If we caught cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cou перевод - If we caught cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cou русский как сказать

If we caught cold, have a splitting

If we caught cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cough, are running high temperature, we must go to the policlinic. First we come to the registry. The registry clerk on a duty asks our name, address, age and occupation .He writes out some slips because several specialists will examine us. Some of them will listen to our heart and lungs, some will check up our kidneys, liver, stomach, eyesight, and hearing. The others will make our blood analysis, take our blood pressure and x-ray us.

Our district doctor sees his patients in consulting room 4. A nurse gives us a thermometer to take our temperature. We must keep it under an armpit. Last time my temperature was 37,9.The doctor asked what my trouble was. He offered to sit down in a chair and to strip to the waist. He felt my pulse. It was faint and accelerated. Then I lay on the examination couch and the doctor palpated my abdomen. He asked me from what disease I suffered in my childhood. I suffered from scarlet fever. Now I felt dizzy and was damp with sweat. The doctor filled in my card and diagnosed the case as the flu.

Then he wrote out a prescription for some medicines: pills, powder, drops, and mixture. He also advised me to take a scalding footbath, to put a hot water bottle to my feet, to have hot tea with raspberry jam. That would keep my fever down. The result of my x-ray examination and blood analysis was normal. I had the prescription made at the chemist's. I followed the prescribed treatment to avoid complications. Every day I took a tablespoonful of mixture 3 times a day and some pills. In two days I was better and in a week I recovered from my illness. I began to take care of myself. Now I go in for sports because sports make me strong, healthy and cheerful. Every day I do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown to prevent myself from catching cold. There is a good proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's why I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

In case of sudden and severe illness or an accident calls are made to the first aid station. There the doctors are on duty all day long. There are many ambulances there. The ambulances are equipped with everything necessary to give the first aid. The patient is transported to hospital. There he is taken to the reception ward first. After questioning and examination the doctor fills in the patient's case history. Then a patient is given special clothes and is put to some ward for treatment. The doctors make their daily round there. They examine patients and prescribe different medicines and treatments.

When a patient is completely cured, he is discharged from the hospital. There are different departments in the hospital. They are: a surgical department, therapy, and the department of infectious diseases.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
If we caught cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cough, are running high temperature, we must go to the policlinic. First we come to the registry. The registry clerk on a duty asks our name, address, age and occupation .He writes out some slips because several specialists will examine us. Some of them will listen to our heart and lungs, some will check up our kidneys, liver, stomach, eyesight, and hearing. The others will make our blood analysis, take our blood pressure and x-ray us.Our district doctor sees his patients in consulting room 4. A nurse gives us a thermometer to take our temperature. We must keep it under an armpit. Last time my temperature was 37,9.The doctor asked what my trouble was. He offered to sit down in a chair and to strip to the waist. He felt my pulse. It was faint and accelerated. Then I lay on the examination couch and the doctor palpated my abdomen. He asked me from what disease I suffered in my childhood. I suffered from scarlet fever. Now I felt dizzy and was damp with sweat. The doctor filled in my card and diagnosed the case as the flu.Then he wrote out a prescription for some medicines: pills, powder, drops, and mixture. He also advised me to take a scalding footbath, to put a hot water bottle to my feet, to have hot tea with raspberry jam. That would keep my fever down. The result of my x-ray examination and blood analysis was normal. I had the prescription made at the chemist's. I followed the prescribed treatment to avoid complications. Every day I took a tablespoonful of mixture 3 times a day and some pills. In two days I was better and in a week I recovered from my illness. I began to take care of myself. Now I go in for sports because sports make me strong, healthy and cheerful. Every day I do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown to prevent myself from catching cold. There is a good proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's why I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.In case of sudden and severe illness or an accident calls are made to the first aid station. There the doctors are on duty all day long. There are many ambulances there. The ambulances are equipped with everything necessary to give the first aid. The patient is transported to hospital. There he is taken to the reception ward first. After questioning and examination the doctor fills in the patient's case history. Then a patient is given special clothes and is put to some ward for treatment. The doctors make their daily round there. They examine patients and prescribe different medicines and treatments.When a patient is completely cured, he is discharged from the hospital. There are different departments in the hospital. They are: a surgical department, therapy, and the department of infectious diseases.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
если мы простудился, голова болит, забитый нос, кашель, высока температура, мы должны пойти в поликлинику.сначала мы пошли в реестре.секретариат чиновника на местах требует наше имя, адрес, возраста и профессии. он пишет некоторые промахи из - за того, что некоторые специалисты будут изучать нас.некоторые из них будут слушать сердце и легкие, некоторые будут проверять наши почки, печень, желудок, зрение, и слух.другие станет проведение анализа крови, артериальное давление и рентген.наш район врач видит своих пациентов в консультационных заседаний 4.медсестра дает нам термометром принять нашу температуры.мы должны держать его под подмышкой.в последний раз я была температура 37, 9.the доктор спрашивает, что мои проблемы.он предложил сесть в кресло и раздеться до пояса.он считает, что мой пульс.она была слабой и ускорить.тогда я лежал на диване и изучения доктор palpated мой живот.он попросил меня от того, что болезнь я пережил в детстве.я страдал от скарлатины.теперь я почувствовал головокружение и было сыро, с потом.доктор заполнили мою карту и диагноз, так как грипп.затем он выписал рецепт на некоторые лекарства: таблетки, порошки, падает, и смесь.он также посоветовал мне занять ошпариванием footbath, положить грелку на ноги, на горячий чай с малиновым вареньем.что будет держать мою температуру.результат моего рентгеновское обследование и анализ крови в норме.у меня рецепт в аптеке. я следовал установленной лечение, чтобы избежать осложнений.каждый день я взял tablespoonful смеси 3 раза в день, а некоторые таблетки.через два дня я был лучше, и через неделю я оправился от моей болезни.я начал заботиться о себе.теперь я заниматься спортом, потому что спорт делает меня сильным, здоровым и жизнерадостным.каждый день я делаю утреннюю гимнастику и массаж, чтобы предотвратить простужен себя от простуды.есть хорошая пословица: яблоко в день продолжает врач.вот почему я ем много фруктов и овощей.в случае внезапной тяжелой болезни или несчастного случая, и призывы к первой помощи станции.там врачи на местах в течение всего дня.существует множество машин скорой помощи.машины оборудованы всем необходимым оказать первую помощь.пациент доставлен в больницу.там он взят на прием уорд.после допроса врач заполняет историю болезни пациента.тогда пациента с учетом специальной одежды и ставится на некоторые отделения для лечения.врачи делают ежедневно туда.они проверяют пациентов и предписывать различных лекарств и методов лечения.когда пациент полностью здоров, он будет выписан из больницы.существуют различные департаменты в больнице.они являются: хирургического отделения, терапия, и департамент инфекционных заболеваний.
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