When my Uncle Alan turned up at my thirteenth birthday party without a перевод - When my Uncle Alan turned up at my thirteenth birthday party without a украинский как сказать

When my Uncle Alan turned up at my

When my Uncle Alan turned up at my thirteenth birthday party without a present, I couldn't hide the disappointment on my face. He was my favourite uncle, and he always bought me fantastic presents.
'Don't look so sad, Anna,' he said kindly. 'I haven't forgotten to get you a present. I just
couldn't bring it with me. Tomorrow, I'm taking you abseiling’.
'I didn't know you had a boat,' I said.
'No, not sailing! Abseiling!'
'What's that?' I asked. I’ve never heard of it.'
'You'll see,' he said mysteriously.
Early the next day, Uncle Alan drove me to Lamerton Adventure Park. I'd never been there before, but had often told my mum and dad how exciting it sounded. As we drove through the gates, it seemed that, once again, Uncle Alan had found me a birthday present I'd never forget.
When we arrived, we went to find my instructor, a friendly young woman called Isabelle. She put me completely at ease, and I knew that, whatever I was going to be doing, I'd be quite safe with her.
'So, Anna, have you ever been abseiling before?’ she asked. I admitted I didn't even know what abseiling was.
'Well, it's always fun to experience something new, isn't it?' she said.
We walked through the park, and ended up at a rocky hill. The biggest rock face was extremely high and steep, but there were smaller, easier faces too. When I saw the equipment waiting for me - a rope, a harness and a helmet - I guessed what I was going to be doing.
'Oh, I'm going rock climbing!' I said excitedly.
'Not exactly,' said Uncle Alan.
Isabelle explained. 'With rock climbing, you start at the bottom and go up, but with abseiling, you start at the top and go down.'
Now I understood.
We carried the equipment up a path to the top of the smallest rock face. I carefully looked over the edge. The ground was about five metres below. 'This is going to be fun,’ I thought.
Isabelle tied the rope carefully to a metal ring, and then threaded it through my harness, which by now I was wearing round my waist. She threw the other end of the rope over the edge of the rock face, and it fell to the ground.
'This is where I say goodbye,' said Uncle Alan. I’m going back down to the bottom. I'll be
holding the other end of the rope, so you'll be quite safe. See you when you come down!'
Isabelle was the perfect instructor. She talked me through what to do step by step. I stood on the edge of the rock face with my back to the drop. My left hand was holding the rope in front of me, my right hand holding the rope behind me. 'Now,' she said, 'gently lean back’.
This was the most difficult part. It's a terribly scary experience leaning back over a cliff, especially the first time you attempt it, and for the first few minutes I wondered whether I could actually do it. Finally, I decided to risk it. I didn't want Uncle Alan thinking I was a coward. Keeping my feet still, I leant back a little. Then a little more.
'Fantastic!' shouted Uncle Alan from below me.
'That's wonderful,' said Isabelle. 'Now, slowly start to walk down the rock.'
It was more like bouncing than actual walking, but I started to go down. It didn't take long to reach the bottom, but I felt a huge sense of achievement when I put my feet on the ground next to Uncle Alan.
I’m so proud of you!' he said. 'Do you want to try a higher rock face now?'
'You bet!' I said. 'The higher, the better!'
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
When my Uncle Alan turned up at my thirteenth birthday party without a present, I couldn't hide the disappointment on my face. He was my favourite uncle, and he always bought me fantastic presents.'Don't look so sad, Anna,' he said kindly. 'I haven't forgotten to get you a present. I justcouldn't bring it with me. Tomorrow, I'm taking you abseiling’.'I didn't know you had a boat,' I said.'No, not sailing! Abseiling!''What's that?' I asked. I’ve never heard of it.''You'll see,' he said mysteriously.Early the next day, Uncle Alan drove me to Lamerton Adventure Park. I'd never been there before, but had often told my mum and dad how exciting it sounded. As we drove through the gates, it seemed that, once again, Uncle Alan had found me a birthday present I'd never forget.When we arrived, we went to find my instructor, a friendly young woman called Isabelle. She put me completely at ease, and I knew that, whatever I was going to be doing, I'd be quite safe with her.'So, Anna, have you ever been abseiling before?’ she asked. I admitted I didn't even know what abseiling was.'Well, it's always fun to experience something new, isn't it?' she said.We walked through the park, and ended up at a rocky hill. The biggest rock face was extremely high and steep, but there were smaller, easier faces too. When I saw the equipment waiting for me - a rope, a harness and a helmet - I guessed what I was going to be doing.'Oh, I'm going rock climbing!' I said excitedly. 'Not exactly,' said Uncle Alan.Isabelle explained. 'With rock climbing, you start at the bottom and go up, but with abseiling, you start at the top and go down.'Now I understood.We carried the equipment up a path to the top of the smallest rock face. I carefully looked over the edge. The ground was about five metres below. 'This is going to be fun,’ I thought.Isabelle tied the rope carefully to a metal ring, and then threaded it through my harness, which by now I was wearing round my waist. She threw the other end of the rope over the edge of the rock face, and it fell to the ground.'This is where I say goodbye,' said Uncle Alan. I’m going back down to the bottom. I'll beholding the other end of the rope, so you'll be quite safe. See you when you come down!'Isabelle was the perfect instructor. She talked me through what to do step by step. I stood on the edge of the rock face with my back to the drop. My left hand was holding the rope in front of me, my right hand holding the rope behind me. 'Now,' she said, 'gently lean back’.This was the most difficult part. It's a terribly scary experience leaning back over a cliff, especially the first time you attempt it, and for the first few minutes I wondered whether I could actually do it. Finally, I decided to risk it. I didn't want Uncle Alan thinking I was a coward. Keeping my feet still, I leant back a little. Then a little more.'Fantastic!' shouted Uncle Alan from below me.'That's wonderful,' said Isabelle. 'Now, slowly start to walk down the rock.'It was more like bouncing than actual walking, but I started to go down. It didn't take long to reach the bottom, but I felt a huge sense of achievement when I put my feet on the ground next to Uncle Alan.I’m so proud of you!' he said. 'Do you want to try a higher rock face now?''You bet!' I said. 'The higher, the better!'
