The Idea ManRoger Foster has always been able to spot the next big wav перевод - The Idea ManRoger Foster has always been able to spot the next big wav русский как сказать

The Idea ManRoger Foster has always

The Idea Man
Roger Foster has always been able to spot the next big wave in the industry.
Borrowed staff
He left school at 16, but qualified as a chartered accountant five years later. It was during his first
job at GKN PLC, that ‘the light dawned’. Computers were expensive and cumbersome, yet
increasingly companies were using them to run back-office operations as payroll.
So in 1965, with two colleagues and loans from their parents he set up ACT, designing software
systems and offering computer programming services to corporate accounting departments.
After two years, ACT started making a profit. In fact, it was so successful that it became in 1979 the
first British software company to be listed on the Stock Exchange.
Soon after, however, Foster decided that the future lay in hardware. A little chip company called
Intel Corp. had launched the first microprocessors not long before, and a few entrepreneurs saw a
future in small, personal computers made from them.
After designing a US-made PC called the Sirius for a couple of years, ACT started manufacturing
its own version in 1982. The result, the Apricot, was a phenomenal success.
Between 1983 and 1985, ACT sold between 40.000 and 50.000 Apricots a year, more than anyone
else in the UK, including IBM. At the company’s height, recalls Peter Horne, one of Apricot’s cofounders,
“We couldn’t make enough to satisfy demand.”
Bad Bite
But ACT let the advantage slip. In 1985 ACT introduced a $7 m advertising campaign to launch
Apricot in the US and steal market share from Apple Computer Corp. The campaign flopped and
the US sortie cost ACT $14 in 14 months of operation.
And one trend Foster failed to spot proved fatal: the rise of IBM-compatible computing. Apricot,
which ran a version of Microsoft's MS0DOS operating system, had a hardware architecture
peculiar to itself. Foster concedes being late in shifting to the IBM standard; 'If we got the timing
wrong, it was six to nine months, not a year,' he says.
But it was too late. Margins on the Apricot computer began to be squeezed following the rise of
cost-efficient, PC clone manufactures like Compaq Computer Corp. Sales stagnated in 1986 at
around &100 m ($164 m). In the end, ACT was forced to sell the Apricot business. Foster had plans
to pursue. Financial software was the next wave to catch. He added three financial companies, and
ACT's sales soared to &200 m in the early 1990's making it one of the biggest players in its niche.
Fleeting victory
The company's financial products division was in trouble, mostly due to poor sales. ACT embarked
on restructuring and eventually was sold to Misys PLC, a UK software house.
Foster's latest brainchild is Financial Objects, founded in October 1995. The company is compiling
a library of software components that companies can then slot together as they wish, something
like Lego software.
Foster claims: “In 10 to 15 years,software will be a commodity, just like the PC now. We want to be
the company with the largest set of banking components in the Microsoft world. We can be
dominant for ten years if we do it.”
▪ 6 ▪
The company is the second-largest in its field in the UK, behind Misys — but that's a pretty small
field. Last year, it posted sales of & 15.5 m and made a small profit. Foster remains confident —
but he stresses that he doesn't need the money: “It's my swansong. I don't want other directorships
and to go to a board meeting every other month.”
Would he ever leave Financial Objects in the same way he left Apricot and ACT?
“Financial Objects has the potential to grow at 30% to 40% as far as the eye can see, and I want to
take it all the way,' he predicts. But he adds, 'maybe there is a size at which it is time to move.'
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Idea ManRoger Foster has always been able to spot the next big wave in the industry.Borrowed staffHe left school at 16, but qualified as a chartered accountant five years later. It was during his firstjob at GKN PLC, that ‘the light dawned’. Computers were expensive and cumbersome, yetincreasingly companies were using them to run back-office operations as payroll.So in 1965, with two colleagues and loans from their parents he set up ACT, designing softwaresystems and offering computer programming services to corporate accounting departments.After two years, ACT started making a profit. In fact, it was so successful that it became in 1979 thefirst British software company to be listed on the Stock Exchange.Soon after, however, Foster decided that the future lay in hardware. A little chip company calledIntel Corp. had launched the first microprocessors not long before, and a few entrepreneurs saw afuture in small, personal computers made from them.After designing a US-made PC called the Sirius for a couple of years, ACT started manufacturingits own version in 1982. The result, the Apricot, was a phenomenal success.Between 1983 and 1985, ACT sold between 40.000 and 50.000 Apricots a year, more than anyoneelse in the UK, including IBM. At the company’s height, recalls Peter Horne, one of Apricot’s cofounders,“We couldn’t make enough to satisfy demand.”Bad BiteBut ACT let the advantage slip. In 1985 ACT introduced a $7 m advertising campaign to launchApricot in the US and steal market share from Apple Computer Corp. The campaign flopped andthe US sortie cost ACT $14 in 14 months of operation.And one trend Foster failed to spot proved fatal: the rise of IBM-compatible computing. Apricot,which ran a version of Microsoft's MS0DOS operating system, had a hardware architecturepeculiar to itself. Foster concedes being late in shifting to the IBM standard; 'If we got the timingwrong, it was six to nine months, not a year,' he says.But it was too late. Margins on the Apricot computer began to be squeezed following the rise ofcost-efficient, PC clone manufactures like Compaq Computer Corp. Sales stagnated in 1986 ataround &100 m ($164 m). In the end, ACT was forced to sell the Apricot business. Foster had plansto pursue. Financial software was the next wave to catch. He added three financial companies, andACT's sales soared to &200 m in the early 1990's making it one of the biggest players in its niche.Fleeting victoryThe company's financial products division was in trouble, mostly due to poor sales. ACT embarkedon restructuring and eventually was sold to Misys PLC, a UK software house.Foster's latest brainchild is Financial Objects, founded in October 1995. The company is compilinga library of software components that companies can then slot together as they wish, somethinglike Lego software.Foster claims: “In 10 to 15 years,software will be a commodity, just like the PC now. We want to bethe company with the largest set of banking components in the Microsoft world. We can bedominant for ten years if we do it.”▪ 6 ▪The company is the second-largest in its field in the UK, behind Misys — but that's a pretty smallfield. Last year, it posted sales of & 15.5 m and made a small profit. Foster remains confident —but he stresses that he doesn't need the money: “It's my swansong. I don't want other directorshipsand to go to a board meeting every other month.”Would he ever leave Financial Objects in the same way he left Apricot and ACT?“Financial Objects has the potential to grow at 30% to 40% as far as the eye can see, and I want totake it all the way,' he predicts. But he adds, 'maybe there is a size at which it is time to move.'
