Boniface and his wife, Pauline, live in Ongata Rongai, a small Kenyan  перевод - Boniface and his wife, Pauline, live in Ongata Rongai, a small Kenyan  русский как сказать

Boniface and his wife, Pauline, liv

Boniface and his wife, Pauline, live in Ongata Rongai, a small Kenyan town sandwiched between Nairobi national park and the Ngong hills. They have two daughters: Joyce Muthoni, who is eight and in her third year of school, and 16-month-old Sharon Wanjiru, who already understands the importance of the word "sweets".

Their home is a two-bedroom apartment, one of 20 in a single-storey U-shaped block just off the main road. In the living room, three metres by four, there is a sofa, a colour TV and a radio. The bedroom-cum-kitchen is crammed with a double bed, two bunks and a gas stove.

Boniface works as a taxi driver at Jomo Kenyatta International airport in the capital, Nairobi. Each morning he leaves home at 4.30am in his white Toyota Corolla - cracked windscreen, 200,000 miles on the clock - and is back by 10pm. On a good day he will find two clients; most days it's one. In a typical month he takes home about £140.

"It's a hard job but I like it," he says. "I meet new people, make new friends and feel that I have some experience of the world - even though I have never been outside Kenya."

Pauline, who used to work as a dressmaker and now stays at home to look after the kids, waits up for Boniface each night to heat his dinner. On the weekend, often the only time Boniface sees Joyce and Sharon, he likes to take the family to a restaurant near Nairobi city centre.

Boniface and Pauline met in 1994: "We were so interested in each other from the start," says Boniface. "I was looking for a woman with good habits, not a city girl. When I learned that Pauline was from the same district as me, it was perfect."

On Christmas Eve in 1995 they were married in "African style". There were no formalities apart from introducing their parents to each other. For the first few years they lived in a slum in Ongata Rongai, often eating only sukuma wiki (a fast-growing leafy green vegetable whose Swahili name means "stretch the week") for dinner, and no breakfast.

Their big break came in 1996 when Boniface, an avid cyclist, earned a spot on a 10-man team to compete in a 24-hour endurance race. His team finished second, and he won £60. He used the money to pay for driving lessons, and, in 1999, found part-time work as a driver. After two years of working at the airport, he was able to buy his own car.

But Boniface's salary does not go far. Rent is £30 a month, and he gives a similar amount to his parents, who do not work. They divorced when he was young, but recently got back together after 21 years apart.

"I have a sweet dad except when he is drunk," says Boniface.

As the most successful of six siblings, Boniface is also expected to help out the families of his brothers and sisters - and those on his wife's side.

"If anything happens, they always come to me," says Boniface. "When it comes to the end of the month I am always so stressed about money."

Joyce's school fees eat up a further £25 a month. Kenya's government introduced free primary education in 2003, a widely lauded move that drastically increased school enrolment. But Pauline says it has also diluted the quality of education, with too few teachers and facilities. So the Kamaus decided to send Joyce to a private school.

"We want to give our children the best education. We will do anything for that," says Pauline who, like her husband, never finished school owing to a lack of funds.

After doing her homework in the afternoon, Joyce enjoys reading and, even better, watching the Johnny Bravo cartoons broadcast on local television. She wants to be a doctor.

Next year, Sharon, an energetic toddler, will go to pre-school, which will allow Pauline more time to start her own business. A seamstress, she is currently taking lessons in embroidery.

By then, the family may be living in a new home - their own. The current apartment is rented, and though a big step up from the slums, it is not a good place to raise a family, says Boniface. All the tenants share a single outside tap. The long-drop toilets are also communal - one for every four families. During the rainy season, the sewage rises.

