Mrs. Hackett found her in her bedroom crying. She stood in doorway and перевод - Mrs. Hackett found her in her bedroom crying. She stood in doorway and русский как сказать

Mrs. Hackett found her in her bedro

Mrs. Hackett found her in her bedroom crying. She stood in doorway and said seriously, “ I came in to borrow some sugar, Sylvia. The door was open so I just walk in. Now what's on earth ‘s wrong with you?
Sylvia sat up and dried her eyes. Her skirt was wrinkled and her black hair hung in disorder over her forehead. A pin had come out of her imitation lace collar and it had fallen down to catch in the little red buckle at her waist. She said shakily, “Hello, Mrs. Hackett. Nothing.”
Mrs. Hackett drew down the corners of her mouth. “Nothing, indeed. It's because of Chip wanting leave here and go to Canton. Isn't it? Of course it is.”
Sylvia pushed her hair aside out of her eyes. “ I won't do it,” she said angrily. “I won't.”
“Mm,” Mrs. Hackett said sourly. “A boy's will is the wind's will. 'That's a poem. It's the truest thing in the world. It doesn't do any good to fight against it. Remember that and you'll have it easier''
“I won't do it. I won't move around to one mill after another all my life, and never have anything, no home, and no-nothing! I won't!”
“Well it's his job if he wants to give it up.”
“It isn't! It's just as much mine as it is his. I don't believe in that old idea that a woman's just a-a slave, to follow a man around whatever he happens to want to do!”
“Oh, you don't,” Mrs. Hackett said. “And just what can you do about it?”
Sylvia bowed her head and dried her cheeks with her handkerchief. “I don't know,” she said.
“Of course you don't. You're nothing but a child,” Mrs. Hackett said.” You'll be twenty years finding out what to do and by that time it'll be too late to do you any good. Unless there's somebody around to tell you to begin with. Somebody who knows.”
Sylvia was not impressed. “What could you tell me Mrs. Hackett? What could anyone do? I've argued with him until I'm almost crazy but he – doesn't even listen any more. He's got his mind set on moving on, to something different that won't be any different at all, and he'll want to go again, and—“
“A boy's will is the wind's will, “ said Mrs. Hackett, “That's what the poem says. It's just as true of a man or an old man, for that matter. The older they get the truer it gets, I guess. Only they give up trying to do anything about it after so long a time.” She pushed up her lower lip and looked down her nose at Sylvia. “Like Mr. Hackett.”
Sylvia looked up, surprised. “You mean Mr. Hackett used to – want to—“
“He was the hardest man to hold down in this town. He got tired of everything, that was his trouble. It's sort of laziness, that's all it is. But he stuck here. He stuck, all right.”
“Why?” Sylvia asked. “What did you do?”
“Well,” Mrs. Hackett said, “you can take it for what it's worth, Sylvia. It worked with Mrs. Hackett, I know that.”
“But what was it?”
“Whenever he got all excited about leaving here and going away some place to look for something he thought was better, I simply gave him his way. I didn't oppose him in the least.”
Sylvia looked disappointed and confused. “Oh.”
“But,“ Mrs. Hackett said profoundly, “he didn't know it. "
"I always took him on a trip. Just a week or so. And I kept him on the jump every minute of it. I always liked little trips around, anyway. Well, bye the time that man would get home again he'd be so tired of jumping around that he wouldn't have left for a thousand dollars. "That,“ Mrs. Hackett said, “is something you find about men, Sylvia. They like to start but they like to get back home a whole lot more.”
Sylvia said doubtfully. “It doesn't seem that Chip would—“
“Maybe he wouldn't. I'm the last person in the world to try to give other people advice, Sylvia. Nobody wants it and I guess everyone has to live his own life, anyway. But Mr. Hackett says that they're shutting down the mill for a week, and if Chip was to spend that week in a car traveling along fast from one place to another, without even a chance to catch his breath….Well, a boy's will is the wind's will'—the idea of that is that the wind can change in a minute.”
“But what if he wouldn't want to go?”
“Mm. You tell him you want a little vacation before you move to Canton. If he thinks that you‘ve given in to him about moving to Canton, he'll take you. You try it and see.”
They went up into Michigan, west to Wisconsin, down through Minnesota and Iowa and St. Louis to Memphis, east to Knoxville and up through Louisville to come to home. They were gone six days. Each day Sylvia arranged it so that they got up very early and were on the highway by daylight and she kept on the job, planning the things to visit at the next stop, until late at night. She called upon Chip to stop often at roadside stands and she filled him with hot dogs, soft drinks and bad coffee. She was surprised and delighted at the dull look that appeared in his eyes on the third day.

Mrs. Hackett came over the day after they returned to bring back the cup of sugar she had borrowed.
She said, “Well !” and paused expectantly, holding the cup of sugar in both hands.
