In the past, germ theory was something that caused a lot of discussion перевод - In the past, germ theory was something that caused a lot of discussion русский как сказать

In the past, germ theory was someth

In the past, germ theory was something that caused a lot of discussion and disagreement. Germ theory, the Idea that microorganisms or germs were the cause of many diseases, was something that took biologists and the medical profession a long time to accept. Long before the invention of the microscope, biologists were uncertain about the existence of microorganisms, forms of life too small to be seen with the naked eye. Bologists knew that small life forms existed, but could not say where they came from. The accepted scientific theory was what was known as spontaneous generation (abiogenesis). Quite simply, this stated that living things appeared from nowhere, as if out of nothing, for no reason. According to scientists this happened in things that were decaying: that is, in what remained of things that were dead. Spontaneous generation could take place in a dead animal, for example, when the animal's flesh decayed into maggots. These maggots would then grow into flies or other insects. Mud or dead plants were other places where new life could come into existence.

Near the end of the seventeenth century the Italian scientist Francesco Redi proved that maggots come from eggs that flies lay in the flesh of dead animals. He carried out one of the first modern scientific experiments in this area. He put meat into three jars. One jar he kept tightly closed so that air could not enter. Another he covered with cloth and the third he left open to the air. Maggots appeared, but only in the open jar. However, belief in spontsneous generation was not destroyed by his experiment and almost 100 years later, the Englishman John Needham carried out a similar experiment. First, he boiled the meat to kill any living organisms that were already there. He kept the air from outside out of his jar and not maggots but microorganisms or germs grew in it. Needham argued that this proved that life could be generated sponaneously from dead material. However, he did not know they were present in the air already in the jar. When Lazzaro Spallanzani in Italy repeated Needham's experiment but removed the air from the jar creating a vacuum with the result that nothing grew on the meat, people argued that he only had proved that spontaneous generation could not take place without air.

The invention of the microscope did little to weaken the belief in spontaneous generation. The microscope opened up a new world of microorganisms to biologists but they could not explain where they came from and so claimed it was by spontaneous generation.

