Young people are active participants intheir own history. Past generat перевод - Young people are active participants intheir own history. Past generat русский как сказать

Young people are active participant

Young people are active participants in
their own history. Past generations of radical students have played a part in protests and revolutions against the existing order of society. A youth movements this sense has an ideological or political character.
At the same time ordinary young people usually belong to a youth movement through membership of an adult-led, voluntary youth organization, such as the Scouts or Guides. There are also fashion-led "youth cultures", identified by types of dress, music and language. The term "youth movement" is so wide that it can refer to Punk Rockers as well as the Young Conservatives.

2. The world's first voluntary youth organization was the Church-based Boys' Brigade, founded in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1883 by William Alexander Smith (1854-1914) and dedicated to religious edu­cation and developing the habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.

In the 1900s, in Germany appeared a movement of middle-class students who took up open-air tramping. Richard Schirmann, a German schoolteacher, opened the first youth hostel in 1909. Youth hostels providing cheap accom­modation for young people are now found in most areas of the world.

In England, Major-General Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941) founded a uniformed woodcraft movement — the Boy Scouts — in 1908. Like the Boys' Brigade, the Scout movement has spread around the world. A sister organiza­tion to the Scouts, the Girl Guide Association, founded in 1910, also has a large membership worldwide. These organizations train boys and girls in various useful skills, such as lighting a fire, cooking, fishing, and for developing their character. Scouts traditionally carry a penknife and their motto is "Be prepared".

3. Young people have contributed to mass politi­cal movements of both left and right. In the 1930s there functioned youth Fascist organizations in Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany. After 1933 membership of the Nazi Hitler Youth became com­pulsory. In Britain some young people joined the Blackshirts. The Austrian Red Falcons were an active 1930s socialist movement.

Soviet Russia had Young Communist groups: Octobrist, Pioneer and Komsomol whose aim was political education of young people.

4. Since World War II the media have spoken a lot about the activities of various notorious youth cults, thus spreading information about them. The Teddy Boys of the 1950s, with their long jackets, vel­vet collars, drainpipe trousers and crepe-soled shoes were the first of the rebellious working-class youth cults. In the early 1960s came new groups such as the Mods, dressed in Italian-style clothes, and their leather-clad rivals, the Rockers, associated with motorcycles and rock-and-roll music.

The Hippies of the late 1960s were more middle-class. They experimented with drugs, lived in com­munities, grew their hair long, and were attracted to radical politics.