“He went back to work today,” Sylvia said. There was a tired note in her voice. “He hasn't said a thing about going to Canton for several days.”
“Mm! And what did he say when he got home?” She asked. “That he never thought home would look so good to him?”
Sylvia nodded. She sat down on a kitchen chair and for a moment seemed lost in thought. “He said exactly that,” she said at last.
“ You won't even be able to get him to move out of the house to go to a movie for a month. I told you. “Wind's will,” that's the poem. They're all alike, all men.” She put the cup of sugar on the kitchen cabinet and looked at Sylvia. “But I wouldn't say that you look so happy about it, Sylvia. You're tired.”
Sylvia rested her chin on her hand. She sighed and said, “I'm a little tired of this town, I guess. I was just thinking, when we came back yesterday, and it looked so …so old and so dirty and dull and tiresome…and I thought that we'll spend all our lives here, with nothing to do except the same old … oh, I was just thinking.”
Mrs. Hackett drew back and looked at Sylvia seriously and then said. “You're just tired, Sylvia. My goodness. That long trip—“
Sylvia looked up and her eyes were shining. “But I'm not tired,” she said. “I had a wonderful time.”
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Mrs. Hackett found her in her bedroom crying. She stood in doorway and said seriously, “ I came in to borrow some sugar, Sylvia. The door was open so I just walk in. Now what's on earth ‘s wrong with you?Sylvia sat up and dried her eyes. Her skirt was wrinkled and her black hair hung in disorder over her forehead. A pin had come out of her imitation lace collar and it had fallen down to catch in the little red buckle at her waist. She said shakily, “Hello, Mrs. Hackett. Nothing.”Mrs. Hackett drew down the corners of her mouth. “Nothing, indeed. It's because of Chip wanting leave here and go to Canton. Isn't it? Of course it is.”Sylvia pushed her hair aside out of her eyes. “ I won't do it,” she said angrily. “I won't.”“Mm,” Mrs. Hackett said sourly. “A boy's will is the wind's will. 'That's a poem. It's the truest thing in the world. It doesn't do any good to fight against it. Remember that and you'll have it easier''“I won't do it. I won't move around to one mill after another all my life, and never have anything, no home, and no-nothing! I won't!”“Well it's his job if he wants to give it up.”“It isn't! It's just as much mine as it is his. I don't believe in that old idea that a woman's just a-a slave, to follow a man around whatever he happens to want to do!”“Oh, you don't,” Mrs. Hackett said. “And just what can you do about it?”Sylvia bowed her head and dried her cheeks with her handkerchief. “I don't know,” she said.“Of course you don't. You're nothing but a child,” Mrs. Hackett said.” You'll be twenty years finding out what to do and by that time it'll be too late to do you any good. Unless there's somebody around to tell you to begin with. Somebody who knows.”Sylvia was not impressed. “What could you tell me Mrs. Hackett? What could anyone do? I've argued with him until I'm almost crazy but he – doesn't even listen any more. He's got his mind set on moving on, to something different that won't be any different at all, and he'll want to go again, and—““A boy's will is the wind's will, “ said Mrs. Hackett, “That's what the poem says. It's just as true of a man or an old man, for that matter. The older they get the truer it gets, I guess. Only they give up trying to do anything about it after so long a time.” She pushed up her lower lip and looked down her nose at Sylvia. “Like Mr. Hackett.”Sylvia looked up, surprised. “You mean Mr. Hackett used to – want to—““He was the hardest man to hold down in this town. He got tired of everything, that was his trouble. It's sort of laziness, that's all it is. But he stuck here. He stuck, all right.”“Why?” Sylvia asked. “What did you do?”“Well,” Mrs. Hackett said, “you can take it for what it's worth, Sylvia. It worked with Mrs. Hackett, I know that.”“But what was it?”“Whenever he got all excited about leaving here and going away some place to look for something he thought was better, I simply gave him his way. I didn't oppose him in the least.”Sylvia looked disappointed and confused. “Oh.”“But,“ Mrs. Hackett said profoundly, “he didn't know it. ""I always took him on a trip. Just a week or so. And I kept him on the jump every minute of it. I always liked little trips around, anyway. Well, bye the time that man would get home again he'd be so tired of jumping around that he wouldn't have left for a thousand dollars. "That,“ Mrs. Hackett said, “is something you find about men, Sylvia. They like to start but they like to get back home a whole lot more.”Sylvia said doubtfully. “It doesn't seem that Chip would—““Maybe he wouldn't. I'm the last person in the world to try to give other people advice, Sylvia. Nobody wants it and I guess everyone has to live his own life, anyway. But Mr. Hackett says that they're shutting down the mill for a week, and if Chip was to spend that week in a car traveling along fast from one place to another, without even a chance to catch his breath….Well, a boy's will is the wind's will'—the idea of that is that the wind can change in a minute.”