"We are tired of paying rent to landlords who have no respect," says Boniface, who plans to build a two or three-bedroom house in the Eastlands suburb of Nairobi.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Boniface and his wife, Pauline, live in Ongata Rongai, a small Kenyan town sandwiched between Nairobi national park and the Ngong hills. They have two daughters: Joyce Muthoni, who is eight and in her third year of school, and 16-month-old Sharon Wanjiru, who already understands the importance of the word "sweets".Their home is a two-bedroom apartment, one of 20 in a single-storey U-shaped block just off the main road. In the living room, three metres by four, there is a sofa, a colour TV and a radio. The bedroom-cum-kitchen is crammed with a double bed, two bunks and a gas stove.Boniface works as a taxi driver at Jomo Kenyatta International airport in the capital, Nairobi. Each morning he leaves home at 4.30am in his white Toyota Corolla - cracked windscreen, 200,000 miles on the clock - and is back by 10pm. On a good day he will find two clients; most days it's one. In a typical month he takes home about £140."It's a hard job but I like it," he says. "I meet new people, make new friends and feel that I have some experience of the world - even though I have never been outside Kenya."Pauline, who used to work as a dressmaker and now stays at home to look after the kids, waits up for Boniface each night to heat his dinner. On the weekend, often the only time Boniface sees Joyce and Sharon, he likes to take the family to a restaurant near Nairobi city centre.Boniface and Pauline met in 1994: "We were so interested in each other from the start," says Boniface. "I was looking for a woman with good habits, not a city girl. When I learned that Pauline was from the same district as me, it was perfect."On Christmas Eve in 1995 they were married in "African style". There were no formalities apart from introducing their parents to each other. For the first few years they lived in a slum in Ongata Rongai, often eating only sukuma wiki (a fast-growing leafy green vegetable whose Swahili name means "stretch the week") for dinner, and no breakfast.Their big break came in 1996 when Boniface, an avid cyclist, earned a spot on a 10-man team to compete in a 24-hour endurance race. His team finished second, and he won £60. He used the money to pay for driving lessons, and, in 1999, found part-time work as a driver. After two years of working at the airport, he was able to buy his own car.But Boniface's salary does not go far. Rent is £30 a month, and he gives a similar amount to his parents, who do not work. They divorced when he was young, but recently got back together after 21 years apart."I have a sweet dad except when he is drunk," says Boniface.As the most successful of six siblings, Boniface is also expected to help out the families of his brothers and sisters - and those on his wife's side."If anything happens, they always come to me," says Boniface. "When it comes to the end of the month I am always so stressed about money."Joyce's school fees eat up a further £25 a month. Kenya's government introduced free primary education in 2003, a widely lauded move that drastically increased school enrolment. But Pauline says it has also diluted the quality of education, with too few teachers and facilities. So the Kamaus decided to send Joyce to a private school."We want to give our children the best education. We will do anything for that," says Pauline who, like her husband, never finished school owing to a lack of funds.After doing her homework in the afternoon, Joyce enjoys reading and, even better, watching the Johnny Bravo cartoons broadcast on local television. She wants to be a doctor.Next year, Sharon, an energetic toddler, will go to pre-school, which will allow Pauline more time to start her own business. A seamstress, she is currently taking lessons in embroidery.By then, the family may be living in a new home - their own. The current apartment is rented, and though a big step up from the slums, it is not a good place to raise a family, says Boniface. All the tenants share a single outside tap. The long-drop toilets are also communal - one for every four families. During the rainy season, the sewage rises."We are tired of paying rent to landlords who have no respect," says Boniface, who plans to build a two or three-bedroom house in the Eastlands suburb of Nairobi.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Бонифаций и его жена, Полин, живут в Ongata Rongai, небольшой кенийского города Найроби зажатой между национальным парком и холмы Нгонг. У них есть две дочери:. Джойс Мутони, который восемь и в ее третий год в школе, и 16-месячным Шарон Ванджиру, кто уже понимает важность слова "конфет"

Их дом является двухкомнатная квартира, одна 20 в одноэтажных U-образного блока в непосредственной близости от главной дороги. В гостиной, три метра на четыре, есть диван, цветной телевизор и радио. В спальне наземно-кухня переполнена с двуспальной кроватью, двумя спальными местами и газовой плитой.

