I work for a magazine,which was doing an article about British languag перевод - I work for a magazine,which was doing an article about British languag русский как сказать

I work for a magazine,which was doi

I work for a magazine,which was doing an article about British language learners.As an experiment,they asked me to learn a completely new language for one month.Then I had to go to the country and do some"tests"to see if I could"survive"in different situations.I decided to learn Polish because my great-grandmother was Polish and I have some relatives there.I can already speak French and Spanish quite well but Polish isn't a latin-based language so I knew it would be completely different.

I did a one-month intensive course at a language school in Birmingham.I thought I was good at languages before I started learning Polish,but now I'm not so sure.I found it incredibly difficult.The grammar was really complicated and the words were not like any other language I know so it was very hard to remember them.For example,I thought "football" was more or less an international word,but it Polish it's "pilka nozna".And the pronunciation is unbelievable!Every word is full of z's where you don't expect them,like "jezdzisz" which means "you go".

My course finished yesterday and I'm going to Kraków for the weekend to do my tests.A local guide called Kasia is coming with me and is going to give me a mark out of 10.
Mark 10, wait for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I arrived at Kraków airport with Kasia,my guide.Test number one,I had to get a taxi to the hotel.I said to the taxi driver,in Polish,"To the Holiday Inn hotel,please,"- "Prosze do hotelu Holiday Inn".No problem.The driver understood me.But then he started talking to me in perfect English.I felt a bit stupid.

We got to the hotel,checked in,and then we went to the hotel bar for the test number two.

A waitress came up to us and I said "Prosze piwo," that is,a beer please.Then the waitress said something in Polish and I understood her!She said " a big or small beer?" "Big," I said.I was so happy that I could understand her,I really enjoyed that beer.

Next we went out into the street for test three:asking for directions.I decided to ask for directions to a chemist,"apteka".I stopped a woman who looked friendly and I said,in Polish,"Excuse me please,is there a chemist's near here?No problem.But then she started talking really fast and pointing.I tried to listen for left or right or anything I could understand but no,I couldn't understand anyting.I was sure that Kasia was going to give me zero for this test!

I was feeling less confident now.We went back to the hotel for test four:making a phone call.Kasia gave me a phone number and told me to ask to speak to her friend.His name was Adam.I dialled the number.A woman answered the phone."Is Adam there?",I said hopefully."Adama nie ma," she said.I understood that!Adam's not in.I wanted to say"When will he be back?" but I could only say"When home" "Kiedy domu?" And I didn't understand her answer.So I said thank you and goodbye very politely.Kasia smiled,so I thought,well,not bad.

Finally,test five:asking the time.I knew this test was going to be very hard.Numbers in Polish are incredibly difficult and I've always found telling the time is impossible.But I had a brilliant idea.I stopped a man in the street and said,"Excuse me,what's the time?"I couldn't understand the answer but I just said,"Sorry,can I see your watch please?"He showed it to me.Twenty past seven.Perfect!