“But what if he wouldn't want to go?”“Mm. You tell him you want a little vacation before you move to Canton. If he thinks that you‘ve given in to him about moving to Canton, he'll take you. You try it and see.”They went up into Michigan, west to Wisconsin, down through Minnesota and Iowa and St. Louis to Memphis, east to Knoxville and up through Louisville to come to home. They were gone six days. Each day Sylvia arranged it so that they got up very early and were on the highway by daylight and she kept on the job, planning the things to visit at the next stop, until late at night. She called upon Chip to stop often at roadside stands and she filled him with hot dogs, soft drinks and bad coffee. She was surprised and delighted at the dull look that appeared in his eyes on the third day.Mrs. Hackett came over the day after they returned to bring back the cup of sugar she had borrowed.She said, “Well !” and paused expectantly, holding the cup of sugar in both hands.“He went back to work today,” Sylvia said. There was a tired note in her voice. “He hasn't said a thing about going to Canton for several days.”“Mm! And what did he say when he got home?” She asked. “That he never thought home would look so good to him?”Sylvia nodded. She sat down on a kitchen chair and for a moment seemed lost in thought. “He said exactly that,” she said at last.“ You won't even be able to get him to move out of the house to go to a movie for a month. I told you. “Wind's will,” that's the poem. They're all alike, all men.” She put the cup of sugar on the kitchen cabinet and looked at Sylvia. “But I wouldn't say that you look so happy about it, Sylvia. You're tired.”Sylvia rested her chin on her hand. She sighed and said, “I'm a little tired of this town, I guess. I was just thinking, when we came back yesterday, and it looked so …so old and so dirty and dull and tiresome…and I thought that we'll spend all our lives here, with nothing to do except the same old … oh, I was just thinking.”Mrs. Hackett drew back and looked at Sylvia seriously and then said. “You're just tired, Sylvia. My goodness. That long trip—“Sylvia looked up and her eyes were shining. “But I'm not tired,” she said. “I had a wonderful time.”
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Миссис Hackett нашла ее в своей спальне плачет. Она стояла в дверях и сказал серьезно: «Я пришел , чтобы одолжить немного сахара, Сильвию. Дверь была открыта , так что я просто ходить. Теперь то , что на земле случилось с вами?
Сильвия села и вытерла глаза. Ее юбка была морщинистой и ее черные волосы висели в беспорядке на лоб. Булавка вышел из ее имитация кружева воротник и он упал вниз , чтобы поймать в маленькой красной пряжкой на ее талии. Она сказала дрожащим голосом: "Привет, миссис Hackett. Ничего. "
Г - жа Hackett навлек уголки ее рта. "Ничего, на самом деле. Это из - за Чип хочет оставить здесь и пойти в Кантоне. Не так ли? Конечно , это. "
Сильвия отбросила волосы в сторону из ее глаз. "Я не буду делать это," сказала она сердито. "Я не буду."
"Мм," кисло сказала миссис Hackett. "Воля мальчика воля ветра. "Это стихотворение. Это самая правдивая вещь в мире. Она не делает ничего хорошего для борьбы с ней. Помните , что и вы будете иметь проще ''
"Я не буду это делать. Я не буду передвигаться на одной мельнице за другой всю свою жизнь, и никогда не было ничего, ни дома, и никто ничего! Я не буду! "
" Ну это его работа , если он хочет , чтобы отказаться от него. "
" Это не так ! Это точно так же , как мое это его. Я не верю в эту старую идею , что женщина просто аа раб, чтобы следовать за человеком вокруг того , что он происходит хотеть сделать! "
" Ах, вы не знаете, "сказала миссис Hackett. "И как раз то , что вы можете сделать по этому поводу?"
Сильвия опустила голову и вытерла щеки ее платком. "Я не знаю," сказала она.
"Конечно , вы этого не сделаете. Ты ничего , кроме ребенка, "сказала миссис Hackett." Вы будете двадцать лет выяснить , что делать и к тому времени будет уже слишком поздно , чтобы сделать вам никакой пользы. Если не кто - то вокруг , чтобы сказать вам , чтобы начать с. Кто - то , кто знает. "
Сильвии не был впечатлен. "Что бы вы могли сказать мне миссис Hackett? Что может кто - нибудь сделать? Я спорил с ним , пока я почти с ума , но он - даже не слушает больше. У него есть его помышления двигаться дальше, что - то другое , что не будет отличаться на всех, и он захочет идти снова, И -" "
Воля мальчика воля ветров, "сказала миссис Hackett" Вот что говорит стихотворение. Это так же верно в отношении человека или старика, если на то пошло. Чем старше они получают Truer он получает, я думаю. Только они отказываются от попыток сделать что - нибудь об этом после столь долгого времени. "Она толкнула вверх нижнюю губу и посмотрел вниз нос на Сильвию. "Как и г - н Hackett."
