We are delighted to announce that Professor Jenkins from the Departmen перевод - We are delighted to announce that Professor Jenkins from the Departmen русский как сказать

We are delighted to announce that P

We are delighted to announce that Professor Jenkins from the Department of Marine Biology has been awarded the David Steinway Prize for her work with whales. The prize is awarded by the International Committee for Zoology.

This annual award is for scholars who have made a significant contribution within the research field of zoology. The award was set up in 1993 and is funded by David Steinway, the American businessman and media mogul. The prize is intended to reward researchers who make significant advances in field research. Over the last 20 years, previous winners of the prize have looked at the hierarchical nature of family relationships in chimpanzees and the responses of various dog breeds to flea infestations. This year’s runner up was a study into the migration patterns of Brent geese. This is the first time the award has gone to a marine biologist, and it was a surprise as many had expected Dr Al-Harbi’s study of polar bears to take the prize.

Professor Jenkins has devoted her life to the study of whales and dolphins and she is widely considered to be the leading authority on the subject. In 1973 she published her ground-breaking work, which has revolutionized the way we think about whales. Aside from classifying all 22 species of beaked whale, she was responsible for tracking and documenting their movements throughout a five-year period.

In previous work Jenkins identified the primary use of beaked whales’ and dolphins’ song as navigational rather than communicative (rather like the sonar used by bats). In the work for which she received the prize, she investigates how beaked whales use echolocation to navigate. These whales make clicking sounds which travel through the ocean as sound waves and when they hit the ocean floor, the shore, a coastal shelf or an object, the sound waves bounce back. By this method the whales can judge distances and location. Using underwater audio equipment, she was able to simulate the whale song and thus was able to direct the whales without coming into physical contact with them.

Professor Jenkins’ work has caused considerable controversy, however. She makes the suggestion that the use of sonar by large military ships is a possible cause of whales becoming beached, as the sonar interferes with the whales’ own navigation and leaves them disorientated. Nonetheless, she does suggest alternative theories. For example, these whales dive to incredible depths (up to 1km) and if they surface suddenly they may cause their own disorientation.

It is hoped that the award will not only bring attention to the plight of beached beaked whales but also generally raise their profile in the academic community. As they are notoriously difficult to observe, there are significant costs involved in locating, tracking and observing beaked whales. This award therefore has the potential to attract major funders to the department’s research team and will hopefully lead to further research projects in this area.

The university is particularly proud of Professor Jenkins’ achievement; the Department of Marine Biology was only founded five years ago, so this is a significant milestone for the university’s newest research unit. The awarding ceremony takes place at the Cetacean Research Unit in Mexico on 15th November.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
We are delighted to announce that Professor Jenkins from the Department of Marine Biology has been awarded the David Steinway Prize for her work with whales. The prize is awarded by the International Committee for Zoology.This annual award is for scholars who have made a significant contribution within the research field of zoology. The award was set up in 1993 and is funded by David Steinway, the American businessman and media mogul. The prize is intended to reward researchers who make significant advances in field research. Over the last 20 years, previous winners of the prize have looked at the hierarchical nature of family relationships in chimpanzees and the responses of various dog breeds to flea infestations. This year’s runner up was a study into the migration patterns of Brent geese. This is the first time the award has gone to a marine biologist, and it was a surprise as many had expected Dr Al-Harbi’s study of polar bears to take the prize.Professor Jenkins has devoted her life to the study of whales and dolphins and she is widely considered to be the leading authority on the subject. In 1973 she published her ground-breaking work, which has revolutionized the way we think about whales. Aside from classifying all 22 species of beaked whale, she was responsible for tracking and documenting their movements throughout a five-year period.In previous work Jenkins identified the primary use of beaked whales’ and dolphins’ song as navigational rather than communicative (rather like the sonar used by bats). In the work for which she received the prize, she investigates how beaked whales use echolocation to navigate. These whales make clicking sounds which travel through the ocean as sound waves and when they hit the ocean floor, the shore, a coastal shelf or an object, the sound waves bounce back. By this method the whales can judge distances and location. Using underwater audio equipment, she was able to simulate the whale song and thus was able to direct the whales without coming into physical contact with them.Professor Jenkins’ work has caused considerable controversy, however. She makes the suggestion that the use of sonar by large military ships is a possible cause of whales becoming beached, as the sonar interferes with the whales’ own navigation and leaves them disorientated. Nonetheless, she does suggest alternative theories. For example, these whales dive to incredible depths (up to 1km) and if they surface suddenly they may cause their own disorientation.It is hoped that the award will not only bring attention to the plight of beached beaked whales but also generally raise their profile in the academic community. As they are notoriously difficult to observe, there are significant costs involved in locating, tracking and observing beaked whales. This award therefore has the potential to attract major funders to the department’s research team and will hopefully lead to further research projects in this area.
The university is particularly proud of Professor Jenkins’ achievement; the Department of Marine Biology was only founded five years ago, so this is a significant milestone for the university’s newest research unit. The awarding ceremony takes place at the Cetacean Research Unit in Mexico on 15th November.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Мы рады сообщить , что профессор Дженкинс из отдела морской биологии был награжден Дэвид Steinway премию за ее работу с китами. Премия присуждается Международным комитетом по зоологии.

