The structure of higher education in Great Britain is very complex. Th перевод - The structure of higher education in Great Britain is very complex. Th русский как сказать

The structure of higher education i

The structure of higher education in Great Britain is very complex. The main sources of higher educational institutions are: universities (including the Open University1), teacher-training colleges and polytechnics. British universities come in all ages, sizes and shapes. The oldest of them, Oxford and Cambridge, founded in the 12-th and 13-th centuries took the students from all over the country. The younger civic or “Redbrick” universities serving the needs of their cities were organized in the 19-th century. The newest “Whitebrick” universities came into existence during the 1960s. Admission to universities is by examination or selection in the for of interviews. Applications from candidates for admission to nearly all universities are submitted to the Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS). It is the UCAS that sends the copies to different universities and each university selects its own students.

British universities are independent, self-governing institutions. Although they all receive financial support from the state (about 79 per cent), the Department of Education and Science has no control over their regulations, curriculum, examinations and the way in which the money is spent. Teacher education includes all forms of education provided mostly by teacher-training colleges which receive their grants directly from the Department of Education and Science. The great majority of colleges are maintained by the Local Education Authorities. The most usual route to a teaching qualification is by way of three or four year course, leading to the Bachelor of Education Degree.

The universities and teacher-training colleges are classed as higher educational institutions because they awarddegrees. The normal duration of a first degree course is three of four years. At the end a Bachelor Degree is awarded on the results of examinations. A Master Degree is usually awarded after a further year or two years of studies. The highest degree is the Doctor of Philosophy. It is awarded for research and submission of a thesis-normally after Bachelor and Master Degrees.

Apart from the Universities and teacher-training colleges there are 30 polytechnics in England and Wales and 14 Scottish central institutions. The work of the Polytechnics is of university level. But the universities, funded directly by the state, are less controlled than the Polytechnics. Local Education Authorities are responsible for the budgets of the Polytechnics. Their work is planned and financed by the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council.

Most degrees in Polytechnics are awarded by a national body called the Council for National Academic Awards. The Council ensures that the degrees awarded in polytechnics are equal to the degrees awarded by universities. Polytechnics award the Diploma in Technology. The usual course for the diploma is 3 years for full-time students and 4 years for “sandwich” course ones. The “sandwich” course students alternate periods of full-time education and full- time employment. These courses provide many people with the opportunity of receiving higher technical education.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The structure of higher education in Great Britain is very complex. The main sources of higher educational institutions are: universities (including the Open University1), teacher-training colleges and polytechnics. British universities come in all ages, sizes and shapes. The oldest of them, Oxford and Cambridge, founded in the 12-th and 13-th centuries took the students from all over the country. The younger civic or “Redbrick” universities serving the needs of their cities were organized in the 19-th century. The newest “Whitebrick” universities came into existence during the 1960s. Admission to universities is by examination or selection in the for of interviews. Applications from candidates for admission to nearly all universities are submitted to the Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS). It is the UCAS that sends the copies to different universities and each university selects its own students.British universities are independent, self-governing institutions. Although they all receive financial support from the state (about 79 per cent), the Department of Education and Science has no control over their regulations, curriculum, examinations and the way in which the money is spent. Teacher education includes all forms of education provided mostly by teacher-training colleges which receive their grants directly from the Department of Education and Science. The great majority of colleges are maintained by the Local Education Authorities. The most usual route to a teaching qualification is by way of three or four year course, leading to the Bachelor of Education Degree.The universities and teacher-training colleges are classed as higher educational institutions because they awarddegrees. The normal duration of a first degree course is three of four years. At the end a Bachelor Degree is awarded on the results of examinations. A Master Degree is usually awarded after a further year or two years of studies. The highest degree is the Doctor of Philosophy. It is awarded for research and submission of a thesis-normally after Bachelor and Master Degrees.Apart from the Universities and teacher-training colleges there are 30 polytechnics in England and Wales and 14 Scottish central institutions. The work of the Polytechnics is of university level. But the universities, funded directly by the state, are less controlled than the Polytechnics. Local Education Authorities are responsible for the budgets of the Polytechnics. Their work is planned and financed by the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council.Most degrees in Polytechnics are awarded by a national body called the Council for National Academic Awards. The Council ensures that the degrees awarded in polytechnics are equal to the degrees awarded by universities. Polytechnics award the Diploma in Technology. The usual course for the diploma is 3 years for full-time students and 4 years for “sandwich” course ones. The “sandwich” course students alternate periods of full-time education and full- time employment. These courses provide many people with the opportunity of receiving higher technical education.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
структуры высшего образования в великобритании является весьма сложным.основными источниками высших учебных заведений: университеты (включая открытый university1), педагогические колледжи и техникумы.британские университеты прийти во все века, размеров и форм.старшей из них оксфорд и кембридж, основанная в 12 - м и 13 - м веках занимают студенты со всей страны.молодого гражданского или "redbrick" университетов, отвечающих потребностям их города были организованы в 19 века.новый "whitebrick" университеты появились в 60 - х. прием в университеты осуществляется путем осмотра или отбора в для интервью.заявления от кандидатов для приема на почти все университеты, представляются в университетах и колледжах приема обслуживания (ucas).это ucas, что направляет копии различных университетов и каждый университет выбирает своих студентов.британские университеты независимы, органы самоуправления.хотя все они получают финансовую поддержку от государства (около 79%), министерство образования и науки не контролирует их положений, программ, экзаменов и тем, как деньги расходуются.учителей включает все формы образования, в основном, педагогические колледжи, которые получают гранты непосредственно от министерства образования и науки.подавляющее большинство колледжей поддерживаются местные органы образования.самый обычный маршрут для преподавания квалификации через три или четыре года курса, что привело к бакалавр образование.университеты и колледжи по подготовке учителей, классифицируются как высшие учебные заведения, потому что они awarddegrees.нормальная продолжительность первого курса три - четыре года.в конце бакалавра присуждается по результатам экзаменов.степень магистра обычно присуждается после еще одного года или двух лет исследований.в наибольшей степени - доктор философии.она присуждается за научные исследования и представление диссертации обычно после бакалавра и магистра.помимо университетах и педагогических колледжах, политехнических учебных заведениях существует 30 в англии и уэльсе, шотландии и 14 центральных учреждений.работы в политехнических учебных заведениях имеет высшее.но университеты, непосредственно финансируемые государством, раскованнее, чем техникумы.местные органы образования несут ответственность за бюджеты политехнических учебных заведений.их работы планируется и финансируется техникумы и колледжи финансирование совета.большинство градусов в политехнических награждаются национальный орган под названием совет по делам национальных научных наград.совет обеспечивает дипломов в политехнических равны дипломов университетов.техникумы премии диплом в технологии.в обычном порядке за диплом - 3 года для студентов - очников и 4 лет "сэндвич"."сэндвич" студенты альтернативных периоды очного образования и полной занятости.эти курсы дают множество людей с возможностью получения высшего технического образования.
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