Peter the Great’s reignbegan a new epoch in Russian history, known var перевод - Peter the Great’s reignbegan a new epoch in Russian history, known var русский как сказать

Peter the Great’s reignbegan a new

Peter the Great’s reign
began a new epoch in Russian history, known variously as the Imperial Age because of the new designation of ruler and land, the St. Petersburg Era because of the new capital, or the All-Russian Period because the state came to include more and more peoples other than the Great Russians, that is, the old Muscovites. Tsar Alexis, Peter’s father, had been married twice, to Mary Miloslavskaia from 1648 to 1669, and to Nathalie Naryshkina from 1671 until his death in 1676. He had thirteen children by his first wife, but of the sons only two, Theodore and Ivan, both of them sickly, survived their father. Peter, strong and healthy, was born on June 9, 1672, about a year after the tsar’s second marriage. Theodore, as we know succeeded Alexis and died without an heir in 1682. In the absence of a law of succession, the two boyar families, the Miloslavskys and Naryshkins, competed for the throne. The Naryshkins gained an early victory: Peter was proclaimed tsar in April 1682. Because of his youth, his mother became regent, while her relatives and friends secured leading positions in the state.
In 1694 Nathalie died, and Peter I finally assumed the direction of the state at the age of twenty-two.
The impresion that Peter I commonly made on his contemporaries was one of enormous strength and energy. Almost seven feet tall and powerfully built, the tsar possessed astonishing physical strength. Moreover, he appeared to be in a constant state of restless activity, taking on himself tasksnormally done by several man. In addition to his extraordinary physical attributes, Peter I exhibited some remarkable qualities of mind and character.
He proceeded to participate personally in all kinds of state affairs, technical and special as well as general, becoming deeply involved in diplomacy, administration, justice, finance, commerce, industry, education, and practically everything else besides. In his reforms the tsar invariably valued expert advice, but he was also generally independent in thought and did not hesitate to adapt projects to circumstances. Peter I also developed into an accomplished military and naval commander. He studied the professions of soldier and sailor from the bottom up, serving first in the ranks and learning the use of each weapon before promoting himself to his first post as an officer. The monarch attained the rank of full general after the victory of Poltava and of full admiral after the successful conclusion of the Great Northern War. In addition, the sovereign found time to learn some twenty different trades and prided himself on his ability to make almost anything, from a ship to a pair of shoes. With his own hands he pulled the teeth of his courtiers and cut off their beards.

As to character, the tsar impressed those around him by his energy, unbending will, determination, and dedication. Less attractive, but at times equally imposing, traits included a violent temper, crudeness, and frequent cruelty. Yet Peter the Great must not be confused with Ivan the Terrible, whom he, incidentally, admired.

In the field of military reforms Peter the Great’s measures must be regarded as redical, successful, and lasting, as well as imitative of the West; and he has rightly been considered the founder of the modern Russian army.
To an even greater extent than the army, the modern Russian navy was the creation of Peter the Great. One can fairly say it was one of his passions. He began from scratch – with one vessel of an obsolete type, to be exact – and left to his successor 48 major warships and 787 minor and auxiliary craft, serviced by 28,000 men. The British considered the Russian vessels comparable to the best British ships in the same class, and the British government became so worried by the sudden rise of the Russian navy that in 1719 it recalled its men from the Russian service.

Although mainly occupied with military matters, Peter reformed the central and local government in Russia as well as Church administration and finance, and he also effected important changes in Russian society, economy, and culture. Long ago Pogodin, a historian and one of the many admirers of the emperor, wrote:

“Peter the Great did much for Russia... We cannot open our eyes, cannot make a move, cannot turn in any direction without encountering him everywhere, at home, in the streets, in church, in school, in court, in the regiment, at a promenade – it is always he, always he, every day, every
minute, at every step!

We wake up. What day is it today? January 1, 1841 – Peter the Great ordered us to count years from the birth of Christ; Peter the Great ordered us to count the months from January.

