The next morning, Gillian flew around Thistleberry Glen. She saw Carly перевод - The next morning, Gillian flew around Thistleberry Glen. She saw Carly русский как сказать

The next morning, Gillian flew arou

The next morning, Gillian flew around Thistleberry Glen. She saw Carly, Siobhan, Rabbie and Harry standing talking. She flew down and landed next to them. "What’s going on here?" she asked.

Carly mooed, "In the middle of the night, someone delivered a package of sweets to each of us. We don’t know who it was!"

Gillian smiled. "I know who it was!"

Siobhan went baa. "Tell us. Who would do such a nice thing? I’ve never tasted such delicious tablet, shortbread and pastries before."

"It was Fraser, the big purple dragon that lives in the cave. I saw him myself," Gillian answered.

"Fraser? That clumsy dragon?" Harry squealed.

"Surely you’re mistaken," Rabbie added.

"No, I saw him. He left me a package too. I think we should do something nice for him. I imagine he must get chilly in that damp cave," the grouse said.

"I’ve got a splendid idea," Siobhan said. "Let’s use my wool. It’s nice and thick and warm, and we’ll make him a blanket. You can all knit, can’t you?" she asked the others.

They all nodded. They spent the day plucking wool from Siobhan’s back and knitting. When they were done, they sewed each strip together. "That’s lovely," Carly said, looking at the finished blanket. "It will keep him warm all winter long."

Rabbie wrapped it in some beautiful silver and gold paper. Harry tied a golden ribbon around it. "Let’s get him a tree too," Harry said. "I’ll make the decorations if you’ll find the tree."

Carly and Siobhan found a wee pine tree. Harry and Rabbie hung nuts and rowan berries on it. Gillian used some of her feathers to decorate it. "That’s lovely," she said as the finishing touches were added. On Christmas Eve, after the sun went down, the five animals carried the tree and the wrapped blanket and set them down outside of Fraser’s cave.

Christmas morning came around. Fraser was feeling rather sad. His fingers were cold and his claws were almost frozen like icicles. His horns had frost on them and he couldn’t feel his tail, which had been lying on the ground. He stood up and rubbed his arms and went outside. "What’s this?" he gasped. He picked up the package. "It’s a Christmas present," he laughed. He opened it up. "Oh, a lovely woolen blanket. Who made this?" he wondered. He looked at the tree. "Rowan berries, nuts and feathers. How pretty! It’s the best Christmas tree I’ve ever had!"

He went back inside and turned on his oven and started to make himself a Christmas meal. As he was chopping the leeks, he heard a noise coming from the entrance to his cave. "Can we come in?" Carly asked.

Fraser was surprised. He had guests on Christmas Day! "Come in, all of you. I’m about to fix supper. Would you like to stay?" he asked.

Carly, Siobhan, Rabbie, Harry and Gillian spent the rest of the day in the cave with Fraser, nibbling on his leeks and potatoes, haggis, sausages, bacon, sweets of every sort imaginable, bannocks, raisins and boiled eggs. "This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had," he sighed, happily. "Thank you for the blanket. There’ll be no more cold nights for me now." He noticed that Siobhan didn’t have as much wool as usual and smiled at her. "Merry Christmas to you all," he shouted.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Fraser," they replied.

