the County Council over concerns that the incinera-tor could result in перевод - the County Council over concerns that the incinera-tor could result in русский как сказать

the County Council over concerns th

the County Council over concerns that the incinera-
tor could result in over-capacity. An Urbaser and
Balfour Beatty consortium was announced as pre-
ferred bidder in December 2012. However, at least
six council members have now raised concerns
that certain aspects of the group’s planned energy
from waste plant to deal with municipal waste may
have been overlooked during the decision-making
XI. Water
In January, Veolia appointed advisors on the sale of
its Central, East and South East water businesses.
China Investment Corporation increased its stake in
Thames Water by acquiring a further 8.68 % stake.
International investors are also looking at interest
at the Thames Tideway project when it comes to the
market. In April, the UK’s Competition Commission
provisionally cleared Alinda Capital-backed South
Staffordshire Plc’s acquisition of Cambridge Water,
with full clearance given at the end of May 2012.
Nick Maltby
Consultant, London
Current Developments in Switzerland
June 2011 – June 2012
Despite their success in Europe, PPP infrastructure
projects are still quite rare in Switzerland. A possi-
ble explanation for this lack of enthusiasm for PPP
might be the favourable financial situation of
most public entities in Switzerland.1 One large
infrastructure project is reported to have success-
fully concluded its first milestones, another PPP
infrastructure project (the Gotthard road tunnel)
might not be feasible for political reasons (strategic
asset). In Energy and telecommunications, there
are several changes in legislation to report with
regard to grants of concessions and certain subsidy
I. Public Procurement
In April 2012, one of the largest PPP projects so
far in Switzerland has successfully reached its
first major milestone. In Burgdorf (canton Bern),
the cantonal government is starting to use a large
administrative complex, which was newly built
and is operated by a consortium of private parties.
The PPP contract was concluded in 2009, with a
term from 2012 to 2037 (25 years). The investment
volume is CHF 150 million. The cantonal govern-
ment pays a yearly fee of CHF 16.7 million to use
the complex and after conclusion of the project,
they will acquire ownership of the complex at no
additional cost.2
II. Energy
Swiss constitutional law (article 27 const.) and
“statutory law” (article 2(7) law on common market,
Binnenmarktgesetz) require authorities to assign
monopoly rights in public, transparent and non-dis-
criminatory proceedings. The Swiss competition
commission issued a legal opinion on 22 February
2010, declaring that the term “monopoly rights” also
covers public space, therefore including strategic
assets like hydro power plants and the real estate
used for the power grid. To avoid public bidding
processes for these assets, the Swiss parliament
changed the law on the use of water for power gen-
eration (Wasserrechtsgesetz) and the Electricity
Supply Act (Stromversorgungsgesetz). As of 1 July
2012, concessions for hydro power plants and
power grids may be assigned without invitation of
tenders.3 Nevertheless, such concessions must be
granted on a transparent and non-discriminatory
basis. Most probably, it will rest upon the adminis-
trative courts to decide how to honour the require-
ments of transparency and non-discrimination
without invitations of tenders being published.
New Public Private Partnership Programs will
be initiated as part of the “Energy Strategy 2050”.
The private sector’s involvement consists, e.g., in
competitive bidding schemes for public funding of
private energy saving projects and pilot projects.4
EPPPL 1|2012 81
1 Dubler/Keusen, PPP in Grossbritannien – kein Kцnigsweg, BR
2012, p. 4.
2 The Project is described in detail in Meer/Schulte Strathaus/
Schьrmann, Public Private Partnership bei Bau- und Infrastruktur-
projekten, ST 10/11, p. 851 et seq.
EPPPL 1-12 13.07.2012 15:58 Uhr Seite 81
In October 2011, the feed-in tariff scheme to subsi-
dize renewable energy was modified.5 A new article
3(e) of the Ordinance on Energy makes it possible
to adjust the subsidy granted to producers of renew-
able energy. The new provision also affects existing
plants, making it possible to “prevent excessive
earnings, losses, and to adjust incentives”. The
change can be regarded as substantial since initially
these subsidies initially have been granted to pri-
vate investors for 20–25 years on a fixed basis.