A book strikes our eyes – Peter the Great introduced this script and himself cut out the letters. You begin to read it – this language became a written language, a literary language, at the time of Peter the First, superseding the earlier church language.

Newspapers are brought in – Peter the Great introduced them.
At dinner, all the courses, from salted herring, through potatoes which he ordered grow, to wine made from grapes which he began to cultivate, will speak to you of Peter the Great.
Let us go to the university – the first secular school was founded by Peter the Great.

You receive a rank – according to Peter the Great’s Table of Ranks.
The rank gives me gentry status – Peter the Great so arranged it.

I must file a complaint – Peter the Great prescribed its form. It will be received – in front of Peter the Great’s mirror of justice. It will be acted upon – on the basis of the General Reglament.

You decide to travel abroad – following the example of Peter the Great; you will be received well – Peter the Great placed Russia among the European states and began to instill respect for her; and so on, and so on, and so on.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Peter the Great’s reignbegan a new epoch in Russian history, known variously as the Imperial Age because of the new designation of ruler and land, the St. Petersburg Era because of the new capital, or the All-Russian Period because the state came to include more and more peoples other than the Great Russians, that is, the old Muscovites. Tsar Alexis, Peter’s father, had been married twice, to Mary Miloslavskaia from 1648 to 1669, and to Nathalie Naryshkina from 1671 until his death in 1676. He had thirteen children by his first wife, but of the sons only two, Theodore and Ivan, both of them sickly, survived their father. Peter, strong and healthy, was born on June 9, 1672, about a year after the tsar’s second marriage. Theodore, as we know succeeded Alexis and died without an heir in 1682. In the absence of a law of succession, the two boyar families, the Miloslavskys and Naryshkins, competed for the throne. The Naryshkins gained an early victory: Peter was proclaimed tsar in April 1682. Because of his youth, his mother became regent, while her relatives and friends secured leading positions in the state.In 1694 Nathalie died, and Peter I finally assumed the direction of the state at the age of twenty-two.The impresion that Peter I commonly made on his contemporaries was one of enormous strength and energy. Almost seven feet tall and powerfully built, the tsar possessed astonishing physical strength. Moreover, he appeared to be in a constant state of restless activity, taking on himself tasksnormally done by several man. In addition to his extraordinary physical attributes, Peter I exhibited some remarkable qualities of mind and character.He proceeded to participate personally in all kinds of state affairs, technical and special as well as general, becoming deeply involved in diplomacy, administration, justice, finance, commerce, industry, education, and practically everything else besides. In his reforms the tsar invariably valued expert advice, but he was also generally independent in thought and did not hesitate to adapt projects to circumstances. Peter I also developed into an accomplished military and naval commander. He studied the professions of soldier and sailor from the bottom up, serving first in the ranks and learning the use of each weapon before promoting himself to his first post as an officer. The monarch attained the rank of full general after the victory of Poltava and of full admiral after the successful conclusion of the Great Northern War. In addition, the sovereign found time to learn some twenty different trades and prided himself on his ability to make almost anything, from a ship to a pair of shoes. With his own hands he pulled the teeth of his courtiers and cut off their beards.As to character, the tsar impressed those around him by his energy, unbending will, determination, and dedication. Less attractive, but at times equally imposing, traits included a violent temper, crudeness, and frequent cruelty. Yet Peter the Great must not be confused with Ivan the Terrible, whom he, incidentally, admired.In the field of military reforms Peter the Great’s measures must be regarded as redical, successful, and lasting, as well as imitative of the West; and he has rightly been considered the founder of the modern Russian army.To an even greater extent than the army, the modern Russian navy was the creation of Peter