In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the inadequ перевод - In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the inadequ русский как сказать

In recent years, there has been an

In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the inadequa­cies of the judicial system in the United States. Costs are staggering both for the taxpayers and the litigants—and the litigants, or parties, have to wait sometimes many years before having their day in court. Many suggestions have been made concerning methods of ameliorating the situation, but as in most branches of government, changes come slowly.

One suggestion that has been made in order to maximize the efficiency of the system is to allow districts that have an overabundance of pending cases to borrow judges from other districts that do not have such a backlog. Another suggestion is to use pretrial conferences, in which the judge meets in his chambers with the litigants and their attorneys in order to narrow the issues, limit the witnesses, and provide for a more orderly trial. The theory behind pretrial conferences is that judges will spend less time on each case and .parties will more readily settle before trial when they realize the adequacy of their claims and their opponents' evidence. Unfortunately, at least one study has shown that pretrial conferences .actually use more judicial time than they save, rarely result in pretrial settlements, and actually result in higher damage settlements.

Many states have now established another method, small-claims courts, in which cases over small sums of money can be disposed of with considerable dispatch. Such proceedings cost the litigants almost nothing. In California, for example, the parties must appear before the judge without the assistance of counsel. The proceedings are quite informal and there is no pleading—the litigants need to make only a one-sentence statement of their claim. By going to this type of court, the plaintiff waives any right to a jury trial and the right to appeal the decision.

In coming years, we can expect to see more and more innovations in the continuing effort to remedy a situation which must be remedied if the citizens who have valid claims are going to be able to have their day in court.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the inadequa­cies of the judicial system in the United States. Costs are staggering both for the taxpayers and the litigants—and the litigants, or parties, have to wait sometimes many years before having their day in court. Many suggestions have been made concerning methods of ameliorating the situation, but as in most branches of government, changes come slowly.One suggestion that has been made in order to maximize the efficiency of the system is to allow districts that have an overabundance of pending cases to borrow judges from other districts that do not have such a backlog. Another suggestion is to use pretrial conferences, in which the judge meets in his chambers with the litigants and their attorneys in order to narrow the issues, limit the witnesses, and provide for a more orderly trial. The theory behind pretrial conferences is that judges will spend less time on each case and .parties will more readily settle before trial when they realize the adequacy of their claims and their opponents' evidence. Unfortunately, at least one study has shown that pretrial conferences .actually use more judicial time than they save, rarely result in pretrial settlements, and actually result in higher damage settlements.Many states have now established another method, small-claims courts, in which cases over small sums of money can be disposed of with considerable dispatch. Such proceedings cost the litigants almost nothing. In California, for example, the parties must appear before the judge without the assistance of counsel. The proceedings are quite informal and there is no pleading—the litigants need to make only a one-sentence statement of their claim. By going to this type of court, the plaintiff waives any right to a jury trial and the right to appeal the decision.In coming years, we can expect to see more and more innovations in the continuing effort to remedy a situation which must be remedied if the citizens who have valid claims are going to be able to have their day in court.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
в последние годы наблюдается повышение уровня информированности о inadequa - CIES работы судебной системы в соединенных штатах.расходы значительны как для налогоплательщиков и истцов, и стороны или сторон, придется ждать иногда много лет до того, как их в день суда.многие были сделаны предложения, касающиеся методов улучшения ситуации, но, как и в большинстве отраслей правительства, изменения происходят медленно.одно предложение, которое было внесено в целях обеспечения максимальной эффективности этой системы заключается в том, чтобы позволить районов, огромное количество нерассмотренных дел у судей из других районов, которые не имеют такого отставания.еще одно предложение заключается в использовании досудебные совещания, в котором судья встречается в его камеры с истцами и их адвокатов, с тем чтобы уменьшить проблемы, ограничить свидетелей, и представить для упорядоченного процесса.теория за досудебные совещания заключается в том, что судьи будут тратить меньше времени на каждый случай и участники будут более легко уладить. до суда, когда они понимают, адекватности их требований и их оппонентов доказательств.к сожалению, по крайней мере, одно исследование показало, что досудебные совещания. на самом деле используют более судебного времени, чем их спасти, редко в результате предварительного населенных пунктов, и на самом деле приводят к увеличению ущерба населенным пунктам.многие государства создали другого метода, судов мелких тяжб, в которых дела, на небольшие суммы, могут быть удалены с большой диспетчер.такие дела, стоимость истцов, почти ничего.в калифорнии, например, стороны должны предстать перед судьей без помощи адвоката.дело довольно неформальной и нет заявление истцов, нужно сделать только одно предложение с изложением их претензии.идем к такого рода суда, истец отказывается от каких - либо право на рассмотрение дела судом присяжных и право на обжалование этого решения.в ближайшие годы, мы можем ожидать, что все больше и больше инноваций в продолжающихся усилий для исправления ситуации, которые должны быть решены, если граждане, которые имеют обоснованные требования будут иметь их в день суда.
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