III. Environment
Based on article 10 of the CO2 Act (CO2-Gesetz), the
Confederation grants subsidies to increase the
energy efficiency of buildings. These subsidies cur-
rently are capped at CHF 200 million. The revised
CO2 Act of 23 December 2011 will increase the cap
to CHF 300 million. Measures to further increase
the cap and to modify the subsidy scheme are
intended to come into effect in 2015, as part of
general efforts to increase energy efficiency. Minor
modifications to the subsidy scheme have been
implemented as of 26 April 26 2012.
IV. Health
A new scheme to fund health services requires most
public and private hospitals to conclude agreements
with health insurers on the costs of their services.6
The negotiation of these agreements is supposed
to have been concluded by 31 December 2011.
Playing a purely distributive game as required by
legislators, most negotiations have stalled, requiring
cantonal governments (state level) to decide on the
tariffication.7 Since the cantonal governments act
not only as owners of many hospitals, but also as a
supervisory authority in health services, the results
of these proceedings are unforeseeable.
V. Telecommunication and Media
In January 2012, roundtables about how to build
the “Fibre to the Home” (FTTH) were concluded.
The roundtables had been initiated by the Swiss
Communication Commission (ComCom) to facili-
tate coordination between the incumbent telecom-
munication provider Swisscom, an SOE with a
minority of private shareholders, and numerous
local electricity suppliers, mostly SOEs as well, dur-
ing the build-up. One could talk about “Public-Pub-
lic-Partnerships” in this regard. The roundtables
have been hailed as a success by the involved par-
ties, resulting in common technical specifications
and common platforms to facilitate switching of
suppliers. The roundtables also resulted in an
agreement to build 4 fibres in every home, enabling
some competition on infrastructure but increasing
the costs of the new network. However, the Swiss
Competition Commission, while not interfering
with the roundtables themselves, has investigated
some parts of the agreements between Swisscom
and the Electricity Suppliers. It has raised concerns
about certain provisions in the agreements, which
it thinks will harm long-term competition.8
In February 2012, the Communication Commis-
sion granted concessions for spectrum suitable for
mobile telecommunications. The bidding process
included the spectrum now used for mobile tele-
communication and some spectrum formerly used
for broadcasting (digital dividend). The term of the
concessions will be from 2014–2017 to 2028. The
long term is supposed to create incentives to invest
in new networks, in particular LTE networks (“Long
Term Evolution”). The spectrum has been granted
to the incumbent mobile providers (Orange, Sun-
rise and Swisscom) generating income of CHF
996.268.000 for the treasury.9
In May 2012, the Government (Bundesrat) started
public consultation proceedings regarding revision
of the Federal Act of 24 March 2006 on Radio and
Television (RTVA, Radio- und Fernsehgesetz). Core
element of the revision is a change in the reception
fee used to fund public broadcasting. Today, the fee
is raised from owners of television sets and radios.
Due to convergence of end user devices, nearly all
devices capable of accessing the internet are also
able to receive television and radio broadcasts. As
a consequence, the Government intends to raise
the fee from all households and firms, regardless
of whether they possess a television or a radio. The
change might render obsolete the “fee collection
28 Country ReportsEPPPL 1|2012
6 Transitional Provision regarding the modified Act on Medical
Insurance of December 21, 2007 (KVG), AS 2008 2056.
7 Art. 47 para. 1 KVG.
8 Hettich/Keller/Rechsteiner, Telekommunikationsrecht – Recht der
audiovisuellen Medien – Stromversorgungsrecht: Entwicklungen
2011, Bern 2012, p. 5 et seq.
EPPPL 1-12 13.07.2012 15:58 Uhr Seite 82
Country Reports
agency” (article 69 RTVA), a private company with a
public mandate to collect the reception fee from
VI. Transport
Private Parties have brought forward proposals to
fund a second road tunnel through the alps (Gott-
hard), amounting to an investment volume of CHF
2 billion. This additional capacity for transport is
required because of major maintenance work on
the existing tunnel. The existing tunnel will need to
be, at least, partially closed for 900 days, affecting
one of the most important transit routes in Europe.
