Результаты (
русский) 1:
The summer holidays! Those magic words! The very mention of them used to thrill me. All my summer holidays, from when I was four years old to when I was seventeen, were totally idyllic. This, I am certain, was because we always went to the same idyllic place and that place was Norway. Except for my half-sister and half-brother,the rest of us were all pure Norwegian by blood. We all spoke Norwegian and all our relations lived over there. So in a way, going to Norway every summer was like going home. We were always an enormous party. There were my three sisters and my half-sister (that’s four)/ and my half-brother (that’s six), and my mother (that’s seven), and Nanny (that’s eight), and in addition to these, there were never less than twoof my half-sister’s friends (that’s ten altogether). Looking back on it now, I don’t know how my mother did it. There were all those train bookings and boat bookings and hotel bookings to be made in advance by letter. She had to make sure that we had enough shorts and shirts and sweaters and gymshoes and bathing costumes ( you couldn’t even buy a shoelace on the island we were going to), and the packed, as well as countless suitcases, and when thegreat departure day arrived, the ten of us, together with our mountains of luggage, would set out on the first and easiest step of the journey, the train to London. When we arrived in London, we got into three taxis and went clattering across the great city to King’s cross, where we got on to the train for Newcastle, two hundred miles to the north. The trip to Newcastle took about five hours, and when we arrived there, we needed three more taxis to take us from the station to the docks, where our boat would be waiting. The next stop after that would be Oslo,the capital of Norway. When I was young, capital of Norway was not called Oslo. It was called Christiania. But some where along the line, the Norwegians decided to do away with that pretty name and call it Oslo instead. As children, we always knew it as Christiania, but if I call it that here, we shall only get confused, so I had better call it Oslo all the way through. The sea journey from Newcastle to Oslo took days and night, and if it was rough, as it often was, all of us got sea sick except our fear less mother. We used to lie in deck-chairs on the promenade deck,within easy reach of the rails, our faces green refusing the hot soup and ship’s biscuits the kindly steward kept offering us. And as for poor Nanny, she beganto feel sick the moment she set foot on deck. “I hate these things!” she used to say. “I’m sure we’ll never get there! Which lifeboat do we go to when it starts to sink?” Then she would retire to her cabin, where she stayed groaning andtrembling until the ship was firmly tied up at the quayside in Oslo harbor the next day. Мы всегда остановился на одну ночь в Осло, чтобы мы могли иметь Гранд ежегодного воссоединения с нашей бабушки и дедушки, родители нашей матери. Когда мы вышли из лодки, мы все пошли в кавалькада такси прямо в Гранд отель оставить наш багаж. Затем, сохраняя же такси, мы поехали на бабушек и дедушек '' дом, где нас ждал эмоциональные приветствия. Все из нас были обнял и поцеловал много раз и слезы текли по щекам морщинистой старые и вдруг ожил что тихий мрачный дом с много детских голосов. Следующим утром, каждый встал рано и готовы продолжить путешествие. Там wasanother полный день в путешествие предстоит сделать, прежде чем мы достигли нашего назначения, большая часть его на лодке. Мы любили эту часть нашего путешествия. Хороший маленький сосуд с его единый высокий воронка будет двигаться в спокойных водах фьорда. Если вы плыли вниз фьорда Осло как этот себя alovely летний день, вы не можете представить, что это такое. Это невозможно todescribe чувство абсолютного мира и красоты, что вас окружает. Boatwinds свой путь между бесчисленных крошечных островов, некоторые с ярко раскрашенные деревянные домики на них, но многие с не дом или дерево на голых скалах. В конце дня, мы бы пришли наконец к концу путешествия, остров Fjome. Это было, где наша мама всегда принял нас. Небо знает, как она нашла его, но для нас это было большое место на земле. Около двухсот метров от побережья вдоль узкой пыльной дороге, стоял простой деревянный отель окрашены в белый цвет. Он был ведении пожилая пара чьи лица, до сих пор помню четко и каждый год они приветствовали нас вши старых друзей.
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