras, which can take
up to 60 shots a second after the
photographer presses the bulton.
With such a camera, Mr Kashio
Casio plans to replace 50 per cent
of its products in the second half
of the year.
That strategy a m o u n ts to an
20 attempt to maintain sales by taking a
larger share of a shrinking market.
Challenged as to whether that is
possible, given that rivals are not
only racing to launch new products
45 says, a photographer can catch the
precise moment at which a batter
hits a baseball and judge instantly
whether a runner was safe or out.
The product has taken Casio into
s o the professional photography market,
wh ich is d o m i nated by Canon
and Nikon.
to one", to describe how Casio
0 creates something that did not exist
- such as the electronic calculator
that stmted it all in 1 957 - from scratch.
5 but also cutting prices, M r Kashio
argues that Casio's products arc
unique enough to do it.
This conidence in his products is
typical of M r Kashio. He often says
- • •
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
A path to salvation through innovationKazuo Kashio has led Casio, theJapanese c o n s umer-electronicscompany that he founded with histhree brothers, for 20 years.Whatever problem is put to him,whether it is the yen's strength, theeconomy's weakness or the collapsein Japanese mobile-phone sales, theenergetic executive has a single10 answer: launch new products."For us as a manufacturer, whetherconditions are good or bad is alldecided by our products, and ourstrategy is to make sure as many of15 them as possible are new," he says.30 that his long years of sel ling makehim a keen judge of whether a newproduct will succeed. He perks upconsiderably when given the chanceto praise h i s gadgets, such as35 radio-controlled watches that pick upa broadcast signal to set the time, andthe toughened G-Shock brand, whichredeined watch design.A source of pride at the moment is40 Casio's family of high-speed "burst"digital cameras, which can takeup to 60 shots a second after thephotographer presses the bulton.With such a camera, Mr KashioFTCasio plans to replace 50 per centof its products in the second halfof the year.That strategy a m o u n ts to an20 attempt to maintain sales by taking alarger share of a shrinking market.Challenged as to whether that ispossible, given that rivals are notonly racing to launch new products45 says, a photographer can catch theprecise moment at which a batterhits a baseball and judge instantlywhether a runner was safe or out.The product has taken Casio intos o the professional photography market,wh ich is d o m i nated by Canonand Nikon.to one", to describe how Casio0 creates something that did not exist- such as the electronic calculatorthat stmted it all in 1 957 - from scratch.5 but also cutting prices, M r Kashioargues that Casio's products arcunique enough to do it.This conidence in his products istypical of M r Kashio. He often says- • •
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
путь спасения через инновациикадзуо kashio привело Casio,японский C - N S умер.компании, которые он основал с еготри брата, за 20 лет.то, что проблема поставить его,будь это йен мощи,слабость экономики, или падениев японии продажи мобильных телефонов,энергичного исполнительного имеет одно10 ответ: запуск новых продуктов."для нас, как правило, лиусловия хорошие или плохие - это всерешение нашей продукции и нашихстратегия заключается в том, чтобы, как многие15 их как можно новые ", - говорит он.30, что его долгие годы SEL линг сделатьего большой судья ли новыепродукт будет успешной.он встанет,в значительной мере дать шансхвалить H I S гаджеты, например,35 часов, чтобы забрать радиоуправляемымпередача сигнала, чтобы установить время ив максимально g-shock бренд, которыйredeined часы дизайна.предметом гордости сейчас40 Casio семьи высокоскоростных "всплеск"цифровые камеры, которые могут принятьдо 60 выстрелов, второй послефотограф нажимает bulton.с такой камеры, мистер kashioFTCasio планирует заменить 50%своей продукции во второй половинев этом году.эта стратегия м - U N TS -20 пытаются сохранить продажи сбольшую долю на рынке сокращается.вызов в том, чтовозможно, с учетом того, что соперники нетолько в гонках для запуска новых продуктов45 говорит, фотограф может пойматьмомент, в который бьющийбьет бейсбольной и судья мгновенноли беглец был в безопасности или нет.продукт приняло Casio вS - профессиональными фотографами, рынок,- я - D - м я nated в канони Nikon.один ", чтобы описать, как казио0 создает что - то, что не существует- таких, как электронный калькуляторэто все, что stmted в 1 957 - с нуля.5, но и снижения цен, м - р kashioутверждает, что Casio продукции дугауникальный для того, чтобы сделать это.это conidence в его продукциитипичный M R kashio.он часто говорит:- •
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