Feasibility studies carried out by economiesuisse,
one of the large business associations in Switzer-
land, have been positive. It remains to be seen if the
project will be pursued by the government.11
VII. Education
A referendum on the Constitution of the canton
Zurich will be put to vote on 17 June 2012. The ref-
erendum will determine whether the canton should
be required to guarantee free school choice among
public and (licensed) private schools after the 4th
grade. It will also determine whether private
schools should have access to public funds, pro-
vided that the private school is open to all citizens
(proposal for a new article 14 para. 3 const. of
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Совет графства за беспокойство, что incinera -Tor может привести к чрезмерной мощности. Urbaser иБальфур Битти консорциума было объявлено как предварительнобедными цену в декабре 2012 года. Однако по крайней мерев настоящее время шесть членов Совета выразили обеспокоенностьчто некоторые аспекты деятельности группы планируется энергиииз растительных отходов для решения бытовых отходов можетбыли упущены во время принятия решенийпроцесс. XI. водыВ январе Veolia назначил советников на продажуее центральной, Восточной и юго-востоке воды предприятий.Китайская инвестиционная корпорация увеличила свою долю вВоды Темзы, приобретя еще 8,68% акций.Международные инвесторы также глядя на интересна Темзе русле проекта, когда дело доходит дорынка. В апреле Комиссия по вопросам конкуренции в Великобританиивременно снят при поддержке Alinda капитал ЮгСтаффордшир Plc приобретение воды Кембридж,с полным оформлением в конце мая 2012 года. Ник МолтбиКонсультант, Лондон ШвейцарияТекущие события в Швейцарии Июнь 2011 – Июнь 2012Несмотря на успех в Европе, PPP инфраструктурыпроекты, по-прежнему довольно редки в Швейцарии. Possi-BLE объяснение для этого отсутствие энтузиазма для PPPможет быть благоприятное финансовое положениеБольшинство государственных образований в одно Switzerland.1 большойпроект в области инфраструктуры, как сообщается, иметь успех-полностью завершил свой первый вехи, другой PPPпроект инфраструктуры (туннеля Готард)не может быть осуществимо по политическим причинам (стратегическиеактивов). В области энергетики и телекоммуникаций, тамнесколько изменений в законодательстве, отчет сотношении грантов уступок и некоторых субсидийсхемы.I. государственные закупкиВ апреле 2012 года один из крупнейших ГЧП проектов такв Швейцарии успешно достиг своейпервой важной вехой. В Бургдорфе (кантон Берн),кантонального правительства начинают использовать большойАдминистративный комплекс, который был недавно построени управляется консорциумом частных сторон.PPP договор был заключен в 2009 году, ссрок от 2012 до 2037 (25 лет). Инвестицииобъем-150 миллионов швейцарских франков. Кантональные прави-Ment ежегодно оплачивает 16,7 миллионов швейцарских франков для использованиякомплекса и после завершения проекта,они будут приобретать в собственность комплекса на noДополнительные cost.2II. ЭнергетикаШвейцарский Конституционного закона (статья 27 выпуска) и«статутное право» (статья 2(7) Закон о общего рынка,Binnenmarktgesetz) требуют власти назначитьмонопольные права в государственных, прозрачный и дис-домогательством труды. Швейцарский конкурсКомиссия опубликовала юридическое заключение 22 февраля2010, заявив, что термин «монополия права» такжеохватывает общественного пространства, таким образом включая стратегическоеактивы, как гидроэлектростанции и недвижимостидля энергосистемы. Чтобы избежать публичных торговпроцессы эти активы, парламент Швейцарииизменения в Закон об использовании воды для power gen-Кон (Wasserrechtsgesetz) и электричествоПоставка закон (Stromversorgungsgesetz). По состоянию на 1 июля2012, льготы для гидроэлектростанций иэлектрических сетей могут быть назначены без приглашениеtenders.3 тем не менее, такие уступки должны бытьпредоставлено на транспарентной и недискриминационнойосновы. Скорее всего он будет лежать по административным-административный суды решать, каким образом честь требует-требованиям транспарентности и недискриминациибез приглашения публикуются тендеры.Будут новые программы государственного частного партнерстваначатый в рамках «энергетической стратегии 2050».