Skinheads combining elements of both Mods and Rockers and associated with the racism of the far right, arrived on the scene in the late 1960s. Punk Rockers achieved notoriety through the attention of the media in the late 1970s, with their unique “Mohican” hairstyles, vivid make-up, cas-off clothes and aggressive music. Several of these youth cultures wew recycled in the 1980s.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Young people are active participants intheir own history. Past generations of radical students have played a part in protests and revolutions against the existing order of society. A youth movements this sense has an ideological or political character.At the same time ordinary young people usually belong to a youth movement through membership of an adult-led, voluntary youth organization, such as the Scouts or Guides. There are also fashion-led "youth cultures", identified by types of dress, music and language. The term "youth movement" is so wide that it can refer to Punk Rockers as well as the Young Conservatives.2. The world's first voluntary youth organization was the Church-based Boys' Brigade, founded in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1883 by William Alexander Smith (1854-1914) and dedicated to religious edu­cation and developing the habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.In the 1900s, in Germany appeared a movement of middle-class students who took up open-air tramping. Richard Schirmann, a German schoolteacher, opened the first youth hostel in 1909. Youth hostels providing cheap accom­modation for young people are now found in most areas of the world.In England, Major-General Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941) founded a uniformed woodcraft movement — the Boy Scouts — in 1908. Like the Boys' Brigade, the Scout movement has spread around the world. A sister organiza­tion to the Scouts, the Girl Guide Association, founded in 1910, also has a large membership worldwide. These organizations train boys and girls in various useful skills, such as lighting a fire, cooking, fishing, and for developing their character. Scouts traditionally carry a penknife and their motto is "Be prepared".3. Young people have contributed to mass politi­cal movements of both left and right. In the 1930s there functioned youth Fascist organizations in Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany. After 1933 membership of the Nazi Hitler Youth became com­pulsory. In Britain some young people joined the Blackshirts. The Austrian Red Falcons were an active 1930s socialist movement.Soviet Russia had Young Communist groups: Octobrist, Pioneer and Komsomol whose aim was political education of young people.4. Since World War II the media have spoken a lot about the activities of various notorious youth cults, thus spreading information about them. The Teddy Boys of the 1950s, with their long jackets, vel­vet collars, drainpipe trousers and crepe-soled shoes were the first of the rebellious working-class youth cults. In the early 1960s came new groups such as the Mods, dressed in Italian-style clothes, and their leather-clad rivals, the Rockers, associated with motorcycles and rock-and-roll music.The Hippies of the late 1960s were more middle-class. They experimented with drugs, lived in com­munities, grew their hair long, and were attracted to radical politics.Skinheads combining elements of both Mods and Rockers and associated with the racism of the far right, arrived on the scene in the late 1960s. Punk Rockers achieved notoriety through the attention of the media in the late 1970s, with their unique “Mohican” hairstyles, vivid make-up, cas-off clothes and aggressive music. Several of these youth cultures wew recycled in the 1980s.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
молодые люди являются активными участникамисвою историю.предыдущие поколения радикальных студентов принимал участие в акциях протеста и революции против существующего порядка в обществе.а молодежных движений в этом смысле имеет идеологический или политический характер.в то же время обычные молодые люди, как правило, принадлежат молодежного движения через членство взрослого возглавлял молодежные общественные организации, такие, как скауты или руководства.существуют также моды привел "молодежных культур", определены виды платье, музыка и языка.термин "молодежного движения" является настолько широким, что он может относиться к панк - рокеров, а также молодых консерваторов.2.первый в мире молодежные общественные организации церковные мальчики "бригады, основанная в глазго, шотландия, в 1883 году уильям александр смит (1854-1914) и предназначен для религиозных EDU - катионом и развитие привычки послушания, почтения, дисциплина, уважать себя, и все, что имеет тенденцию к истинным христианином мужественность.в 1900 - х годов, в германии появилось движение среднего класса, студенты, которые заняли под открытым небом, который.ричард schirmann, немецкий учитель, открыли первый молодежный хостел в 1909 году.молодежные хостелы предоставляют дешевые процесс - modation для молодых людей уже установлено, что в большинстве районов мира.в англии, генерал - майор роберт баден - пауэлл (1857-1941), основанная в форме Woodcraft движения - бойскаутов - в 1908 году.как мальчики "бригады, скаутское движение распространилось по всему миру.сестра организаций - два в скауты, девушки - руководство ассоциации, основана в 1910 году, имеет также большое членство во всем мире.эти организации обучения мальчиков и девочек в различные полезные навыки, как, например, освещение, пожар, приготовление пищи, рыболовства, и для развития их характер.скауты, традиционно имеют ножом и их девиз "подготовиться".3.молодые люди предоставили для массового полити - кэл движений и вправо и влево.в 1930 - х годах там работали молодежи фашистских организаций в италии муссолини и гитлеровской германии.после 1933 года члены нацистских гитлерюгенд стал COM - pulsory.в великобритании несколько молодых людей к чернорубашечники.австрийский красный соколов активно 1930 - х годов социалистического движения.советская россия комсомольских групп: octobrist, пионерская и комсомольская, цель которых - политического образования молодежи.4.после второй мировой войны сми говорили много о деятельности различных известных молодежных культов, таким образом, распространение информации о них.тедди, мальчики из 50 - х, с длинными куртки, вэл - ветеран воротники, дренажной трубы брюки и креп подошвой обуви была первой из мятежной рабочей молодежи культов.в начале 60 - х годов пришли новые группы, такие, как модов, одетый в итальянском стиле одежды, и их кожа покрыта соперников, рокеры, связанных с мотоциклами и рок - н - ролл.хиппи из конца 60 - х годов были больше среднего класса.они провели эксперименты с наркотиками, жили в ком - munities, отращивали длинные волосы, и привлекают к радикальной политики.скинхеды, сочетающие элементы как моды и рокеры, и в связи с расизмом справа, на место происшествия прибыл в конце 1960 - х годов панк - рокеров, достигнутый известность благодаря. внимание сми в конце 1970 - х годов, с их уникальными "ирокезом" прически, яркий макияж, кас не одежду и агрессивную музыку.некоторые из этих молодежных культур new утилизации в 1980 - х годах.
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