need for of the cadastre concept.a cadastre may be de перевод - need for of the cadastre concept.a cadastre may be de русский как сказать

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need for cadastre.

origins of the cadastre concept.

a cadastre may be defined as a record of interests in land, econompassing both the nature and extent of these interests. An interests in land (or property right) may be narrowly construed as a legal right capable of ownership or more broadly interpreted to include any uniquely reconized relationspip among people with regard to the acquisition and managment of land. According to the French etymologist Blondheim, the term cadastre is probably derived from the Greek word katastichon, meaning notebook. In Latin, the term gradually evoled to captastrum, or register of territorial taxation untis into which Roman provinces were divided.
Precurisoty cadastral arrangements may be traced to the earliest agricultural settlements along the Tigris, Eurhrates and Nile Rivers. In the pristine Egyptian state, revenues for the Pharaohs and the priesthood were met principally by taxes on the land. For purposes of taxation, the land was measured and the boundaries demarcated. Clay tablets unearthed from the ancient ruins of Sumerian villages provide records of charges against the land, maps of tawn and tracts of land, area computation, and, most notably, court trials adjudicating ownership and boundary disputes. The Greek and Romans established elaborate landrecord systems primarialy in support of land taxation policies.
One of the most famous cadastral projects was the Domesday Book of Norman England. the Domesday Book was primarly a collection of facts about the land and its improvements made for fiscal purposes. The actual collection of data was carried out during 1085-1086 and covered all of England with the exception of the four northern counties and the cities of London and Winchester. Similary, Louis provided for the first measurement and assessment of French lands in 1115.
The origins of what has come to be accepted as the modern cadastre concept are found in the development of the cadastre systems of Continental Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Like the earlier efforts, these were fundamentally designed for taxation or fiscal purposes. The Milanese cadastre mapping program conducted between 1720 and 1723 was one of the earliest efforts to establish a fiscal cadastre in the modern sense. This program generated a series of estate maps at a scale of 1:2000 for the Italian Provinces of Milan and Mantua shortly after they were acquired by the Austrians. Somewhat later, the program was expanded when Emperor Joseph 2 ordered a cadastral survey for the entire territory encompassed by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In 1807, Napoleon appointed the mathematician Delambre to chair a Commission given the task: - to survey... more than 100 million parcels, to classify these parcels by the fertility of the soil, and to evaluate the productive capacity of each one; to bring together under the name of each owner a list of the separate parcels which he owns.
Some scholars have suggested that most of these eightwwnth and nineteenth century European efforts to develop land taxation or fiscal cadasters were motivated by the economic principles of the Physiocrat movement. The Physiocrats held that the earth is the basis of all riches. This concept evolved over time into complex differential tax-assessment systems, based in part on differing land uses.
In addition, it appears that as early as the seventeenth century, the Europeans developed an understanding abd appreciation of the cadastre concept for purposes beyond taxation.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
need for of the cadastre concept.a cadastre may be defined as a record of interests in land, econompassing both the nature and extent of these interests. An interests in land (or property right) may be narrowly construed as a legal right capable of ownership or more broadly interpreted to include any uniquely reconized relationspip among people with regard to the acquisition and managment of land. According to the French etymologist Blondheim, the term cadastre is probably derived from the Greek word katastichon, meaning notebook. In Latin, the term gradually evoled to captastrum, or register of territorial taxation untis into which Roman provinces were divided.Precurisoty cadastral arrangements may be traced to the earliest agricultural settlements along the Tigris, Eurhrates and Nile Rivers. In the pristine Egyptian state, revenues for the Pharaohs and the priesthood were met principally by taxes on the land. For purposes of taxation, the land was measured and the boundaries demarcated. Clay tablets unearthed from the ancient ruins of Sumerian villages provide records of charges against the land, maps of tawn and tracts of land, area computation, and, most notably, court trials adjudicating ownership and boundary disputes. The Greek and Romans established elaborate landrecord systems primarialy in support of land taxation policies. One of the most famous cadastral projects was the Domesday Book of Norman England. the Domesday Book was primarly a collection of facts about the land and its improvements made for fiscal purposes. The actual collection of data was carried out during 1085-1086 and covered all of England