the Great. One can fairly say it was one of his passions. He began from scratch – with one vessel of an obsolete type, to be exact – and left to his successor 48 major warships and 787 minor and auxiliary craft, serviced by 28,000 men. The British considered the Russian vessels comparable to the best British ships in the same class, and the British government became so worried by the sudden rise of the Russian navy that in 1719 it recalled its men from the Russian service.Although mainly occupied with military matters, Peter reformed the central and local government in Russia as well as Church administration and finance, and he also effected important changes in Russian society, economy, and culture. Long ago Pogodin, a historian and one of the many admirers of the emperor, wrote:“Peter the Great did much for Russia... We cannot open our eyes, cannot make a move, cannot turn in any direction without encountering him everywhere, at home, in the streets, in church, in school, in court, in the regiment, at a promenade – it is always he, always he, every day, everyminute, at every step!We wake up. What day is it today? January 1, 1841 – Peter the Great ordered us to count years from the birth of Christ; Peter the Great ordered us to count the months from January.A book strikes our eyes – Peter the Great introduced this script and himself cut out the letters. You begin to read it – this language became a written language, a literary language, at the time of Peter the First, superseding the earlier church language.Newspapers are brought in – Peter the Great introduced them.At dinner, all the courses, from salted herring, through potatoes which he ordered grow, to wine made from grapes which he began to cultivate, will speak to you of Peter the Great.Let us go to the university – the first secular school was founded by Peter the Great.You receive a rank – according to Peter the Great’s Table of Ranks.The rank gives me gentry status – Peter the Great so arranged it.I must file a complaint – Peter the Great prescribed its form. It will be received – in front of Peter the Great’s mirror of justice. It will be acted upon – on the basis of the General Reglament.You decide to travel abroad – following the example of Peter the Great; you will be received well – Peter the Great placed Russia among the European states and began to instill respect for her; and so on, and so on, and so on.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Петр царствование Великого
начал новую эпоху в истории России, известный по-разному как имперской эпохи из-за нового назначения правителя и земли, Санкт-Петербург Эра из новой столицы, или Все-русский период, поскольку государство стало включают в себя все больше и больше, чем другие великороссов народы, то есть старые москвичи. Царь Алексей, отец Петра, был дважды женат, Мэри Miloslavskaia с 1648 по 1669, и Натали Нарышкиной с 1671 до его смерти в 1676 году он не имел тринадцать детей от первой жены, но из сыновей только два, Теодор и Иван , и из них болезненный, выжил отца. Петр, сильным и здоровым, родился 9 июня 1672, примерно через год после второго брака царя. Теодор, как мы знаем, удалось Алексис и умер, не оставив наследника в 1682 году В отсутствие закона о правопреемстве, два боярских семей, Милославских и Нарышкиных, соревновались за трон. Нарышкины получили досрочную победу: Питер был провозглашен царем в апреле 1682 Из-за его молодости, его мать стала регентшей, а ее родственники и друзья обеспечены лидирующие позиции в государстве.
В 1694 Натали умерла, и Петр I, наконец, предполагается, направление состояние в возрасте двадцати двух лет.
The impresion, что Петр I обычно из его современников на был одним из огромной силой и энергией. Почти семь футов в высоту и могучий, царь обладал удивительной физической силы. Кроме того, он оказался в состоянии постоянного неугомонного деятельности, принимая на себя tasksnormally сделано несколько человек. В дополнение к его выдающиеся физические атрибуты, Петр I выставлены замечательные качества ума и характера.