Участие частного сектора состоит, например, всхемы проведения конкурентных торгов для государственного финансированиячастные энергосберегающих проектов и экспериментальных projects.4EPPPL 1|2012 811 дублер/Койсен, PPP в Grossbritannien-kein Kцnigsweg, BR4 стр., 2012.2 проект описан подробно в Меер/Шульте Strathaus /Schьrmann, государственно-частное партнерство bei Бау und Infrastruktur-projekten, ST 10/11, p. 851 et seq.3 = 44696.4 = 44187.EPPPL 1-12 13.07.2012 15:58 Uhr Seite 81В октябре 2011 года, feed-тарифной схемы для вспомогательных-Гарабала возобновляемых источников энергии был modified.5 Новая статья3е постановления об энергии делает возможнымдля регулировки субсидий, предоставленных производителей обновлять-энергии. Новое положение также влияет на существующиеplants, making it possible to “prevent excessiveearnings, losses, and to adjust incentives”. Thechange can be regarded as substantial since initiallythese subsidies initially have been granted to pri-vate investors for 20–25 years on a fixed basis.III. EnvironmentBased on article 10 of the CO2 Act (CO2-Gesetz), theConfederation grants subsidies to increase theenergy efficiency of buildings. These subsidies cur-rently are capped at CHF 200 million. The revisedCO2 Act of 23 December 2011 will increase the capto CHF 300 million. Measures to further increasethe cap and to modify the subsidy scheme areintended to come into effect in 2015, as part ofgeneral efforts to increase energy efficiency. Minormodifications to the subsidy scheme have beenimplemented as of 26 April 26 2012.IV. HealthA new scheme to fund health services requires mostpublic and private hospitals to conclude agreementswith health insurers on the costs of their services.6The negotiation of these agreements is supposedto have been concluded by 31 December 2011.Playing a purely distributive game as required bylegislators, most negotiations have stalled, requiringcantonal governments (state level) to decide on thetariffication.7 Since the cantonal governments actnot only as owners of many hospitals, but also as asupervisory authority in health services, the resultsof these proceedings are unforeseeable.V. Telecommunication and MediaIn January 2012, roundtables about how to buildthe “Fibre to the Home” (FTTH) were concluded.The roundtables had been initiated by the SwissCommunication Commission (ComCom) to facili-tate coordination between the incumbent telecom-munication provider Swisscom, an SOE with aminority of private shareholders, and numerouslocal electricity suppliers, mostly SOEs as well, dur-ing the build-up. One could talk about “Public-Pub-lic-Partnerships” in this regard. The roundtableshave been hailed as a success by the involved par-ties, resulting in common technical specificationsand common platforms to facilitate switching ofsuppliers. The roundtables also resulted in anagreement to build 4 fibres in every home, enablingsome competition on infrastructure but increasingthe costs of the new network. However, the SwissCompetition Commission, while not interferingwith the roundtables themselves, has investigatedsome parts of the agreements between Swisscomand the Electricity Suppliers. It has raised concernsabout certain provisions in the agreements, whichit thinks will harm long-term competition.8In February 2012, the Communication Commis-sion granted concessions for spectrum suitable formobile telecommunications. The bidding processincluded the spectrum now used for mobile tele-communication and some spectrum formerly usedfor broadcasting (digital dividend). The term of theconcessions will be from 2014–2017 to 2028. Thelong term is supposed to create incentives to investin new networks, in particular LTE networks (“LongTerm Evolution”). The spectrum has been grantedto the incumbent mobile providers (Orange, Sun-rise and Swisscom) generating income of CHF996.268.000 for the treasury.9In May 2012, the Government (Bundesrat) startedpublic consultation proceedings regarding revisionof the Federal Act of 24 March 2006 on Radio andTelevision (RTVA, Radio- und Fernsehgesetz). Coreelement of the revision is a change in the receptionfee used to fund public broadcasting. Today, the feeis raised from owners of television sets and radios.Due to convergence of end user devices, nearly alldevices capable of accessing the internet are alsoable to receive television and radio broadcasts. Asa consequence, the Government intends to raisethe fee from all households and firms, regardlessof whether they possess a television or a radio. Thechange might render obsolete the “fee collection28 Country ReportsEPPPL 1|20125 Transitional Provision regarding the modified Act on MedicalInsurance of December 21, 2007 (KVG), AS 2008 2056.7 Art. 47 para. 1 KVG.8 Hettich/Keller/Rechsteiner, Telekommunikationsrecht – Recht deraudiovisuellen Medien – Stromversorgungsrecht: Entwicklungen2011, Bern 2012, p. 5 et seq.9 1-12 13.07.2012 15:58 Uhr Seite 82Country