with the exception of the four northern counties and the cities of London and Winchester. Similary, Louis provided for the first measurement and assessment of French lands in 1115.The origins of what has come to be accepted as the modern cadastre concept are found in the development of the cadastre systems of Continental Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Like the earlier efforts, these were fundamentally designed for taxation or fiscal purposes. The Milanese cadastre mapping program conducted between 1720 and 1723 was one of the earliest efforts to establish a fiscal cadastre in the modern sense. This program generated a series of estate maps at a scale of 1:2000 for the Italian Provinces of Milan and Mantua shortly after they were acquired by the Austrians. Somewhat later, the program was expanded when Emperor Joseph 2 ordered a cadastral survey for the entire territory encompassed by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In 1807, Napoleon appointed the mathematician Delambre to chair a Commission given the task: - to survey... more than 100 million parcels, to classify these parcels by the fertility of the soil, and to evaluate the productive capacity of each one; to bring together under the name of each owner a list of the separate parcels which he owns.Some scholars have suggested that most of these eightwwnth and nineteenth century European efforts to develop land taxation or fiscal cadasters were motivated by the economic principles of the Physiocrat movement. The Physiocrats held that the earth is the basis of all riches. This concept evolved over time into complex differential tax-assessment systems, based in part on differing land uses.In addition, it appears that as early as the seventeenth century, the Europeans developed an understanding abd appreciation of the cadastre concept for purposes beyond taxation.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
необходимость в кадастр.истоки кадастровая концепция.а кадастр может быть определена как учет интересов в землю, econompassing как характер и масштабы этих интересов.все интересы в отношении земли (или имущественного права) может быть узко в качестве законного права собственности, или может толковаться более широко для включения каких - либо уникальными признанное подтверждение вашей компетенции relationspip среди людей в том, что касается приобретения и управления земельных ресурсов.по данным французской etymologist blondheim термин кадастра, вероятно, от греческого слова katastichon, то есть ноутбук.по латыни, термин постепенно evoled на captastrum или регистр территориальных налоговых untis, в который римские провинции разделились.precurisoty кадастровые мероприятия могут быть связаны с ранних сельскохозяйственных поселений вдоль рек тигр, eurhrates и нил.в первозданном египетского государства, доходов на фараонов и духовенство, были удовлетворены, главным образом, от налогов на землю.для целей налогообложения, земля была измерена и границы демаркирована.глиняных обнаружены древние руины шумерского из деревни предоставляют отчеты обвинений против земли, карты tawn и участки земли, в области расчета, и, в первую очередь, судебных процессов рассмотрения ответственности и пограничных споров.греческие и римляне создал сложные landrecord систем primarialy в поддержку земельной политики налогообложения.один из самых известных кадастровой проектов была книга страшного суда нормана англии.эта книга страшного суда был primarly сбор фактов о земле и ее улучшения, внесенные в финансовых целях.фактически сбор данных осуществляется в 1085-1086 и охватывает все англии, за исключением четырех северных районах и городах лондоне и винчестер.аналогично, луи, предусмотренные первой оценки французские земли в 1115.происхождение, что стало восприниматься как современного кадастра концепции находятся в разработке кадастров в континентальной европе в XVIII и XIX веков.как ранее усилия, они были, по сути, предназначенные для налогообложения или финансовых целях.в миланской кадастровая съемка программы, проводимой между 1720 и 1723 был одним из первых усилия по созданию налоговых кадастров в современном смысле.эта программа вызвала ряд недвижимости картах в масштабе 1:2000 в итальянской провинции, милан и мантуя вскоре после того, как они были приобретены австрийцев.чуть позже, эта программа была расширена, когда император иосиф 2 заказал кадастровой съемки для всей территории страны, охватываемые австро - венгерской монархии.в 1807 году наполеон назначил математик деламбре председателем комиссии поручено: - для обследования.более 100 млн. земельных участков, для классификации этих участков плодородия почвы, и оценить производственного потенциала каждого из них; объединить под именем каждый владелец список отдельных участков, которые он владеет.некоторые ученые считают, что большинство этих eightwwnth и XIX века европейская усилия по разработке земельного налогообложения или финансовых cadasters были продиктованы экономических принципов physiocrat движения.The физиократов постановил, что земля является основой всех богатств.эта концепция развивается в сложных дифференциальных систем налогообложения на основе, в частности, различные виды землепользования.кроме того, представляется, что в начале XVII века, европейцы разработали понимание абд признательность кадастр концепцию для целей после налогообложения.
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