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
идея, чувакроджер фостер всегда удавалось обнаружить следующий большой волны в промышленности.у сотрудниковон бросил школу в 16 лет, но был квалифицирован как дипломированный бухгалтер пять лет спустя.именно во время его первойработа на gkn PLC, что свет начиналось ".компьютеры были дорогими и громоздкими, однаковсе больше компаний используют их для того, чтобы вернуться туда, управление операций, как начисление заработной платы.так, в 1965 году, с двумя коллегами и займы от своих родителей, он открыл закон, разработка программного обеспечениясистемы и предоставления компьютерных услуг в области программирования корпоративной отчетности.после двух лет, закон начал приносить прибыль.фактически, она была настолько успешной, что она стала в 1979первых британских компаний - разработчиков программного обеспечения, будут перечислены на фондовой бирже.однако, вскоре после этого фостер решила, что в будущем заключается в железе.маленький чип компании под названием "Intel Corp. запустили первый микропроцессоры не задолго до того, как и несколько предпринимателей увиделв будущем в малых, персональные компьютеры, сделанные из них.после разработки нам сделали PC назвать сириус на пару лет, закон начали производствосвою версию в 1982 году.в результате, абрикос, был феноменальный успех.в период с 1983 по 1985 год, закон продала с 40 000 и 50 000 абрикосы в год, больше, чем кто - либо,ещё в великобритании, в том числе IBM.в компании с высоты, напоминает питер хорн, одним из соучредителей фирмы абрикос это,"мы не могли сделать достаточно для удовлетворения спроса."плохо.но закон, пусть преимущество скольжения.в 1985 году в закон были внесены $7 м рекламной кампании для запускаабрикос в сша и украсть на рынке от Apple Corp кампании провалился исша, sortie стоимость $14 в закон 14 месяцев работы.и одна из тенденций, фостер не место оказалось фатальным: рост IBM - совместимый вычислений.абрикосов,, который запустил версию операционной системы Microsoft ms0dos, аппаратной архитектурытолько для себя.фостер, признает опоздание в переходе на IBM стандарта; если мы получили срокитак, было шесть - девять месяцев, не один год ", - сказал он.но было слишком поздно.маржи на абрикосовом компьютер начал стеснен в связи с увеличениемэкономичные, PC - клон производителями как Compaq компьютер в 1986 году в продаже остались на прежнем уровне.вокруг & 100 м ($164 млн).в конце концов, закон был вынужден продать абрикоса, бизнес.фостер, были планыпродолжать.финансовые программы следующей волны, чтобы поймать.он добавил три финансовых компаний, и"продажи взлетели на & 200 м в начале 1990 - х годов, делает его одним из крупнейших игроков в своей нише.мимолетные победыв компании финансовых продуктов, отдел был в беде, главным образом из - за плохой продажи.закон встална реструктуризацию и, в конечном счете, было продано системы PLC, великобритания программного обеспечения, дом.фостер последних детища является финансовым объектов, основанная в октябре 1995 года.компания собираетбиблиотека компонентов программного обеспечения, что компании могут затем слот вместе, как они хотят, токак программное Lego.фостер претензий: "в 10 - 15 лет, программное обеспечение будет товар, как компьютер.мы хотим бытькомпания с большой набор банковских компонентов в Microsoft.мы можем бытьдоминирующим на десять лет, если мы сделаем это ".• 6 -компания является вторым по величине в своей области в великобритании за системы - но это довольно маленькаяполе.в прошлом году он разместил в продаже & 15,5 м и сделал небольшую прибыль.фостер по - прежнему уверен -однако он подчеркивает, что ему не нужны деньги: "это моя лебединой песней.я не хочу, чтобы другие директоратови ходить на заседания совета каждый месяц ".он когда - нибудь оставить финансовых объектов, в то же время он оставил абрикос и закон?"финансовые объектов может вырасти на 30% до 40%, так далеко, как можно увидеть, и я хочубери все, он предсказывает.но, добавляет он, "может быть, есть размеры, на которой пора двигаться.
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