Reportsagency” (article 69 RTVA), a private company with apublic mandate to collect the reception fee fromconsumers.10VI. TransportPrivate Parties have brought forward proposals tofund a second road tunnel through the alps (Gott-hard), amounting to an investment volume of CHF2 billion. This additional capacity for transport isrequired because of major maintenance work onthe existing tunnel. The existing tunnel will need tobe, at least, partially closed for 900 days, affectingone of the most important transit routes in Europe.Feasibility studies carried out by economiesuisse,one of the large business associations in Switzer-land, have been positive. It remains to be seen if theproject will be pursued by the government.11VII. EducationA referendum on the Constitution of the cantonZurich will be put to vote on 17 June 2012. The ref-erendum will determine whether the canton shouldbe required to guarantee free school choice amongpublic and (licensed) private schools after the 4thgrade. It will also determine whether privateschools should have access to public funds, pro-vided that the private school is open to all citizens(proposal for a new article 14 para. 3 const. ofZurich).12
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
the County Council over concerns that the incinera-
tor could result in over-capacity. An Urbaser and
Balfour Beatty consortium was announced as pre-
ferred bidder in December 2012. However, at least
six council members have now raised concerns
that certain aspects of the group’s planned energy
from waste plant to deal with municipal waste may
have been overlooked during the decision-making
XI. Water
In January, Veolia appointed advisors on the sale of
its Central, East and South East water businesses.
China Investment Corporation increased its stake in
Thames Water by acquiring a further 8.68 % stake.
International investors are also looking at interest
at the Thames Tideway project when it comes to the
market. In April, the UK’s Competition Commission
provisionally cleared Alinda Capital-backed South
Staffordshire Plc’s acquisition of Cambridge Water,
with full clearance given at the end of May 2012.
Nick Maltby
Consultant, London
Current Developments in Switzerland
June 2011 – June 2012
Despite their success in Europe, PPP infrastructure
projects are still quite rare in Switzerland. A possi-
ble explanation for this lack of enthusiasm for PPP
might be the favourable financial situation of
most public entities in Switzerland.1 One large
infrastructure project is reported to have success-
fully concluded its first milestones, another PPP
infrastructure project (the Gotthard road tunnel)
might not be feasible for political reasons (strategic
asset). In Energy and telecommunications, there
are several changes in legislation to report with
regard to grants of concessions and certain subsidy
I. Public Procurement
In April 2012, one of the largest PPP projects so
far in Switzerland has successfully reached its
first major milestone. In Burgdorf (canton Bern),
the cantonal government is starting to use a large
administrative complex, which was newly built
and is operated by a consortium of private parties.
The PPP contract was concluded in 2009, with a
term from 2012 to 2037 (25 years). The investment
volume is CHF 150 million. The cantonal govern-
ment pays a yearly fee of CHF 16.7 million to use
the complex and after conclusion of the project,
they will acquire ownership of the complex at no
additional cost.2
II. Energy
Swiss constitutional law (article 27 const.) and
“statutory law” (article 2(7) law on common market,
Binnenmarktgesetz) require authorities to assign
monopoly rights in public, transparent and non-dis-
criminatory proceedings. The Swiss competition
commission issued a legal opinion on 22 February
2010, declaring that the term “monopoly rights” also
covers public space, therefore including strategic
assets like hydro power plants and the real estate
used for the power grid. To avoid public bidding
processes for these assets, the Swiss parliament
changed the law on the use of water for power gen-
eration (Wasserrechtsgesetz) and the Electricity
Supply Act (Stromversorgungsgesetz). As of 1 July
2012, concessions for hydro power plants and
power grids may be assigned without invitation of
tenders.3 Nevertheless, such concessions must be
granted on a transparent and non-discriminatory
basis. Most probably, it will rest upon the adminis-
trative courts to decide how to honour the require-
ments of transparency and non-discrimination
without invitations of tenders being published.