It was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that the French biochemist, Louis Pasteur, proved to the world that microorganisms were present in the air and that the idea of spontaneous generation had no place in biology. Pasteur changed Redi's experiment so that the jar was "s" - shaped at the opening. This let the air in, but trapped any microorganisms in the "s" bend. The meat in Pasteur's jars did not generate microorganisms. Only when Pasteur moved the jar, allowing the meat to touch the microorganisms in the trap, did microorganisms start to grow. In this way he showed that growth only occurred when there was contact with the air. This time the scientist's conclusions could not be ignored. The idea of spontaneous generation was finally disproved and from that time on biologists have recognised that microorganisms are present in the air
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
In the past, germ theory was something that caused a lot of discussion and disagreement. Germ theory, the Idea that microorganisms or germs were the cause of many diseases, was something that took biologists and the medical profession a long time to accept. Long before the invention of the microscope, biologists were uncertain about the existence of microorganisms, forms of life too small to be seen with the naked eye. Bologists knew that small life forms existed, but could not say where they came from. The accepted scientific theory was what was known as spontaneous generation (abiogenesis). Quite simply, this stated that living things appeared from nowhere, as if out of nothing, for no reason. According to scientists this happened in things that were decaying: that is, in what remained of things that were dead. Spontaneous generation could take place in a dead animal, for example, when the animal's flesh decayed into maggots. These maggots would then grow into flies or other insects. Mud or dead plants were other places where new life could come into existence. Near the end of the seventeenth century the Italian scientist Francesco Redi proved that maggots come from eggs that flies lay in the flesh of dead animals. He carried out one of the first modern scientific experiments in this area. He put meat into three jars. One jar he kept tightly closed so that air could not enter. Another he covered with cloth and the third he left open to the air. Maggots appeared, but only in the open jar. However, belief in spontsneous generation was not destroyed by his experiment and almost 100 years later, the Englishman John Needham carried out a similar experiment. First, he boiled the meat to kill any living organisms that were already there. He kept the air from outside out of his jar and not maggots but microorganisms or germs grew in it. Needham argued that this proved that life could be generated sponaneously from dead material. However, he did not know they were present in the air already in the jar. When Lazzaro Spallanzani in Italy repeated Needham's experiment but removed the air from the jar creating a vacuum with the result that nothing grew on the meat, people argued that he only had proved that spontaneous generation could not take place without air. The invention of the microscope did little to weaken the belief in spontaneous generation. The microscope opened up a new world of microorganisms to biologists but they could not explain where they came from and so claimed it was by spontaneous generation. It was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that the French biochemist, Louis Pasteur, proved to the world that microorganisms were present in the air and that the idea of spontaneous generation had no place in biology. Pasteur changed Redi's experiment so that the jar was "s" - shaped at the opening. This let the air in, but trapped any microorganisms in the "s" bend. The meat in Pasteur's jars did not generate microorganisms. Only when Pasteur moved the jar, allowing the meat to touch the microorganisms in the trap, did microorganisms start to grow. In this way he showed that growth only occurred when there was contact with the air. This time the scientist's conclusions could not be ignored. The idea of spontaneous generation was finally disproved and from that time on biologists have recognised that microorganisms are present in the air
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
в прошлом, ростки теории было что - то, что вызвало много дискуссий и разногласий.ростки теории о том, что микроорганизмы или микробы стали причиной многих болезней, было что - то принял биологи и медики давно принять.задолго до изобретения микроскопа, биологи были уверены в существовании микроорганизмов, формы жизни слишком малы, чтобы видны невооруженным глазом.bologists знал, что малые формы жизни существует, но не может сказать, откуда они пришли.общепринятой научная теория заключается в том, что был известен как самозарождение (20 - х).попросту говоря, это заявил, что живое появились из ниоткуда, как если бы из ничего, без причины.по словам ученых, это случилось в вещи, которые были упадок: это, в то, что осталось от вещей, которые были мертвы.самозарождение может состояться в мертвых животных, например, когда животное плоть образовывали личинки.эти личинки будет расти в мух и других насекомых.грязь или мертвые растения в другие места, где жизнь может существовать.в конце XVII века итальянский ученый франческо реди доказали, что личинки из яиц, что мухи лежали в плоть убитых животных.он осуществляется одним из первых современных научных исследований в этой области.он положил мясо в трех банках.одной банке он держал плотно закрытыми, чтобы воздух не может войти.еще он покрыта тканью, а третий, он остается открытым для воздуха.личинки появился, но только в открытом сосуде.однако, веры в spontsneous поколение не уничтожила его эксперимент и почти 100 лет спустя, англичанин джон нидэм провели аналогичный эксперимент.во - первых, он варится мясо, чтобы убивать живых организмов, которые уже были там.он держал воздух из его банку и не личинки, но микроорганизмов или микробы вырос в нем.нидхем, утверждал, что это доказывает, что жизнь может быть подготовлено sponaneously из мертвых материала.он, однако, не знаю, они находились в воздухе уже в банке.когда спалланцани, ладзаро в италии повторил эксперимент, но снять нидэм воздуха от банку, создавая вакуум, в результате чего ничего не росло на мясо, люди утверждали, что он лишь показал, что спонтанные поколения не может проходить без воздуха.изобретения микроскопа не ослабляет веру в самозарождение.микроскоп открылся новый мир микроорганизмов для биологов, но они не смогли объяснить, откуда они и так утверждал, что это был спонтанный поколения.это было не до середины XIX века, что французские биохимик, луи пастера, доказали миру, что микроорганизмы находятся в воздухе, и что идея самозарождение не место в биологии.пастер изменил реди эксперимент, так что банку "S" - форму на открытии.это пусть воздух, а в каких - либо микроорганизмов в "S" поворот.мясо в пастер - банки не вызвать микроорганизмы.только тогда, когда пастор перешла банку, чтобы мясо трогать микроорганизмов в ловушку, как микроорганизмы начнут расти.таким образом, он показал, что рост лишь произошел, когда был установлен контакт с воздуха.на этот раз ученый выводы нельзя игнорировать.идея самозарождение был, наконец, опровергли и с этого времени биологи признали, что микроорганизмы присутствуют в воздухе
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