Он исходил лично участвовать во всех видах государственных дел, технического и специального, а также общего, став глубоко вовлечены в дипломатии, управления, правосудия, финансов , торговля, промышленность, образование, и практически все остальное кроме того. В своих реформах царь неизменно оцениваются экспертные консультации, но он был также в целом независимы в мысли и не стесняйтесь адаптировать проекты к обстоятельствам. Петр I разработал в совершившимся военной и военно-морской командующий. Он изучал профессии солдата и матроса снизу вверх, выступающей первым в строю и обучение использованию каждого оружия перед выдвижением себя своей первой должности офицера. Монарх получил звание полного генерала, после Полтавской победы и полного адмирала после успешного завершения Великой Северной войны. Кроме того, суверенный нашел время, чтобы узнать некоторые двадцати различных сделок и гордился своим умением делать что угодно, от корабля к паре обуви. Своими руками он вытащил зубы придворных и отрезать их бороды. Как символ, царь впечатление тех, кто вокруг него своей энергией, несгибаемой воли, решимости, и преданность делу. Менее привлекательными, но порой столь же внушительных, черты включали насильственный характер, грубость, жестокость и частое. Тем не менее, Петр Великий не следует путать с Ивана Грозного, которого он, кстати, восхищался. В области военных реформ меры Петра Великого следует рассматривать как redical, успешный, и прочного, а также имитационных Запада; и он по праву считается основоположником современного русского войска. В еще большей степени, чем в армии, современный русский флот был создание Петра Великого. Можно сказать, что это довольно был одним из его страстей. Он начал с нуля - с одной судна устаревшей типа, а точнее - и слева его преемник 48 крупных военных кораблей и 787 несовершеннолетнего и вспомогательного корабля, обслуживаемых 28000 мужчин. Британский рассмотрены российские суда сопоставимы с лучшими британскими кораблями в том же классе, и британское правительство стало настолько обеспокоены резким ростом российского флота, что в 1719 году он напомнил своих людей из русской службы. Хотя в основном заняты военным вопросам Петр реформировал центрального и местного правительства в России, а также церковного управления и финансов, и он также осуществляется важные изменения в российском обществе, экономике и культуре. Давным-давно Погодин, историк и один из многих поклонников императора, писал: "Петр Великий сделал много для России ... Мы не можем открыть наши глаза, не может сделать ход, не может повернуть в любую сторону, не сталкиваясь с ним повсюду, дома, на улице, в церкви, в школе, в суде, в полку, на набережной - это всегда он, он всегда, каждый день, каждый минут, на каждом шагу! Мы просыпаемся. Какой сегодня день? 1 января 1841 - Петр Великий приказал нам рассчитывать лет со дня рождения Христа; Петр Великий приказал нам рассчитывать месяцы с января. Книга поражает глаза - Петр Великий ввел эту сценарий и сам вырезал буквы. Вы начинаете читать - это язык стал письменным языком, литературным языком, в то время Петра Первого, заменяя ранее язык церкви. Газеты принесли - Петра Великого ввел их. На ужин все курсы, от соленая сельдь, через картофеля, он приказал расти, вино, изготовленное из винограда, который он начал совершенствоваться, будет говорить с вами Петра Великого. Пойдем в университет -. первый светская школа была основана Петром Великим Вы получите звание -. в соответствии с таблицей Петра Великого о рангах Ранг дает мне дворян статус - Петр Великий так устроил. Я должен подать жалобу - Петр Великий предписано его форма. Это будет получено - перед зеркалом Петра Великого правосудия. Это будет действовать - на основе общего регламента. Вы решили поехать за границу - по примеру Петра Великого; Вас встретят хорошо - Петр Великий, Россия оказалась среди европейских государств и стала внушать уважение к ней; и так далее, и так далее, и так далее.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
петра правления
началась новая эпоха в истории россии, известный как императорский возраста или потому, что новое назначение правителя и земли, в санкт - петербурге эпохи из - за нового капитала, или общероссийский период, поскольку государство пришло включить все больше и больше людей, чем великих русских, т.е. старые москвичи.царя алексея, питер был дважды женат, отец,мэри miloslavskaia с 1648 - 1669 и натали нарышкина с 1671 вплоть до своей смерти в 1676.он тринадцать детей от первого брака, но и сыновья только два, теодор и иван, им обоим больным, выжили, их отец.питер, сильным и здоровым, родился 9 июня 1672, примерно год, после царя николая второго брака.теодоркак мы знаем, удалось алексис и умер, не оставив наследников в 1682.в отсутствие закона о правопреемстве, два боярин семей, miloslavskys и naryshkins, соревновались за трон.в naryshkins получила в начале победы: питер был провозглашен царем в апреле 1682.потому что его молодежи, его мать стала регентом, хотя ее родственники и друзья обеспеченных лидирующие позиции в государстве.
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