Father: We are thinking about going to the seaside, if you have nothin перевод - Father: We are thinking about going to the seaside, if you have nothin русский как сказать

Father: We are thinking about going

Father: We are thinking about going to the seaside, if you have nothing against it.

Mother: We can spend a month by the sea, sunbathing, swimming,

diving, and having nothing to do.

Alexei: Which is the best place to go, in your opinion?

Father: What would you both say about going to the Crimea?

Alexei: Why, I was there when I was a little boy, and I don't remember much except a tiresome journey by train. I wouldn't go there if I were you.

Father: Going by train in summer is very uncomfortable. But this time we won't go by train. We can fly there, if you want to. It will take no more than three hours to get to Sochi. You will enjoy wonderful views while we go. Or we might go there by bus with air-conditioning: buses are comfortable. If we buy a voucher to a resort or a holiday centre, we won't have to take trouble about meals and accommodation.

Mother: I must say I am airsick.

Alexei: Resorts are boring. I can suggest you doing a more exciting thing: why don't we go by car? We can travel as much as we want to, visiting as many places as we like. We won't have to book tickets and hotel rooms in advance, or to queue in a booking office. We will visit all the towns along the coast, provided that we have time.

Father: When I come to think about it, it seems a very attractive idea, except for the fact that you don't drive and I will have to drive all the way there and back. But still I have nothing against it: we can travel all over the Crimean coast or stay in one place for the whole month, if we like.

Alexei: And we don't have to carry the luggage. Just put everything you want to take into the car, and that's all!

Mother: Now we must decide on where to stay during our journey.

Father: There are plenty of opportunities: we may take a tent, or stay in a hotel, or rent a room or a cottage.

Alexei: Living in a tent is a bad idea. What if it rains? And, be­sides, it will occupy too much room in the car if we take it.

Mother: All right, dear. We will rent a room or stay in a hotel, then.

Father: Now we'd better take a map and choose the best route for our journey.

On Travelling

People started travelling in the ancient times. The first travelers were pilgrims, nomads and explorers. Travelling was really dangerous in those days, but there were always brave and daring people who went on discovering new lands, in search of wealth and fame.

Nowadays things have changed significantly. Hundreds of compa­nies are willing to help you if you are planning to go somewhere. You are free to choose where to go: you may want to spend a vacation in the mountains or by the sea, and a plane will take you to the place of your choice in a matter of hours. A lot of people will cater to the needs of the travelers in hotels and holiday centres all over the world. Visitors are amused and taken care of in any possible way.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Father: We are thinking about going to the seaside, if you have nothing against it.Mother: We can spend a month by the sea, sunbathing, swimming,diving, and having nothing to do.Alexei: Which is the best place to go, in your opinion?Father: What would you both say about going to the Crimea?Alexei: Why, I was there when I was a little boy, and I don't remember much except a tiresome journey by train. I wouldn't go there if I were you.Father: Going by train in summer is very uncomfortable. But this time we won't go by train. We can fly there, if you want to. It will take no more than three hours to get to Sochi. You will enjoy wonderful views while we go. Or we might go there by bus with air-conditioning: buses are comfortable. If we buy a voucher to a resort or a holiday centre, we won't have to take trouble about meals and accommodation.Mother: I must say I am airsick.Alexei: Resorts are boring. I can suggest you doing a more exciting thing: why don't we go by car? We can travel as much as we want to, visiting as many places as we like. We won't have to book tickets and hotel rooms in advance, or to queue in a booking office. We will visit all the towns along the coast, provided that we have time.Father: When I come to think about it, it seems a very attractive idea, except for the fact that you don't drive and I will have to drive all the way there and back. But still I have nothing against it: we can travel all over the Crimean coast or stay in one place for the whole month, if we like.Alexei: And we don't have to carry the luggage. Just put everything you want to take into the car, and that's all!Mother: Now we must decide on where to stay during our journey.Father: There are plenty of opportunities: we may take a tent, or stay in a hotel, or rent a room or a cottage.Alexei: Living in a tent is a bad idea. What if it rains? And, be­sides, it will occupy too much room in the car if we take it.Mother: All right, dear. We will rent a room or stay in a hotel, then.Father: Now we'd better take a map and choose the best route for our journey.On TravellingPeople started travelling in the ancient times. The first travelers were pilgrims, nomads and explorers. Travelling was really dangerous in those days, but there were always brave and daring people who went on discovering new lands, in search of wealth and fame.Nowadays things have changed significantly. Hundreds of compa­nies are willing to help you if you are planning to go somewhere. You are free to choose where to go: you may want to spend a vacation in the mountains or by the sea, and a plane will take you to the place of your choice in a matter of hours. A lot of people will cater to the needs of the travelers in hotels and holiday centres all over the world. Visitors are amused and taken care of in any possible way.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

