Helen KellerLife is not always easy. Sometimes it presents us serious  перевод - Helen KellerLife is not always easy. Sometimes it presents us serious  русский как сказать

Helen KellerLife is not always easy

Helen Keller
Life is not always easy. Sometimes it presents us serious problems that make us sad and even depressed. When it comes to this, you may remember the example of Helen Keller, born in a small American town in 1880.
The illness struck Helen Keller when she was a baby and left her deaf and blind before she learned to speak. As a child Helen was wild and disobedient. She seemed not to understand what was going on in the world around her. In spite of Helen’s illness her parents decided that she should have some education and started looking for a teacher.
Helen Keller's new life began on a March day in 1887 when she was seven years old. On that day Anne Mansfield Sullivan, a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School, came to the town to be her teacher. From that day, the two of
them – teacher and pupil – were inseparable.
Miss Sullivan began her first lesson by handing Helen a doll and pressing "d-o-l-l" into the child's hand. In this way she hoped to teach Helen to connect objects with letters. Helen quickly learned to form the letters correctly and in the correct order. In the days that followed, she learned to spell lots of different words.
Helen Keller was a talented pupil and quickly learnt how to read and write. She enjoyed reading books written for blind children. In 1890, when she was just 10, she decided to learn to speak. Somehow she had found out that a little deaf-blind girl in Norway managed to do it.
At first Helen had difficulty with speaking, but with the time and help from Anne she developed a clear voice. Later, she was able to speak in public for large crowds which came to her whenever she gave her lectures. There was usually a storm of applause after her every lecture.
After school Helen went to college and graduated it with honours. She got a Bachelor of Arts degree. Throughout those years and until her own death in 1936, Anne Sullivan was always by Helen's side. She pressed book after book and lecture after lecture into her pupil's hand.
One of Helen’s professors was so deeply impressed by her essays in English that he suggested the girl writing the story of her life. Helen followed the advice and wrote the book while still at college. It was a cheerful account of how a young girl was able to live a happy life in spite of her terrible misfortunes. Later she wrote several books more. In her books and lectures Helen did everything possible to help and encourage those who were blind. For the rest of her life, Helen Keller worked for improving education for the blind and deaf.
Helen Keller lived in many different places – Alabama; Cambridge and Wrentham, Massachusetts; Forest Hills, New York, but perhaps her favorite residence was the house in Easton, which she called "Arcan Ridge." She moved to that white house in 1936, after her beloved teacher's death. And it was “Arcan Ridge” she called home for the rest of her life. She died in 1968.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Helen KellerLife is not always easy. Sometimes it presents us serious problems that make us sad and even depressed. When it comes to this, you may remember the example of Helen Keller, born in a small American town in 1880.The illness struck Helen Keller when she was a baby and left her deaf and blind before she learned to speak. As a child Helen was wild and disobedient. She seemed not to understand what was going on in the world around her. In spite of Helen’s illness her parents decided that she should have some education and started looking for a teacher.Helen Keller's new life began on a March day in 1887 when she was seven years old. On that day Anne Mansfield Sullivan, a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School, came to the town to be her teacher. From that day, the two of them – teacher and pupil – were inseparable.Miss Sullivan began her first lesson by handing Helen a doll and pressing "d-o-l-l" into the child's hand. In this way she hoped to teach Helen to connect objects with letters. Helen quickly learned to form the letters correctly and in the correct order. In the days that followed, she learned to spell lots of different words.Helen Keller was a talented pupil and quickly learnt how to read and write. She enjoyed reading books written for blind children. In 1890, when she was just 10, she decided to learn to speak. Somehow she had found out that a little deaf-blind girl in Norway managed to do it.At first Helen had difficulty with speaking, but with the time and help from Anne she developed a clear voice. Later, she was able to speak in public for large crowds which came to her whenever she gave her lectures. There was usually a storm of applause after her every lecture.After school Helen went to college and graduated it with honours. She got a Bachelor of Arts degree. Throughout those years and until her own death in 1936, Anne Sullivan was always by Helen's side. She pressed book after book and lecture after lecture into her pupil's hand.One of Helen’s professors was so deeply impressed by her essays in English that he suggested the girl writing the story of her life. Helen followed the advice and wrote the book while still at college. It was a cheerful account of how a young girl was able to live a happy life in spite of her terrible misfortunes. Later she wrote several books more. In her books and lectures Helen did everything possible to help and encourage those who were blind. For the rest of her life, Helen Keller worked for improving education for the blind and deaf.Helen Keller lived in many different places – Alabama; Cambridge and Wrentham, Massachusetts; Forest Hills, New York, but perhaps her favorite residence was the house in Easton, which she called "Arcan Ridge." She moved to that white house in 1936, after her beloved teacher's death. And it was “Arcan Ridge” she called home for the rest of her life. She died in 1968.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Хелен Келлер
Жизнь не всегда легко. Иногда он представляет нам серьезные проблемы , которые делают нас грустными и даже депрессии. Когда дело доходит до этого, вы можете вспомнить пример Елены Келлер, родился в маленьком американском городке в 1880.
