EDUCATION IN UKRAINEThe right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by перевод - EDUCATION IN UKRAINEThe right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by украинский как сказать


The right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53). Every boy or girl must get secondary education; it means that secondary education is compulsory in our country. There are state schools where education is free of charge and private primary and- secon­dary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.
Every school has a core curriculum and a school cur­riculum. The core curriculum includes Ukrainian, Ukrain­ian Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geogra­phy, World Literature, a Foreign Language and others. As each citizen of Ukraine has the right to get secondary education in the mother tongue, there are schools for national minorities in which pupils study their native language. In most of them all the school subjects are taught in that language.
After finishing the 9th form of a secondary school young peojjle can go to the 10th form or to a vocational or tech­nical school. The kinds of secondary educational establish­ments are lyceums and gymnasiums. They offer programmes giving a profound knowledge in some field of study. After getting secondary education a school-leaver can start work­ing or enter an institute, an academy or a university. Many academies and universities have evening and extramural departments.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
The right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53). Every boy or girl must get secondary education; it means that secondary education is compulsory in our country. There are state schools where education is free of charge and private primary and- secon­dary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.
Every school has a core curriculum and a school cur­riculum. The core curriculum includes Ukrainian, Ukrain­ian Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geogra­phy, World Literature, a Foreign Language and others. As each citizen of Ukraine has the right to get secondary education in the mother tongue, there are schools for national minorities in which pupils study their native language. In most of them all the school subjects are taught in that language.
After finishing the 9th form of a secondary school young peojjle can go to the 10th form or to a vocational or tech­nical school. The kinds of secondary educational establish­ments are lyceums and gymnasiums. They offer programmes giving a profound knowledge in some field of study. After getting secondary education a school-leaver can start work­ing or enter an institute, an academy or a university. Many academies and universities have evening and extramural departments.
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
The right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53). Every boy or girl must get secondary education; it means that secondary education is compulsory in our country. There are state schools where education is free of charge and private primary and- secon­dary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.
Every school has a core curriculum and a school cur­riculum. The core curriculum includes Ukrainian, Ukrain­ian Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geogra­phy, World Literature, a Foreign Language and others. As each citizen of Ukraine has the right to get secondary education in the mother tongue, there are schools for national minorities in which pupils study their native language. In most of them all the school subjects are taught in that language.
After finishing the 9th form of a secondary school young peojjle can go to the 10th form or to a vocational or tech­nical school. The kinds of secondary educational establish­ments are lyceums and gymnasiums. They offer programmes giving a profound knowledge in some field of study. After getting secondary education a school-leaver can start work­ing or enter an institute, an academy or a university. Many academies and universities have evening and extramural departments.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
THE право до освіти в Україні гарантується Конституцією (Стаття53). Кожний хлопчик або дівчина повинна отримати вторинну освіту; це означає, що вторинна освіта є обов'язкова у нашій країні. Є держава школи де освіта безкоштовно та приватні первинні та- вторинні школи де учні повинні платити за їхні навчання.
Кожна школа має стрижень curriculum та школа cur-riculum. Стрижень curriculum включає українську, українську Літературу, Математику, Фізику, Хімію, Географію, Світову Літературу, Іноземну Мову та інші. Як кожний мешканець України має право отримати вторинну освіту у рідній мові, є школи для національних меншин у котрих учні вивчають їхню рідну мову.У більшості їх всі шкільні предмети навчаються у тій мові.
Після того як фінішувати 9 форми середньої школи молодої peojjle може поїхати до 10 форми або до професійної або технічної школи. Різновиди вторинних навчальних установ lyceums та спортивні зали. Вони пропонують програми даюче глибоке знання у деякій сфері навчання.Після того як отримувати вторинну освіту школа-leaver може стартувати робоча або може внести інститут, академію або університет. Багато академій та університетів мають вечір та заочні департаменти.
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