How well did I do in the tests?Well,Kasia gave me five out of ten for language and eight for imagination.So can your learn a language in a month?Not Polish,definitely!
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
I work for a magazine,which was doing an article about British language learners.As an experiment,they asked me to learn a completely new language for one month.Then I had to go to the country and do some"tests"to see if I could"survive"in different situations.I decided to learn Polish because my great-grandmother was Polish and I have some relatives there.I can already speak French and Spanish quite well but Polish isn't a latin-based language so I knew it would be completely different. I did a one-month intensive course at a language school in Birmingham.I thought I was good at languages before I started learning Polish,but now I'm not so sure.I found it incredibly difficult.The grammar was really complicated and the words were not like any other language I know so it was very hard to remember them.For example,I thought "football" was more or less an international word,but it Polish it's "pilka nozna".And the pronunciation is unbelievable!Every word is full of z's where you don't expect them,like "jezdzisz" which means "you go". My course finished yesterday and I'm going to Kraków for the weekend to do my tests.A local guide called Kasia is coming with me and is going to give me a mark out of 10. Mark 10, wait for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I arrived at Kraków airport with Kasia,my guide.Test number one,I had to get a taxi to the hotel.I said to the taxi driver,in Polish,"To the Holiday Inn hotel,please,"- "Prosze do hotelu Holiday Inn".No problem.The driver understood me.But then he started talking to me in perfect English.I felt a bit stupid. We got to the hotel,checked in,and then we went to the hotel bar for the test number two. A waitress came up to us and I said "Prosze piwo," that is,a beer please.Then the waitress said something in Polish and I understood her!She said " a big or small beer?" "Big," I said.I was so happy that I could understand her,I really enjoyed that beer. Next we went out into the street for test three:asking for directions.I decided to ask for directions to a chemist,"apteka".I stopped a woman who looked friendly and I said,in Polish,"Excuse me please,is there a chemist's near here?No problem.But then she started talking really fast and pointing.I tried to listen for left or right or anything I could understand but no,I couldn't understand anyting.I was sure that Kasia was going to give me zero for this test! I was feeling less confident now.We went back to the hotel for test four:making a phone call.Kasia gave me a phone number and told me to ask to speak to her friend.His name was Adam.I dialled the number.A woman answered the phone."Is Adam there?",I said hopefully."Adama nie ma," she said.I understood that!Adam's not in.I wanted to say"When will he be back?" but I could only say"When home" "Kiedy domu?" And I didn't understand her answer.So I said thank you and goodbye very politely.Kasia smiled,so I thought,well,not bad. Finally,test five:asking the time.I knew this test was going to be very hard.Numbers in Polish are incredibly difficult and I've always found telling the time is impossible.But I had a brilliant idea.I stopped a man in the street and said,"Excuse me,what's the time?"I couldn't understand the answer but I just said,"Sorry,can I see your watch please?"He showed it to me.Twenty past seven.Perfect! How well did I do in the tests?Well,Kasia gave me five out of ten for language and eight for imagination.So can your learn a language in a month?Not Polish,definitely!
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Я работаю для журнала, который делал статью о британских learners.As языка эксперимент, они попросили меня изучать совершенно новый язык для одного month.Then я должен был ехать в страну и сделать некоторые "тесты" , чтобы увидеть , если Я мог бы «выжить» в разных situations.I решили изучать польский язык , потому что моя прабабушка была польская и у меня есть какие - то родственники there.I уже могут говорить французский и испанский довольно хорошо , но польский не латинский язык , основанный на так что я знал было бы совершенно по- другому. Я сделал один месяц интенсивный курс в языковой школе в Birmingham.I думал , что я был хорош на языках , прежде чем я начал изучать польский, но теперь я не так sure.I нашел его невероятно difficult.The грамматика была очень сложна и слова не были похожи на любой другой язык , который я знаю , так что это было очень трудно вспомнить them.For пример, я думал , что "футбол" был более или менее международное слово, но польский это "Pilka nożna" .И произношение невероятно! Каждое слово полно г, где вы не ожидаете их, как "jezdzisz" , что означает "вы идете". мой курс закончил вчера , и я собираюсь в Краков на выходные , чтобы сделать мой tests.A местный гид называется Кася приходит со мной и собирается дать мне знак из 10. Марка 10, подождите меня !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Я прибыл в аэропорт Кракова с Kasia, мой guide.Test номер один, я должен был получить такси к hotel.I сказал таксисту, в Польский, "в гостинице Holiday Inn, пожалуйста," - "Proszę делают Hotelu Holiday Inn" водитель .No problem.The понял me.But тогда он начал говорить со мной в совершенном English.I чувствовал себя немного глупо. Мы добрались до отель, проверяется, а затем мы пошли в бар отеля для тестового номер два. официантка подошла к нам , и я сказал : "Proszę Piwo" , то есть, пиво please.Then официантка сказала что - то на польском языке , и я понял , ее! Она сказала , что "большой или маленький пиво?" "Большой" Я said.I была так счастлива , что я мог понять ее, мне очень понравилось , что пиво. Затем мы вышли на улицу для испытания три: просят directions.I решил спросить дорогу к химику, "АПТЕКА ".I остановил женщину , которая выглядела дружелюбным и я сказал, на польском языке:" Простите , пожалуйста, есть аптека рядом здесь? Нет problem.but тогда она начала говорить очень быстро и pointing.I пытался слушать влево или вправо или все , что я мог понять , но нет, я не мог понять , anyting.I был уверен , что Кася собирался дать мне ноль для этого теста! Я чувствовал себя менее уверенно now.We вернулся в отель для испытания четырех: сделать телефонный звонок .Kasia дал мне номер телефона и сказал мне , чтобы попросить , чтобы поговорить с ее friend.His звали Adam.I набран женщина number.A ответила на звонок. "Адам есть?", я с надеждой сказал. "Adama Nie ма, "она said.I понял , что! Адам не in.I хотел сказать : " Когда он вернется? " , но я мог только сказать : " Когда домой "" Kiedy Дому? »И я не понимаю ее answer.So я сказал спасибо и до свидания очень politely.Kasia улыбнулся, так что я подумал, ну, не плохо. и, наконец, тест пять: просят time.i знал , что это испытание будет очень hard.Numbers на польском языке невероятно сложно , и я всегда нашел говоря время является impossible.But у меня был блестящий idea.I остановил человека на улице и сказал: "Простите, что время?" Я не мог понять ответ , но я просто сказал: " к сожалению, я могу см часы , пожалуйста? "Он показал его me.Twenty мимо seven.Perfect! Как хорошо я сделал в тестах? Ну, Кася дал мне пять из десяти для языка и восемь для imagination.So может выучить ваш язык в месяц? Не польский, определенно!

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