New Public Private Partnership Programs will
be initiated as part of the “Energy Strategy 2050”.
The private sector’s involvement consists, e.g., in
competitive bidding schemes for public funding of
private energy saving projects and pilot projects.4
EPPPL 1|2012 81
1 Dubler/Keusen, PPP in Grossbritannien – kein Kцnigsweg, BR
2012, p. 4.
2 The Project is described in detail in Meer/Schulte Strathaus/
Schьrmann, Public Private Partnership bei Bau- und Infrastruktur-
projekten, ST 10/11, p. 851 et seq.
EPPPL 1-12 13.07.2012 15:58 Uhr Seite 81
In October 2011, the feed-in tariff scheme to subsi-
dize renewable energy was modified.5 A new article
3(e) of the Ordinance on Energy makes it possible
to adjust the subsidy granted to producers of renew-
able energy. The new provision also affects existing
plants, making it possible to “prevent excessive
earnings, losses, and to adjust incentives”. The
change can be regarded as substantial since initially
these subsidies initially have been granted to pri-
vate investors for 20–25 years on a fixed basis.
III. Environment
Based on article 10 of the CO2 Act (CO2-Gesetz), the
Confederation grants subsidies to increase the
energy efficiency of buildings. These subsidies cur-
rently are capped at CHF 200 million. The revised
CO2 Act of 23 December 2011 will increase the cap
to CHF 300 million. Measures to further increase
the cap and to modify the subsidy scheme are
intended to come into effect in 2015, as part of
general efforts to increase energy efficiency. Minor
modifications to the subsidy scheme have been
implemented as of 26 April 26 2012.
IV. Health
A new scheme to fund health services requires most
public and private hospitals to conclude agreements
with health insurers on the costs of their services.6
The negotiation of these agreements is supposed
to have been concluded by 31 December 2011.
Playing a purely distributive game as required by
legislators, most negotiations have stalled, requiring
cantonal governments (state level) to decide on the
tariffication.7 Since the cantonal governments act
not only as owners of many hospitals, but also as a
supervisory authority in health services, the results
of these proceedings are unforeseeable.
V. Telecommunication and Media
In January 2012, roundtables about how to build
the “Fibre to the Home” (FTTH) were concluded.
The roundtables had been initiated by the Swiss
Communication Commission (ComCom) to facili-
tate coordination between the incumbent telecom-
munication provider Swisscom, an SOE with a
minority of private shareholders, and numerous
local electricity suppliers, mostly SOEs as well, dur-
ing the build-up. One could talk about “Public-Pub-
lic-Partnerships” in this regard. The roundtables
have been hailed as a success by the involved par-
ties, resulting in common technical specifications
and common platforms to facilitate switching of
suppliers. The roundtables also resulted in an
agreement to build 4 fibres in every home, enabling
some competition on infrastructure but increasing
the costs of the new network. However, the Swiss
Competition Commission, while not interfering
with the roundtables themselves, has investigated
some parts of the agreements between Swisscom
and the Electricity Suppliers. It has raised concerns
about certain provisions in the agreements, which
it thinks will harm long-term competition.8
In February 2012, the Communication Commis-
sion granted concessions for spectrum suitable for
mobile telecommunications. The bidding process
included the spectrum now used for mobile tele-
communication and some spectrum formerly used
for broadcasting (digital dividend). The term of the
concessions will be from 2014–2017 to 2028. The
long term is supposed to create incentives to invest
in new networks, in particular LTE networks (“Long
Term Evolution”). The spectrum has been granted
to the incumbent mobile providers (Orange, Sun-
rise and Swisscom) generating income of CHF
996.268.000 for the treasury.9
In May 2012, the Government (Bundesrat) started
public consultation proceedings regarding revision
of the Federal Act of 24 March 2006 on Radio and
Television (RTVA, Radio- und Fernsehgesetz). Core
element of the revision is a change in the reception
fee used to fund public broadcasting. Today, the fee
is raised from owners of television sets and radios.