Сильвия посмотрела удивленно. "Вы имеете в виду г - н Hackett используется для - нужды to-"
"Он был самым трудным человеком , чтобы удерживать в этом городе. Он устал от всего, что его проблема. Это своего рода ленью, это все , что есть. Но он застрял здесь. Он застрял, все в порядке. "
" Почему? "Спросила Сильвия. "Что ты сделал?"
"Ну," сказала миссис Hackett, "вы можете взять его за то , что это стоит, Сильвию. Он работал с миссис Hackett, я знаю , что " .
" Но что же это было? "
" Всякий раз , когда он получил все возбужденные об уходе здесь и уходит какое - то место , чтобы искать что - то он думал , было лучше, я просто дал ему путь. Я не против него ни в малейшей степени . "
Sylvia выглядел разочарованным и запутанным. "О" .
"Но," глубоко сказала миссис Hackett " , он не знал об этом. "
" Я всегда брал его в поездке. Как раз в неделю или около того . И я держал его на скачку каждую минуту этого. Мне всегда нравились маленькие поездки вокруг, так или иначе. Ну, до свидания время, когда человек получит домой он так устал прыгать вокруг , что он не оставил бы за тысячу долларов. "Это," Миссис Hackett сказал, "что - то вы найдете о мужчинах, Sylvia. Они любят , чтобы начать , но они хотели , чтобы вернуться домой в целом гораздо больше."
Усомнился Сильвии. "Это не кажется , что чип would- " "
Может быть , он бы не стал . Я последний человек в мире , чтобы попытаться дать другим людям советы, Sylvia. Никто не хочет, и я думаю , каждый должен жить своей собственной жизнью, во всяком случае. Но г - н Хакетт говорит , что они 'повторно выключая мельницу в течение недели, и если Чип должен был провести на этой неделе в автомобиле , распространяющейся вдоль быстро от одного места к другому, не имея даже шанса поймать его дыхание ... .Well, воля мальчика воля ветров " -The идея о том, что ветер может измениться в минуту. "
" Но что , если он не захочет идти? "
" Мм. вы говорите ему , что вы хотите небольшой отпуск , прежде чем перейти в Кантон. Если он считает , что вы дали к нему о переезде в Кантоне, он заберет вас. вы попробовать и посмотреть. "
Они вошли в штат Мичиган, на запад в Висконсин, вниз через Миннесоты и Айовы и Сент - Луис в Мемфис, на восток в Ноксвилл и через Луисвилл , чтобы прийти к дому. Их не было шесть дней. Каждый день Sylvia устроил так , что они встали очень рано и были на шоссе при дневном свете , и она продолжала работу, планируя вещи , чтобы посетить на следующей остановке, и до поздней ночи. Она призвала Чип часто останавливаются на придорожных стендах , и она наполнила его хот - доги, безалкогольные напитки и плохой кофе. Она была удивлена и рада в тусклом взгляде , который появился в его глазах на третий день.

Г - жа Hackett пришел через день после того, как они вернулись , чтобы вернуть чашку сахара она заимствована.
Она сказала: "Ну!" И остановился выжидающе, держа чашку сахара в обеих руках.
"Он вернулся на работу сегодня," сказала Сильвия , Был уставший нота в ее голосе. "Он не сказал , что о поездке в Кантон в течение нескольких дней."
"М - м! И что же он сказал , когда он вернулся домой? "Она спросила. " То, что он никогда не думал , что дом будет выглядеть так хорошо с ним?"
Кивнул Сильвии. Она села на кухонный стул и на мгновение казалось , погруженный в мысли. "Он сказал , что именно это," сказала она наконец.
"Вы даже не будете в состоянии заставить его выйти из дома , чтобы пойти в кино в течение месяца. Я говорил тебе. "Воля Ветра" , что это стихотворение. Они похожи друг на друга, все мужчины. "Она поставила чашку сахара на кухонный шкаф и посмотрел на Сильвию. "Но я бы не сказал , что ты выглядишь так рад этому, Сильвию. Вы устали. "
Сильвия положила подбородок на ее руку. Она вздохнула и сказала: "Я немного устал от этого города, я думаю. Я просто думал, когда мы вернулись вчера, и это выглядело так ... так стар и так грязно и скучно и утомительно ... и я подумал , что мы посвятим всю нашу жизнь здесь, нечего делать , кроме как тот же самый старый ... о, Я просто думал. "
миссис Hackett отстранился и посмотрел на Сильвию серьезно , а потом сказал. "Ты просто устала, Сильвию. Боже мой. Это долго триплета "
Сильвия подняла голову и ее глаза светились. "Но я не устал," сказала она. " У меня было замечательное время."
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