Бонифаций работает водителем такси в Джомо Кеньятта международного аэропорта в столице Найроби. Каждое утро он выходит из дома в 4:30 в своей белой Toyota Corolla - трещины лобового стекла, 200000 миль на часы - и обратно 10pm. В хороший день он найдет два клиента; большинство дней это одно. В типичном месяце он берет домой около £ 140.

"Это тяжелая работа , но мне это нравится" , говорит он. "Я встречаюсь с новыми людьми, завести новых друзей и чувствовать , что у меня есть некоторый опыт в мире. - Хотя я никогда не был за пределами Кении"

Полины, которая работала портнихой и теперь остается дома , чтобы ухаживать за детьми, ждет на Бонифация каждую ночь , чтобы нагреть его обед. В выходные дни, часто единственный раз , когда Бонифаций видит Джойс и Шарон, он любит , чтобы взять семью в ресторан недалеко от центра города Найроби.

Бонифаций и Полин встретились в 1994 году: "Мы были так заинтересованы друг в друге с самого начала," говорит Бонифаций , "Я искал женщину с хорошими привычками, а не городской девушки. Когда я узнал , что Полин был из того же района , как и я, это было прекрасно."

В канун Рождества в 1995 году они поженились в "африканском стиле". Там не было каких - либо формальностей , кроме введения своих родителей друг к другу. В течение первых нескольких лет они жили в трущобах в Ongata Rongai, часто едят только сукума вики (быстрорастущий зеленые листовые овощи , чьи суахили название означает "растянуть неделю") на обед и без завтрака.

Их большой прорыв произошел в 1996 году когда Бонифаций, заядлый велосипедист, получил место на 10 человек команды , чтобы конкурировать в гонке на выносливость в 24-часовой. Его команда заняла второе место , и он выиграл £ 60. Он использовал деньги , чтобы платить за уроки вождения, и в 1999 году , нашли неполный рабочий день в качестве водителя. После двух лет работы в аэропорту, он был в состоянии купить свой автомобиль.

Но зарплата Бонифация не уедешь. Арендная плата £ 30 в месяц, и он дает такую же сумму своим родителям, которые не работают. Они развелись , когда он был молод, но в последнее время вернулся вместе после того, как 21 лет друг от друга.

" У меня есть сладкий папа за исключением того, когда он пьян," говорит Бонифаций. По

мере того как самый успешный из шести братьев и сестер, Бонифаций также ожидается , чтобы помочь семьям из его братьев и сестер. - и тех , кто на стороне его жены

"Если что - нибудь случится, они всегда приходят ко мне," говорит Бонифаций. "Когда дело доходит до конца месяца я всегда так подчеркнул , о деньгах."

Гонорары школы Джойса съесть еще один £ 25 в месяц. Правительство Кении ввело бесплатное начальное образование в 2003 году, широко хвалили движение , которое резко увеличило охват детей школьным образованием. Но Полина говорит , что он также разводили качества образования, слишком мало учителей и сооружений. Таким образом, Kamaus решил отправить Джойс в частную школу.

"Мы хотим дать нашим детям лучшее образование. Мы будем делать все для этого" , говорит Полин , который, как и ее муж, никогда не закончил школу из - за отсутствия средств.

После того, как делает свою домашнюю работу во второй половине дня, Джойс любит читать и, еще лучше, смотреть мультфильмы Джонни Браво , транслируемые по местному телевидению. Она хочет стать врачом. В

следующем году, Шарон, энергичный малыш, пойдет в дошкольном, которая позволит Полин больше времени , чтобы начать свой собственный бизнес. . Швея, она в настоящее время берет уроки вышивки

К тому времени, семья может жить в новом доме - свои собственные. В настоящее время квартира сдана в аренду, и хотя большой шаг от трущоб, это не очень хорошее место , чтобы растить детей, говорит Бонифаций. Все арендаторы совместно используют один внешний кран. Туалеты на большие капли также коммунально - по одному на каждые четыре семьи. Во время сезона дождей, сточные воды поднимается.

"Мы устали платить арендную плату арендодателям , которые не имеют никакого уважения," говорит Бонифаций, который планирует построить два или три-комнатный дом в Eastlands пригороде Найроби.
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