Our ancestors were a pretty scruffy, lazy lot, spending most of their  перевод - Our ancestors were a pretty scruffy, lazy lot, spending most of their  русский как сказать

Our ancestors were a pretty scruffy

Our ancestors were a pretty scruffy, lazy lot, spending most of their time hanging around waiting for history to begin. They only ate what stumbled right in front of them and, unlike their posh relatives in the south of France and Spain, didn't even try to cheer up their caves by painting those daft-looking animals on their walls. Mind you, there are some amongst us, mentioning no names, who believe they did the caves a favour!
However, when really at a loose end, they did do strange things with huge stones; stacking them in circles or lines like those at Stonehenge2 or Avebury3, probably for no better reason than to drive everyone crazy centuries later trying to work out why they did it.
Eventually, the first tourists started turning up. These swarthy continentals didn't have to go through Customs. No ships, no ports — therefore no Customs. They didn't even have to state how long they intended staying. This began in 4000 years ВС, give or take a century. In those days they always said ВС after the date. "B" stood for "before" and "C" stood for "Christ". God knows how they knew he was coming.
Simply the fact that they turned up in boats of some kind proves that the new visitors had more brains than the poor old native Britons, which wasn't difficult. They proceeded to invent clothes, wheels, refrigerators (only joking) and very sharp iron spears which made stabbing our poor forefathers (and fore-mothers) much quicker and easier.
Meanwhile (and these dates always seem to cause fights among historians):
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Our ancestors were a pretty scruffy, lazy lot, spending most of their time hanging around waiting for history to begin. They only ate what stumbled right in front of them and, unlike their posh relatives in the south of France and Spain, didn't even try to cheer up their caves by painting those daft-looking animals on their walls. Mind you, there are some amongst us, mentioning no names, who believe they did the caves a favour!However, when really at a loose end, they did do strange things with huge stones; stacking them in circles or lines like those at Stonehenge2 or Avebury3, probably for no better reason than to drive everyone crazy centuries later trying to work out why they did it.Eventually, the first tourists started turning up. These swarthy continentals didn't have to go through Customs. No ships, no ports — therefore no Customs. They didn't even have to state how long they intended staying. This began in 4000 years ВС, give or take a century. In those days they always said ВС after the date. "B" stood for "before" and "C" stood for "Christ". God knows how they knew he was coming.Simply the fact that they turned up in boats of some kind proves that the new visitors had more brains than the poor old native Britons, which wasn't difficult. They proceeded to invent clothes, wheels, refrigerators (only joking) and very sharp iron spears which made stabbing our poor forefathers (and fore-mothers) much quicker and easier.Meanwhile (and these dates always seem to cause fights among historians):
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
наши предки были довольно неряшливый, ленивые много, тратят большую часть своего времени здесь ждут истории начать.только они ели что наткнулся прямо перед ними и, в отличие от своих шикарных родственников на юге франции и испании, даже не пытался подбодрить их пещеры, рисуя этих глупо искать животных за их стенами.правда, есть среди нас, упоминая никаких имен, которые считают, что они пещеры одолжение!однако, когда совсем заблудился, они делают странные вещи с огромными камнями; складывать их в кругах или линий, как тех, на stonehenge2 или avebury3, вероятно, без всякой причины, чем водить всех с ума, спустя столетия пытаюсь разобраться, почему они это сделали.в конце концов, первые туристы стали поворотным.эти смуглый continentals не должны проходить через таможню.ни кораблей, ни портов - поэтому нет таможни.они даже не придется государству, как долго они предназначены остановился.это началось в ВС 4000 лет, плюс - минус.в эти дни они всегда говорили, что ВС после даты ".в "стоял на" до "и" с ", выступал за" христос ".бог знает, как они узнали, что он придет.просто потому, что они оказались в лодки, какие - то докажет, что новых посетителей было больше мозгов, чем бедные старые родной британцев, которые не сложно.они прошли придумывать одежду, диски, холодильники (шутка) и очень острый железа, которые режут наши бедные предки спирс (и прабабушки) гораздо быстрее и проще.между тем (и эти даты всегда, кажется, причиной драки среди историков):
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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