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
Коли мій дядько Алан виявився на моїй тринадцятої вечірці по нагоди дня народження без подарунка, я не міг приховати розчарування на моєму обличчі. Він був мій улюблений дядько, і він завжди купував мені фантастичні подарунки.
"Не дивись так сумно, Анна," сказав він люб'язно. «Я не забув , щоб отримати вам подарунок. Я просто
не міг змусити його зі мною. Завтра, я беру тебе скелелазіння.
"Я не знаю , що ти був човен," сказав я.
"Ні, не пливе! Abseiling! '
' Що це таке? Я запитав. Я ніколи не чув про це. '
' Ви побачите, "сказав він загадково.
Рано вранці наступного дня, дядько Алан водив мене до Lamerton Adventure Park. Я ніколи не був там раніше, але часто говорив моїй мамі і татові , наскільки захоплюючим це звучало. Коли ми їхали через ворота, здавалося , що, знову ж таки, дядько Алан знайшов мені подарунок на день народження я ніколи не забуду.
Коли ми приїхали, ми пішли , щоб знайти мій інструктор, доброзичливу молоду жінку по імені Ізабель. Вона поставила мене абсолютно спокійно, і я знав , що все , що я збирався робити, я був би абсолютно безпечно з нею.
"Так, Ганна, ви коли - небудь були скелелазіння раніше? вона запитала. Я визнав , що я навіть не знаю , що Скелелазіння було.
"Ну, це завжди цікаво спробувати - щось нове, чи не так? сказала вона.
Ми йшли через парк, і в кінцевому підсумку на скелястому пагорбі. Найбільша скеля була дуже високою і крутий, але були невеликі, більш прості особи теж. Коли я побачив , обладнання чекає мене - мотузку, ремінь безпеки і шолом - я здогадався , що я збираюся робити.
"О, я збираюся скелелазіння! Я схвильовано сказав.
"Не зовсім," сказав дядько Алан.
Isabelle пояснив. 'З скелелазіння, ви починаєте в нижній частині і йти вгору, але з скелелазіння, ви починаєте в верхній і йти вниз.
Тепер я зрозумів.
Ми провели обладнання на шляху до вершини найменшої скелі. Я уважно подивився через край. Ґрунт був близько п'яти метрів нижче. "Це буде весело, подумав я.
Ізабель обережно прив'язав мотузку до металевого кільця, а потім різьбові через мій джгутом, який тепер я носив навколо моєї талії. Вона кинула інший кінець мотузки через край скелі, і він впав на землю.
"Тут я говорю до побачення," сказав дядько Алан. Я повертаюся вниз до основи. Я буду
тримати інший кінець мотузки, так що ви будете в цілковитій безпеці. Побачимося , коли ви приходите вниз! »
Ізабель був ідеальний інструктор. Вона розмовляла зі мною через що робити крок за кроком. Я стояв на краю скелі з моєю спиною до падіння. Моя ліва рука тримає мотузку переді мною, моя права рука мотузку позаду мене. "Тепер," сказала вона, "м'яко відкинутися на спинку крісла.
Це була найважча частина. Це жахливо страшний досвід відкинувшись над урвищем, особливо в перший раз , коли ви спробуєте його, і в протягом перших кількох хвилин я задавався питанням, чи зможу я на самому ділі зробити це. І, нарешті, я вирішив ризикнути. Я не хотів дядько Алан думав , що я був боягузом. Тримаючи мої ноги все ще, я відкинувшись трохи. Потім трохи більше.
"Приголомшливо!" крикнув дядько Алан знизу мене.
"Це чудово," говорить Ізабель. «Тепер, починають повільно спускатися по скелі."
Це було більше схоже на підстрибуючи , ніж фактична ходьба, але я почав спускатися. Це не займе багато часу , щоб досягти дна, але я відчував величезне почуття досягнення , коли я поклав ноги на землю поруч з дядьком Аланом.
Я так пишаюся тобою! " він сказав. 'Ви хочете спробувати більш високий рок особа зараз?'
'Ви робите ставку! Я сказав. «Чим вище, тим краще!"
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Вт%ВтВт%%%%%20а%20I%20почали%20до 20% підуть%20вниз.%20його%20той час%27т%20взяти%20довго%20до 20% досягти%20в%20низом,%20а%20I%20відчув%20а%20величезні%20сенс%20з 20% досягнення%20, коли%20I%20покласти%20мій%20 футів%20на 20%в%20землі%20наступного%20до 20% Дядько%20Алан.%5ЕІ%E2%80%99м%20так%20гордий%20з 20%!%27%20він%20.%20%27робити%20ти%20хочуть%20до 20% спробуйте%20а%20вище%20рок%20обличчя%20зараз?%27%5Е%27ти%20Ставка!%27%20I%20.%20%27В%20вище,%20в%20краще!%27
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