London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economicand com перевод - London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economicand com русский как сказать

London is the capital of Great Brit

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic
and commercial centre. It is a great industrial and cultural
centre. Today London is one of the largest cities in the world and
the biggest seaport in Europe.
2. London is a very old city. It is more than twenty centuries
old. Its population is about ten million people. London lies on
both sides of the River Thames. The Thames is a very beautiful
and wide river. The river Thames flows from west to east and divides
London into two parts: the North Bank and the South Bank.
London stretches for nearly thirty miles from north to south and for
nearly thirty miles from east to west.
3. The important parts of London are the City, the West
End, and the East End. The City is a financial and business part
of London. There are most of London banks, offices and firms
there. It is a very small part of London, only one square mile.
4. The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part
of London. There are fine mansions, theatres, museums, big
shops, hotels, restaurants, schools, colleges and the University. Its
streets and parks are the finest in the capital. The East End of
London includes the port, docks and factories. The working
people live in this part of London.
5. Thus we may say that the City is the money of London,
the West End is the goods of London, and the East End is the
hands of London, those hands which built the banks of the city,
palaces, hotels, theatres, rich houses and department stores in the
West End
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economicand commercial centre. It is a great industrial and culturalcentre. Today London is one of the largest cities in the world andthe biggest seaport in Europe.2. London is a very old city. It is more than twenty centuriesold. Its population is about ten million people. London lies onboth sides of the River Thames. The Thames is a very beautifuland wide river. The river Thames flows from west to east and dividesLondon into two parts: the North Bank and the South Bank.London stretches for nearly thirty miles from north to south and fornearly thirty miles from east to west.3. The important parts of London are the City, the WestEnd, and the East End. The City is a financial and business partof London. There are most of London banks, offices and firmsthere. It is a very small part of London, only one square mile.4. The West End is the richest and the most beautiful partof London. There are fine mansions, theatres, museums, bigshops, hotels, restaurants, schools, colleges and the University. Itsstreets and parks are the finest in the capital. The East End ofLondon includes the port, docks and factories. The workingpeople live in this part of London.5. Thus we may say that the City is the money of London,the West End is the goods of London, and the East End is thehands of London, those hands which built the banks of the city,palaces, hotels, theatres, rich houses and department stores in theWest End
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Лондон является столицей Великобритании, ее политического, экономического
и коммерческого центра. Это большой промышленный и культурный
центр. Сегодня Лондон является одним из самых крупных городов мира и
самый большой морской порт в Европе.
2. Лондон является очень старый город. Это больше , чем двадцать веков
назад. Его население составляет около десяти миллионов человек. Лондон лежит на
обеих сторонах реки Темзы. Thames очень красивая
и широкая река. Река Темза течет с запада на восток и делит
Лондон на две части:. Северный банк и South Bank
London простирается почти тридцать миль с севера на юг и
около тридцати миль с востока на запад.
3. Важные части Лондона города, Уэст -
Энд и Ист - Энд. Город является финансовым и деловой части
Лондона. Есть большинство лондонских банков, офисов и фирм
там. Это очень небольшая часть Лондона, только одна квадратная миля.
4. West End является самой богатой и самой красивой части
Лондона. Есть прекрасные особняки, театры, музеи, крупные
магазины, гостиницы, рестораны, школы, колледжи и университет. Его
улицы и парки являются лучшими в столице. Ист - Энд
Лондона включает в себя порт, доки и заводы. Рабочие
люди живут в этой части Лондона.
5. Таким образом , мы можем сказать , что город это деньги Лондона,
Уэст - Энд является товаром Лондона и Ист - Энд является
руки Лондона, эти руки , которые строили банки из города,
дворцов, гостиниц, театров, богатых домов и универмаги в
West End
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