From then on, the other animals in Thistleberry Glen stopped by Fraser’s cave for tea and caramel shortbread whenever they were nearby and even invited the dragon to their houses, even though he was too big to fit inside.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The next morning, Gillian flew around Thistleberry Glen. She saw Carly, Siobhan, Rabbie and Harry standing talking. She flew down and landed next to them. "What’s going on here?" she asked.Carly mooed, "In the middle of the night, someone delivered a package of sweets to each of us. We don’t know who it was!"Gillian smiled. "I know who it was!"Siobhan went baa. "Tell us. Who would do such a nice thing? I’ve never tasted such delicious tablet, shortbread and pastries before.""It was Fraser, the big purple dragon that lives in the cave. I saw him myself," Gillian answered."Fraser? That clumsy dragon?" Harry squealed."Surely you’re mistaken," Rabbie added."No, I saw him. He left me a package too. I think we should do something nice for him. I imagine he must get chilly in that damp cave," the grouse said."I’ve got a splendid idea," Siobhan said. "Let’s use my wool. It’s nice and thick and warm, and we’ll make him a blanket. You can all knit, can’t you?" she asked the others.They all nodded. They spent the day plucking wool from Siobhan’s back and knitting. When they were done, they sewed each strip together. "That’s lovely," Carly said, looking at the finished blanket. "It will keep him warm all winter long."Rabbie wrapped it in some beautiful silver and gold paper. Harry tied a golden ribbon around it. "Let’s get him a tree too," Harry said. "I’ll make the decorations if you’ll find the tree."Carly and Siobhan found a wee pine tree. Harry and Rabbie hung nuts and rowan berries on it. Gillian used some of her feathers to decorate it. "That’s lovely," she said as the finishing touches were added. On Christmas Eve, after the sun went down, the five animals carried the tree and the wrapped blanket and set them down outside of Fraser’s cave.Christmas morning came around. Fraser was feeling rather sad. His fingers were cold and his claws were almost frozen like icicles. His horns had frost on them and he couldn’t feel his tail, which had been lying on the ground. He stood up and rubbed his arms and went outside. "What’s this?" he gasped. He picked up the package. "It’s a Christmas present," he laughed. He opened it up. "Oh, a lovely woolen blanket. Who made this?" he wondered. He looked at the tree. "Rowan berries, nuts and feathers. How pretty! It’s the best Christmas tree I’ve ever had!"He went back inside and turned on his oven and started to make himself a Christmas meal. As he was chopping the leeks, he heard a noise coming from the entrance to his cave. "Can we come in?" Carly asked.Fraser was surprised. He had guests on Christmas Day! "Come in, all of you. I’m about to fix supper. Would you like to stay?" he asked.Carly, Siobhan, Rabbie, Harry and Gillian spent the rest of the day in the cave with Fraser, nibbling on his leeks and potatoes, haggis, sausages, bacon, sweets of every sort imaginable, bannocks, raisins and boiled eggs. "This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had," he sighed, happily. "Thank you for the blanket. There’ll be no more cold nights for me now." He noticed that Siobhan didn’t have as much wool as usual and smiled at her. "Merry Christmas to you all," he shouted."Merry Christmas to you too, Fraser," they replied.From then on, the other animals in Thistleberry Glen stopped by Fraser’s cave for tea and caramel shortbread whenever they were nearby and even invited the dragon to their houses, even though he was too big to fit inside.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
на следующее утро, джиллиан летала thistleberry глен.она видела, что карли, шивон, рабби и гарри стоит говорить.она летела вниз и упал рядом с ним ".что происходит? "она просила.карли mooed ", посреди ночи, кто - то сделал пакет конфет для каждого из нас.мы не знаем, кто это был? "джиллиан улыбнулся ".я знаю, кто это! "шивон пошла на помощь ".скажи нам.кто мог бы сделать такое приятное?я никогда не ел такой вкусный скрижаль, песочное печенье и пирожные."это было фрейзер, большой пурпурно - дракон, который живет в пещере.я видел, как он сам ", - ответил, джиллиан."фрейзер?этот неуклюжий дракон? "гарри визжал."конечно, вы ошибаетесь", - добавил рабби."нет, я видел его.он оставил мне пакет тоже.я думаю, мы должны сделать что - то хорошее для него.я полагаю, он должен будет в этой сырости пещера, "глухаря"."у меня есть блестящая идея", - сказал шабан. "давайте использовать мой шерсти.это мило и толстые и тепло, и мы сделаем ему одеяло.вы все можете вязать, не так ли? "она спрашивает, другие.все они кивнул.они весь день выхватывала шерсти с шивон вернулся и вязать.когда они закончили, они сшила каждой газа вместе ".это прекрасно, "карли сказал, глядя на готовые одеяла".он будет держать его в тепле всю зиму долго ".рабби завернула его в красивые, золота, серебра и бумаги.гарри связаны золотой лентой.давай его дерево тоже ", - сказал гарри".я сделаю декорации, если вы найдете дерева ".карли и шивон нашли у сосны.гарри и раббие висели орехи и рован ягоды на нем.джиллиан использовал некоторые из ее перья для украшения ".это чудесно ", - говорит она, как последние штрихи.в канун рождества, после того как зашло солнце, пять животных в дерево и упакованные одеяла и установить их за пределами фрейзер пещеру.рождественское утро пришла в себя.фрейзер был чувствовать себя довольно печально.его пальцы были холодные и его когти были практически заморожены как льдышки.его рогов был мороз на них, и он не мог чувствовать его хвост, который лежал на земле.он встал и потер руки и ушли ".что это? "он сглотнул.он забрал пакет ".это подарок на рождество ", - рассмеялся.он открыл его.о, прекрасная шерстяное одеяло.кто сделал это? "он интересуется.он посмотрел на дереве ".роуэн, ягоды, орехи и перья.как красиво!это лучшая елка у меня когда - либо были! "он пошел туда и включил его духовкой и начал делать сам рождественский ужин.как он резал лук - порей, он услышал шум от входа в свою пещеру ".мы можем войти? "карли.фрейзер был удивлен.у гостей на рождество! "давай, все вы.я собираюсь исправить ужин.вы хотели бы остановиться? "он попросил.карли, шивон, рабби, гарри и джиллиан провел остаток дня в пещере с фрейзером, выпивать по его лук и картофель, хаггис, сосиски, бекон, свитс всех мастей, какие bannocks, изюм и вареные яйца. "это лучшее рождество в моей жизни ", - сказал он, к счастью".спасибо за одеяло.не будет ни более холодные ночи за мной. "он заметил, что шивон не столько шерсти, как обычно, а улыбнулся ей."с рождеством вас всех, - закричал он."вас тоже с рождеством, фрейзер, - ответили они.с тех пор, других животных в thistleberry глен остановили фрейзер пещеру на чай и карамель песочное печенье, когда они были рядом, и даже предложил дракона, дома, несмотря на то, что он был слишком велик, чтобы сидит внутри.
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