Nowadays people travel on business and as tourists more than in the pa перевод - Nowadays people travel on business and as tourists more than in the pa русский как сказать

Nowadays people travel on business

Nowadays people travel on business and as tourists more than in the past. In big cities there are a lot of good hotels. Accommodations as well as rates vary from hotel to hotel. There are deluxe hotels, the most luxurious and the most expensive, resort hotels used for entertainment or recreation. Still, if you do not want to get disappointed, it is advisable to book accommoda¬tion beforehand by fax or telephone, especially if you are visiting the town during the summer months. If you do not book accommodation beforehand, you may have to leave the hotel because it is fully booked up. That would be an unpleasant experience, especially if you arrived late at night.
Rooms in most hotels have all modern conveniences: central heating, air conditioning, bathroom, hairdryer, trouser press, telephone, satellite TV and others. Service is usually quite satisfactory. You can take a single room, a double room or a suite, charges varying accordingly. If you can't stand the noise of the street, do not take an outside room, ask for an inside one.
Service is supposed to begin at the door. When your taxi stops at the entrance to the hotel the doorman and the bellboy help you with the luggage. The doorman is very important during the reception procedure. He is stationed at the entrance to the hotel and assists the guests in and out of taxis and cars, calls for cabs. In the lobby of a hotel there is a registration or front desk where the guests check in and out, pick up and deposit keys and so on. The guest is given a registration card to fill out the name and permanent address. The desk clerk or receptionist enters the guest’s room number, the room rate, and the arrival and departure dates into the computer. Then he asks the guest to sign his or her name. When the guests are through with the formalities, the bellboy takes them and their luggage up in the lift and shows them to their room.
At the hotel you can get various services. If you want to have your suit pressed or dry cleaned, your shirt ironed, or your laundry done, you should ring for the maid and she will see to it that everything is done. You can also have your meals served in your room. In the lobby of a hotel there are a lot of offices: a booking office, post and telegraph offices, an information desk supervised by the concierge. At the information desk you can enquire about the departures and arrivals of trains and flights, about telephone numbers and addresses of offices and private individuals and about a lot of other things. Concierges are always ready to help the guests and provide them with all kinds of useful information. In the same building there are also restaurants, bars, cafeterias, beauty parlours, saunas, steam rooms and massage rooms, along with fully equipped supervised gyms and swimming pools.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Nowadays people travel on business and as tourists more than in the past. In big cities there are a lot of good hotels. Accommodations as well as rates vary from hotel to hotel. There are deluxe hotels, the most luxurious and the most expensive, resort hotels used for entertainment or recreation. Still, if you do not want to get disappointed, it is advisable to book accommoda¬tion beforehand by fax or telephone, especially if you are visiting the town during the summer months. If you do not book accommodation beforehand, you may have to leave the hotel because it is fully booked up. That would be an unpleasant experience, especially if you arrived late at night.Rooms in most hotels have all modern conveniences: central heating, air conditioning, bathroom, hairdryer, trouser press, telephone, satellite TV and others. Service is usually quite satisfactory. You can take a single room, a double room or a suite, charges varying accordingly. If you can't stand the noise of the street, do not take an outside room, ask for an inside one. Service is supposed to begin at the door. When your taxi stops at the entrance to the hotel the doorman and the bellboy help you with the luggage. The doorman is very important during the reception procedure. He is stationed at the entrance to the hotel and assists the guests in and out of taxis and cars, calls for cabs. In the lobby of a hotel there is a registration or front desk where the guests check in and out, pick up and deposit keys and so on. The guest is given a registration card to fill out the name and permanent address. The desk clerk or receptionist enters the guest’s room number, the room rate, and the arrival and departure dates into the computer. Then he asks the guest to sign his or her name. When the guests are through with the formalities, the bellboy takes them and their luggage up in the lift and shows them to their room.At the hotel you can get various services. If you want to have your suit pressed or dry cleaned, your shirt ironed, or your laundry done, you should ring for the maid and she will see to it that everything is done. You can also have your meals served in your room. In the lobby of a hotel there are a lot of offices: a booking office, post and telegraph offices, an information desk supervised by the concierge. At the information desk you can enquire about the departures and arrivals of trains and flights, about telephone numbers and addresses of offices and private individuals and about a lot of other things. Concierges are always ready to help the guests and provide them with all kinds of useful information. In the same building there are also restaurants, bars, cafeterias, beauty parlours, saunas, steam rooms and massage rooms, along with fully equipped supervised gyms and swimming pools.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
в настоящее время люди в командировку, и в качестве туристов больше, чем в прошлом.в больших городах есть много хороших отелей.помещений, а также ставки варьируются от отеля до отеля.существует Deluxe Hotels, самый роскошный и самые дорогие, курортные отели, используемых для развлечения и досуга.но, если вы не хотите, чтобы разочароваться, желательно, чтобы книга accommoda ¬ акция заранее по телефону или факсу, особенно, если вы находитесь в городе в летние месяцы.если вы не забронировать заранее, возможно, вам придется покинуть отель, потому что он полностью расписано.это будет неприятным опытом, особенно если ты приехал поздно ночью.номера в большинстве отелей располагают всеми современными удобствами: центральное отопление, кондиционер, ванная комната, туалет, пресс для брюк, телефон, спутниковое телевидение и другие.службы обычно является вполне удовлетворительным.вы можете взять одноместный номер, двухместный номер или люкс, обвинения в той или иной соответственно.если ты не можешь стоять шум улицы, не принять за пределами зала, попросить внутри одного.служба должна начинаться на дверь.когда ваше такси останавливается у входа в отель, как и посыльный помочь с багажом.швейцар, очень важно во время процедуры приема.он находится у входа в отель и помогает гостям в и из такси и машины, призывает к такси.в вестибюле отеля является регистрация или сад, где гости проверить и трубку и ключи и так далее.гости получают регистрационные карточки заполнить имя и постоянного адреса.портье или секретарша входит гостя номер, номера и даты прибытия и отправления в компьютер.затем он просит гость подписать его или ее имя.когда гости через формальности, посыльный, принимает их и их багаж в лифте и показывает их в комнате.в отеле вы можете получить различные услуги.если вы хотите, чтобы ваш костюм нажали или химчистку, рубашки, гладил, или твое белье, вы должны позвонить горничной, и она будет следить за тем, чтобы все это сделать.также вы можете иметь ваш обед подан в номер.в вестибюле отеля есть много отделений: в кассе, почтово - телеграфных учреждениях, информационный стол под консьержа.в бюро информации вы можете узнать о выезде и прибытия поездов и самолетов, телефонные номера и адреса офисов и частных лиц, и многое другое.антикварных всегда готовы помочь гостям и предоставить им все виды полезную информацию.в том же здании, есть рестораны, бары, кафе, салонов красоты, саунами, паровой и массажные кабинеты, наряду с полностью оборудованной под спортивные залы и бассейн.
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