Lexical and Grammatical Competency
Witnesses report many, many different shapes and sizes of UFO`s, even shape changing ones. The famous “Two bowls joined at the rim” shape is reported frequently, but reports of objects shaped like cigars, squares, balls, triangles, rings, and GUITARS are also common. Many of these reports are of objects from far away, but reports of close encounters also exist. Some of the most interesting sightings, are reported on or near the ground. Often the person claims that the ship left a mark or something on the ground, this is called a “Trace Case”. In accordance with the paragraph ____________.
1. these reports have come from people living in rural areas
2. these reports, however, have to be separated from others
3. a study of these reports are random and show no pattern
4. most of the unknown flying objects are reported to have been on or near the ground
Результаты (
узбекский) 1:
Leksik va Grammatik Yetkinlik
guvohlari ham o'zgarib kishilarga shakllantirish, juda ko'p turli xil shakllar va UFO`s miqdorini hisobot. Mashhur tez-tez xabar shakli «Ikki kosa RIM da qo'shildi", lekin puro, maydonlar, to'p, uchburchak, uzuk, va gitara eslatuvchi ob'ektlarini hisobotlar ham keng tarqalgan. Bu hisobotlar ko'p juda olisda ob'ektlarini, lekin yaqin uchrashuvlar hisobotlari ham mavjud. Eng qiziqarli manzarasi ba'zilari yoki erga yaqin xabar qilinadi. Ko'pincha inson kema erga bir iz yoki biror narsa tark deb da'vo, bu bir "iz Case" deyiladi. ____________ Bandiga muvofiq.
1. Ushbu ma'ruzalar qishloq joylarda yashayotgan odamlarning kelgan bo'lishi
2. Ushbu ma'ruzalar Biroq, boshqalardan ajratilgan bo'lishi kerak
3. bu hisobotlarni o'quv tasodifiy va hech qanday namuna ko'rsatish
noma'lum uchar ob'ektlar eng ega etildi 4. yoki erga yaqin bo'lgan
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