Отец: Мы думаем о поездке к морю, если вы не имеете ничего против него. Мать: Мы можем провести месяц на море, загорать, плавание, подводное плавание, и , не имея ничего общего. Алексей: Что это лучшее место , чтобы пойти ?, по вашему мнению отца: что бы вы оба говорят о поездке в Крым? Алексей: Почему, я был там , когда я был маленьким мальчиком, и я ничего не помню , кроме утомительного путешествия на поезде. Я не пошел бы туда , если бы я тебя. Отец: Отправляясь на поезде летом очень неудобно. Но на этот раз мы не будем ехать на поезде. Мы можем лететь туда, если вы хотите. Это займет не более трех часов , чтобы добраться до Сочи. Вы будете наслаждаться прекрасным видом в то время как мы идем. Или мы могли бы поехать туда на автобусе с кондиционером: автобусы удобны. Если мы покупаем ваучер на курорт или туристическом центре, мы не должны брать на себя труд о еде и жилье. Мать:. Я должен сказать , что я страдающий воздушной болезнью Алексей: Курорты скучны. Я могу предложить вам делать более интересные вещи: почему бы нам не ехать на машине? Мы можем путешествовать столько , сколько мы хотим, посещая так много места , как нам нравится. Мы не должны заказать билеты и гостиничные номера заранее, или в очереди в кассе. Мы посетим все города вдоль побережья, при условии , что у нас есть время. Отец: Когда я пришел , чтобы думать об этом, кажется очень привлекательной идеей, за исключением того факта , что вы не садитесь за руль и мне придется ехать все путь туда и обратно. Но до сих пор я ничего не имею против него: мы можем путешествовать по всему крымском побережье или оставаться на одном месте в течение всего месяца, если нам нравится. Алексей: И мы не должны нести багаж. Просто поместите все , что вы хотите взять в машину, и это все! Мать: Теперь мы должны решить, где остановиться во время нашего путешествия. Отец: Есть много возможностей: мы можем взять палатку, или остаться в гостинице, или снять комнату или коттедж. Алексей: Жизнь в палатке является плохой идеей. Что делать , если идет дождь? И, кроме того, она будет занимать слишком много места в машине , если мы возьмем его. Мать: Хорошо, дорогая. Мы будем снимать комнату или остаться в гостинице, а затем. Отец: Теперь мы лучше взять карту и выбрать оптимальный маршрут для нашего путешествия. На путешествия люди начали путешествовать в древние времена. Первые путешественники были паломники, кочевники и исследователей. Путешествия было действительно опасно в те дни, но там всегда были смелые и отважные люди , которые пошли на открытие новых земель, в поисках богатства и славы. В настоящее время вещи существенно изменились. Сотни компаний готовы помочь вам , если вы планируете поехать куда - нибудь. Вы свободны выбирать , куда идти: вы можете провести отпуск в горах или на берегу моря, и самолет доставит вас к месту вашего выбора в течение нескольких часов. Много людей будет удовлетворять потребности туристов в гостиницах и центрах отдыха во всем мире. Посетители забавляло и позаботились любым возможным способом.

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