Болезнь поразила Хелен Келлер , когда она была ребенком , и оставил ее глухой и слепой , прежде чем она научилась говорить. В детстве Хелен была диким и непослушным. Казалось , она не понимает , что происходит в мире вокруг нее. Несмотря на болезнь Хелен ее родители решили , что она должна иметь какое - то образование и начал искать учителя.
Новая жизнь Хелен Келлер началась в день марта в 1887 году , когда ей было семь лет. В этот день Энн Мэнсфилд Салливан, 20-летний выпускник школы Перкинса, пришли в город , чтобы быть ее учителем. С этого дня, два из
них - учитель и ученик - неотделимы друг от друга.
Мисс Салливан начал свой первый урок, передав Helen куклу и нажав "куклу" в руку ребенка. Таким образом , она надеялась , чтобы научить Елену соединять объекты с буквами. Хелен быстро научились формировать письма правильно и в правильном порядке. В последующие дни, она научилась по буквам много различных слов.
Хелен Келлер был талантливым учеником и быстро научился читать и писать. Она любила читать книги , написанные для слепых детей. В 1890 году, когда ей было всего 10 лет , она решила научиться говорить. Каким - то образом она узнала , что немного слепоглухих девушка в Норвегии удалось это сделать.
Сначала Хелен с трудом говоря, но со временем и помощь от Энн она разработала четкий голос. Позже, она была в состоянии говорить на публике большие толпы людей, пришедших к ней всякий раз , когда она дала ей лекции. Был , как правило , бурные аплодисменты после ее каждой лекции.
После окончания школы Елена поступила в колледж и закончил его с отличием. Она получила степень бакалавра искусств. На протяжении всех этих лет и вплоть до своей собственной смерти в 1936 году, Энн Салливан всегда была на стороне Елены. Она прижала книгу после книги и лекции после лекции в руки своего ученика.
Один из профессоров Хелен была так глубоко впечатлен ее эссе на английском языке , что он предложил девушке писать историю своей жизни. Хелен последовал совету и написал книгу в то время как еще в колледже. Это был веселый рассказ о том , как молодая девушка смогла жить счастливой жизнью, несмотря на ее страшные беды. Позже она написала несколько книг больше. В своих книгах и лекциях Хелен сделала все возможное , чтобы помочь и поощрить тех , кто был слепым. Для остальной части ее жизни, Хелен Келлер работал на повышение качества образования для слепых и глухих.
Хелен Келлер жил в самых разных местах - Алабама; Кембридж и Рентам, штат Массачусетс; Форест - Хиллс, Нью - Йорк, но , возможно , ее любимым местом жительства был дом в Истон, который она называла "Аркан - Ридж». Она переехала в этот белый дом в 1936 году, после смерти своего любимого учителя. И это было "Аркан Ридж" она звонила домой для остальной части ее жизни. Она умерла в 1968 году.
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