Speaker A: This isn’t the job for someone who likes routine, because y перевод - Speaker A: This isn’t the job for someone who likes routine, because y украинский как сказать

Speaker A: This isn’t the job for s

Speaker A: This isn’t the job for someone who likes routine, because you never know what the next day is going to be like. This suits me, because I don’t like to plan far in advance anyway. Every day is different, and every day involves meeting new people. My problem is that I quickly get bored, so it’s good for me to have a job that gets me out and about. To do this job, you have to be a communicative person and be able to talk with anybody , because you meet all sorts of people. And you have to be spontaneous and react to the moments as it comes. I don’t think I could stand a job where you sit in an office all day. I like to be where the action is. Speaker B: When I tell people what my job is they say it must be very difficult and depressing but i don’t thing so . I think it’s a wonderful job. People say that it must involve a lot of personal sacrifice, I mean, there are all sorts of things that you have to do that most people wouldn’t like to do, but personally I don’t see it this way at all. In fact, I think I’m being selfish, because I’m doing what I want to do. I’ve always liked helping others. It gives me a good feeling and a sense of purpose. What amazes me is the sense of optimism my patients have. We have fun together and play games together. And, unlike in other jobs, you don’t have to put on an act. I used to feel sorry for such people before I got this job, but not any more. I wouldn’t change my job for the world. Speaker C: Many people thing that this is a dull and boring job, but I think it’s fascinating. I know I deal only with figures, but what’s important is what these figures mean. For example, the profit and loss account sump up the work of a business. You see exactly how well the business is doing and what it needs to do to improve its performance. And it’s a very challenging job. You have to play a lot of attention to even the smallest detail and be very systematic and methodical in what you do. I like this. I don’t like chaos but I do like putting things in order. It’s like doing a jigsaw puzzle. To start with, you’ve just got various bits that you need to put together, and at the end you have a complete picture of how the company is doing. I find this very satisfying. Speaker D: I like my job because I have a lot of contact with people. The thing is, I like helping people, and I fell good when they go away with what they want. I think you have to be friendly to do this job well. Sometimes , of course, I meet people who are in a very bad mood, and this depressed me at first. But later I’ve learned that the problem isn’t in me but in them. So I make an effort to be nice, and almost always they are nice back and even leave with a smile on their faces, which makes me fell good. I’d hate to be in job where you have to judge people or tell them that to do. I just like to help. Speaker E: After school, I went to university and studied economics and then got a job in a large corporation. I stood it for a few years, but then I quitted. I just didn’t fit in . the trouble was that there I wasn’t good at being told what to do and how to do it. All around me were procedures that I had to follow, and they often didn’t make sense. I could often see a better way of doing things, but my boss wanted me to stick to the procedures and not to break the rules. So I left my job, and then made my hobby my career. The great thing about my job is that I have to be creative. I see a piece of land, whether part of an estate or a back yard in a city, and think how to make the best of it in both practical and artistic terms, and although I enjoy the company of people, I love the freedom of working on the land.

Источник: http://5fan.info/yfsbewjgebewujg.html
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
Speaker A: This isn’t the job for someone who likes routine, because you never know what the next day is going to be like. This suits me, because I don’t like to plan far in advance anyway. Every day is different, and every day involves meeting new people. My problem is that I quickly get bored, so it’s good for me to have a job that gets me out and about. To do this job, you have to be a communicative person and be able to talk with anybody , because you meet all sorts of people. And you have to be spontaneous and react to the moments as it comes. I don’t think I could stand a job where you sit in an office all day. I like to be where the action is. Speaker B: When I tell people what my job is they say it must be very difficult and depressing but i don’t thing so . I think it’s a wonderful job. People say that it must involve a lot of personal sacrifice, I mean, there are all sorts of things that you have to do that most people wouldn’t like to do, but personally I don’t see it this way at all. In fact, I think I’m being selfish, because I’m doing what I want to do. I’ve always liked helping others. It gives me a good feeling and a sense of purpose. What amazes me is the sense of optimism my patients have. We have fun together and play games together. And, unlike in other jobs, you don’t have to put on an act. I used to feel sorry for such people before I got this job, but not any more. I wouldn’t change my job for the world. Speaker C: Many people thing that this is a dull and boring job, but I think it’s fascinating. I know I deal only with figures, but what’s important is what these figures mean. For example, the profit and loss account sump up the work of a business. You see exactly how well the business is doing and what it needs to do to improve its performance. And it’s a very challenging job. You have to play a lot of attention to even the smallest detail and be very systematic and methodical in what you do. I like this. I don’t like chaos but I do like putting things in order. It’s like doing a jigsaw puzzle. To start with, you’ve just got various bits that you need to put together, and at the end you have a complete picture of how the company is doing. I find this very satisfying. Speaker D: I like my job because I have a lot of contact with people. The thing is, I like helping people, and I fell good when they go away with what they want. I think you have to be friendly to do this job well. Sometimes , of course, I meet people who are in a very bad mood, and this depressed me at first. But later I’ve learned that the problem isn’t in me but in them. So I make an effort to be nice, and almost always they are nice back and even leave with a smile on their faces, which makes me fell good. I’d hate to be in job where you have to judge people or tell them that to do. I just like to help. Speaker E: After school, I went to university and studied economics and then got a job in a large corporation. I stood it for a few years, but then I quitted. I just didn’t fit in . the trouble was that there I wasn’t good at being told what to do and how to do it. All around me were procedures that I had to follow, and they often didn’t make sense. I could often see a better way of doing things, but my boss wanted me to stick to the procedures and not to break the rules. So I left my job, and then made my hobby my career. The great thing about my job is that I have to be creative. I see a piece of land, whether part of an estate or a back yard in a city, and think how to make the best of it in both practical and artistic terms, and although I enjoy the company of people, I love the freedom of working on the land. Источник: http://5fan.info/yfsbewjgebewujg.html
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
ХХХایس%20ти%20мають%20до 20% буде%20а%20комунікативних%20людина%20а%20бути%20здатні%20до 20% говорити%20з%20нікому%20, 20% через%20ти%20відповідають%20всі%20сортів%20з 20% людей.%20а%20ти%20мають%20до 20% буде%20спонтанні%20а%20реагують%20до 20% у 20% моменти%20а%20його%20приходить.%20I%20дон%E2%80%99т%20думати%20I%20б%20стенд%20а%20роботу%20де%20ти%20сидіти%20в 20-20-20, офіс 20%20всі%20день.%20I%20як%20до 20% буде%20де%20в%20дії%20.%20Спікер%20B:%%%%20а%20його%E2%80%99s%20а%20дуже%20складних%20роботу.%20ти%20мають%20до 20% грати%20а%20багато%20з 20% увагу%20до 20% навіть%20в%20найменша%20деталі%20а%20бути%20дуже%20системного%20а%20 методичних%20в 20-20-20, що ви 20%20.%20I%20як%20.%20I%20дон%E2%80%99т%20як%20хаос%20а%20I%20робити%20як%20введення%20речі%20в 20-20 порядку.%20його%E2%80%99s%20як%20ведення%20а%20jigsaw%20головоломки.%20до 20% починають%20, 20% ви%E2%80%99ve%20просто%20отримали 20% різних%20-бітових%20,%20ти%20потрібно%20до 20% покласти%20разом%%%%
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