— I know that there are many types of natural scenery in England. But  перевод - — I know that there are many types of natural scenery in England. But  русский как сказать

— I know that there are many types

— I know that there are many types of natural scenery in England. But what is there in the English landscape that strikes the eye of the stranger used to other countries?

— Its "park-like" appearance, I believe. England in truth looks like one great well-ordered park with its old trees, green meadows and hedges.[66]

— But as far as I know the hedges take up a considerable part of soil suitable for ploughing.

— They do. But the Englishman loves the green of England with its hedges, tender-green in spring, covered with leaf and flower in summer, a blaze of gold and red in autumn. In winter too they are still beautiful with a few scarlet berries almost burning in the frost.

— And yet, if England swept away her hedges and put in their place fences the saving of land would be enormous.

— But much of the park-like beauty of the countryside would be gone and with it the peculiar character of the English landscape.

— I hear there are a lot of lovely gardens all along the English countryside. Are English people fond of gardening?

— They are. Almost every one in England tries to come in touch with a bit of plant life. In the East of London you may see workingman's "flats" with their window gardens. In the West End, land which is worth many thousands of pounds per acre is devoted to garden use. In the small suburban villas a very considerable tax of money and labour is paid in the effort to keep in good order a little pocket handkerchief of lawn and a few shrubs.

— Well, I think that this proves that the Englishman is at heart a great lover of nature, though he is supposed to be such a prosaic and practical person.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
— I know that there are many types of natural scenery in England. But what is there in the English landscape that strikes the eye of the stranger used to other countries?— Its "park-like" appearance, I believe. England in truth looks like one great well-ordered park with its old trees, green meadows and hedges.[66]— But as far as I know the hedges take up a considerable part of soil suitable for ploughing.— They do. But the Englishman loves the green of England with its hedges, tender-green in spring, covered with leaf and flower in summer, a blaze of gold and red in autumn. In winter too they are still beautiful with a few scarlet berries almost burning in the frost.— And yet, if England swept away her hedges and put in their place fences the saving of land would be enormous.— But much of the park-like beauty of the countryside would be gone and with it the peculiar character of the English landscape.— I hear there are a lot of lovely gardens all along the English countryside. Are English people fond of gardening?— They are. Almost every one in England tries to come in touch with a bit of plant life. In the East of London you may see workingman's "flats" with their window gardens. In the West End, land which is worth many thousands of pounds per acre is devoted to garden use. In the small suburban villas a very considerable tax of money and labour is paid in the effort to keep in good order a little pocket handkerchief of lawn and a few shrubs.— Well, I think that this proves that the Englishman is at heart a great lover of nature, though he is supposed to be such a prosaic and practical person.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
- я знаю, что существует много видов природных пейзажей в англии.но то, что есть в английском ландшафта, что бросается в глаза от незнакомца, используемых для других стран?- "парк" внешний вид, я полагаю.в англии в правду выглядит отлично отлаженных парк с его старых деревьев, зеленые луга и хеджирование. [66]- но, насколько я знаю, кустарником расходуется значительная часть почвы подходят для вспашки.- они делают.но англичанин любит зеленой англии с кустарником, тендер зеленые весной, покрытые листьев и цветов летом, блеске золота и красного осенью.зимой тоже, они по - прежнему красивой, с несколько скарлет ягод почти горит в мороз.- и все же, если англия смела ее живые изгороди и поставить на их месте ограждения спасение земли будут огромными.- но большая часть парка как красоту деревни исчезли бы и с этим особым характером английский пейзаж.- я слышал, там много прекрасных садов вдоль всей английской сельской местности.англичане любителям садоводства?- они.почти все в англии пытается войти в контакт с немного растительной жизни.на востоке лондона, вы можете увидеть работающий "квартиры" с их окна сады.в вест - энде, земли, на которой стоит тысячи фунтов за акр уделяет сад.в небольшом пригородных виллы очень значительных налоговых денег и труда выплачивается в попытке сохранить порядок в маленький носовой платок от газона и несколько кустарников.- ну, я думаю, что это доказывает, что поэт в душе большой любитель природы, несмотря на то, что он должен быть такой прозаичной и практических лица.
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