Due to convergence of end user devices, nearly all
devices capable of accessing the internet are also
able to receive television and radio broadcasts. As
a consequence, the Government intends to raise
the fee from all households and firms, regardless
of whether they possess a television or a radio. The
change might render obsolete the “fee collection
28 Country ReportsEPPPL 1|2012
6 Transitional Provision regarding the modified Act on Medical
Insurance of December 21, 2007 (KVG), AS 2008 2056.
7 Art. 47 para. 1 KVG.
8 Hettich/Keller/Rechsteiner, Telekommunikationsrecht – Recht der
audiovisuellen Medien – Stromversorgungsrecht: Entwicklungen
2011, Bern 2012, p. 5 et seq.
EPPPL 1-12 13.07.2012 15:58 Uhr Seite 82
Country Reports
agency” (article 69 RTVA), a private company with a
public mandate to collect the reception fee from
VI. Transport
Private Parties have brought forward proposals to
fund a second road tunnel through the alps (Gott-
hard), amounting to an investment volume of CHF
2 billion. This additional capacity for transport is
required because of major maintenance work on
the existing tunnel. The existing tunnel will need to
be, at least, partially closed for 900 days, affecting
one of the most important transit routes in Europe.
Feasibility studies carried out by economiesuisse,
one of the large business associations in Switzer-
land, have been positive. It remains to be seen if the
project will be pursued by the government.11
VII. Education
A referendum on the Constitution of the canton
Zurich will be put to vote on 17 June 2012. The ref-
erendum will determine whether the canton should
be required to guarantee free school choice among
public and (licensed) private schools after the 4th
grade. It will also determine whether private
schools should have access to public funds, pro-
vided that the private school is open to all citizens
(proposal for a new article 14 para. 3 const. of
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
"ЕЭС России" и индексов, в рамках ИРЛ предлагает широкий выбор оценка положения в области развития в некоторых странах,
основано не только на традиционные экономические и финансовые показатели. Для получения более подробной информации о
методологии, используемой для расчета ИРЧП, пожалуйста см. в разделе "Справочные материалы" в приложениях к данному
Совет графства на опасения, что incinera-
тор может привести к в. В Urbaser и
Компания Balfour Beatty консорциум объявил о том как предварительно
ferred участник торгов в декабрь 2012. В то же время, по крайней мере
шесть членов совета, в настоящее время вызывают озабоченность
что некоторые аспекты запланированные энергии
из отходов предприятия к решению городских отходов может
, были упущены в процессе принятия решений
XI. Воды
в январе, реализуемой назначил советников по продаже
его центральной, восточной и юго-восточной воды предприятия.
Китай инвестиций на
Темзу водой путем приобретения еще 8,68 % акций.
международных инвесторов также на интерес
на Темзе Константин Солодухин этого проекта, когда речь заходит о
рынка. В апреле в UK комиссии по вопросам конкуренции
Временно удалены оборудованы кондиционерами и при поддержке Южной
меньшие Plc в Кембридже воду,
с полной зазор в конце Май 2012.
Ник Maltby
консультант, Лондон
текущие события в Швейцарии
Июнь 2011 - июнь 2012
несмотря на их успех в Европе, PPP инфраструктуры
проектов все еще довольно редко в Швейцарии. А участие
несколько изменений в законодательстве с
что касается дотаций концессий и некоторые субсидии
I. государственных закупок
в Апрель 2012, одного из самых крупных проектов ПГЧС, с тем
до сих пор в Швейцарии успешно достигнуто
первой крупной вехой. В Бургдорфе (кантон Берн) ,
кантональные правительства начинает использовать большой
административного комплекса, который был недавно построенный
BLE объяснение этого отсутствием энтузиазма для PPP
может быть благоприятного финансового положения
большинство государственных образований в Швейцарии1. Один большой
проекта в области инфраструктуры, по сообщениям, успех-
полностью завершил свой первый контрольные точки, другой PPP
проекта в области инфраструктуры (Сен-Готардский тоннель)
может оказаться невозможным по политическим причинам (стратегические
активов). В области энергетики и телекоммуникаций,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Другие языки
Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

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