Theyknew that in the Turkish dominions there were tenor fourteen milli перевод - Theyknew that in the Turkish dominions there were tenor fourteen milli русский как сказать

Theyknew that in the Turkish domini

knew that in the Turkish dominions there were ten
or fourteen millions of men holding exactly the same
faith as themselves, who were kept down in thraldom
by the Moslems, and they had heard tales of the
sufferings of these their brethren which seemed to
call for vengeance. The very indulgence with which
the Turks had allowed these Christians to have a
distinct corporate existence in the Empire gave
weight to their prayers ; for, instead of being only a
disorganised multitude of sufl'erers, they seemed to
be, as it were, a suppliant nation, ever kneeling before
the great Czar, and imploring him to deliver them
from their captivity. It was not possible for the
_Russian people to conceive any enterprise more
worthy of their nation and their Church than to raise
high the banner of the Cross, drive the infidel Turks
out of Europe, and cause the broad provinces in which
their Christian brethren lived and suffered to be
blended with ‘ Holy Russia.’ It is true that the
Muscovite peasants were not an enterprising race of
men, and it might be hard perhaps to find a villager
who, if he could have his choice, would rather be a
soldier of the Cross than remain at home in his but ;
but the people knew that, whether there were peace
or whether there were war, the exigency of their
Czar’s military system would always go on consuming their youth ; and since this engine of a vast standing 0 1%} P.
army was destined to be kept up and to be fed with their flesh and blood, they desired in their simple
hearts that it should be used for a purpose which
they believed to be holy and righteous. To a cause
having all these sanctions the voice of prophecy
could not be wanting. Seers foretold the destruction of the Turks by the men of the yellow hair.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Theyknew that in the Turkish dominions there were tenor fourteen millions of men holding exactly the samefaith as themselves, who were kept down in thraldomby the Moslems, and they had heard tales of thesufferings of these their brethren which seemed tocall for vengeance. The very indulgence with whichthe Turks had allowed these Christians to have adistinct corporate existence in the Empire gaveweight to their prayers ; for, instead of being only adisorganised multitude of sufl'erers, they seemed tobe, as it were, a suppliant nation, ever kneeling beforethe great Czar, and imploring him to deliver themfrom their captivity. It was not possible for the_Russian people to conceive any enterprise moreworthy of their nation and their Church than to raisehigh the banner of the Cross, drive the infidel Turksout of Europe, and cause the broad provinces in whichtheir Christian brethren lived and suffered to beblended with ‘ Holy Russia.’ It is true that theMuscovite peasants were not an enterprising race ofmen, and it might be hard perhaps to find a villagerwho, if he could have his choice, would rather be asoldier of the Cross than remain at home in his but ;but the people knew that, whether there were peaceor whether there were war, the exigency of theirCzar’s military system would always go on consuming their youth ; and since this engine of a vast standing 0 1%} was destined to be kept up and to be fed with their flesh and blood, they desired in their simplehearts that it should be used for a purpose whichthey believed to be holy and righteous. To a causehaving all these sanctions the voice of prophecycould not be wanting. Seers foretold the destruction of the Turks by the men of the yellow hair.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
они знали, что в турецкой владений ", было 10
или четырнадцать миллионов мужчин, занимающих же
вера в себя, которые содержались в thraldom
со стороны мусульман, и они слышали рассказы о
страданий этих своих братьев, которые, как представляется,
призыв к мести.очень снисходительно, с которой
турки позволило эти христиане были
отличие существование корпорации в империи дал
вес их молитвы; вместо того, чтобы только
disorganised множество су'erers конфликта, они, по - видимому,
быть, как говорится, проситель нации, все на колени перед
великого царя, и настоятельно призвал его доставить их
из заточения.не было возможности для
_russian людей воспринимать любое предприятие более
достойными своей страны и своей церкви, чем поднимать
высокого знамя крест, водить в благом - дель - турки
из европы, и вызвать широкий провинций, в которых
их христианских братьев жил и страдал бы
из "святая русь". это правда, что
москвич крестьян не предприимчивый гонки
мужчин, и это может быть трудно определить, возможно, и деревенской
,,если бы он мог его выбор, лучше быть
солдат крест, чем оставаться дома, в его, но;
но люди знали это, существуют ли мир
или были ли война, необходимость их
царских военной системы будет всегда много своей молодежи; и поскольку этот двигатель огромная постоянного 0 1%) p.
армии было суждено оставаться и кормить их конфликта с эш - и кровь,они хотят их просто
сердца, что она должна быть использована для целей, которые они считали святым и [праведных.делу
что все эти санкции голос пророчество: не может быть несколько.провидцы предсказал разрушение турки на мужчин желтые волосы.
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