Эта ежегодная награда для ученых , которые внесли значительный вклад в рамках научно - исследовательской области зоологии. Награда была создана в 1993 году и финансируется Дэвид Steinway, американский бизнесмен и медиамагнат. Премия предназначена для поощрения исследователей , которые делают значительные успехи в полевых исследованиях. За последние 20 лет, предыдущие победители премии смотрели на иерархическую природу семейных отношений в шимпанзе и ответах различных пород собак на блошиных инвазий. В этом году второе место было исследование в миграционных моделей Brent гусей. Это первый случай , когда награда ушла к морскому биологу, и это было удивительно , как многие ожидали , что исследование д - ра Аль-Harbi в белых медведей , чтобы взять приз.

Профессор Дженкинс посвятила свою жизнь изучению китов и дельфинов и она широко считается ведущим специалистом по этому вопросу. В 1973 году она опубликовала свою новаторскую работу, которая произвела революцию, как мы думаем о китах. Помимо классификации всех 22 видов клюворыловые, она отвечала за отслеживание и документирование их движения на протяжении периода пяти лет.

В предыдущей работе Дженкинс определил основное применение ремнезубов "и дельфинов песню как навигационный , а не коммуникативная (скорее как сонар , используемый битами). В работе , за которую она получила приз, она исследует , как ремнезубов используют эхолокацию для навигации. Эти киты делают щелкающие звуки , которые проходят через океан в виде звуковых волн , и когда они попали в морское дно, берега, прибрежного шельфа или объект, звуковые волны отскочить назад. С помощью этого метода киты могут судить расстояния и места расположения. Использование подводного звукового оборудования, она была в состоянии имитировать песни китов и , таким образом , был в состоянии направить китов , не вступая в физический контакт с ними.

Работа профессора Дженкинса вызвала значительные споры, однако. Она делает предположение , что использование гидролокатора крупных военных кораблей является возможной причиной китов становится посаженных, как сонар мешает собственной навигации китов и оставляет их дезориентации. Тем не менее, она действительно предлагает альтернативные теории. Например, эти киты ныряют до невероятных глубин (до 1 км) , а если они появляются внезапно они могут вызвать их собственную дезориентацию.

Хотелось бы надеяться , что эта награда не только привлечь внимание к бедственному выброшенных ремнезубов , но и в целом поднять свой профиль в научном сообществе. Поскольку они , как известно , трудно заметить, существуют значительные издержки , связанные с местоположения, слежения и наблюдения ремнезубов. Таким образом , эта награда имеет потенциал для привлечения крупных спонсоров для исследовательской группы отдела и мы надеемся , приведет к дальнейшему научно - исследовательских проектов в этой области.

Университет особенно гордится достижением профессора Дженкинса; Департамент морской биологии была основана только пять лет назад, так что это является важной вехой для нового исследовательского подразделения университета. Церемония награждения проходит в исследовательское подразделение китообразных в Мексике 15 ноября.

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